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Status Updates posted by Dirk

  1. Dirk

    Good luck!

  2. Thank You!!!!

  3. Congrats, can you please update when whe gets the visa in hand? Our interview is this week and I'm trying to judge when. I am flying to get her

  4. Anytime, if you need more help let me know. Good luck!!

  5. my thoughts to you would be to make sure your fiancé has all paperwork NBI, CENOMAR birth certificate and passport ready to go, same with you. It was $135 to FedEx documents to my fiance. You are very close, but you have still have hopes for her being her for Christmas if all goes well

  6. (603) 334-0700. All you need is your case number from USCIS, your date of birth and your finances date of birth

  7. Once I got the NOA2 I called the NVC daily till I got my embassy case number, I then waited 3 days then filed for an interview online for my finance, I then started calling the NVC again to find out when they approved and forwarded her case to the embassy. I was told each time by NVC that I would get an email and letter when they forwarded the case, as of today I never got such a thing.

  8. Congrats,I see you had to do a CRBA, was your fiancé there for the interview for CRBA? Can you provide updates on when you get your child's us passport? We are down to the wire and she made give prior to getting to the US so I am trying to get a better understanding in case we need to do one, salamat Po

  9. Hello from Delaware I hope you get approved soon

  10. Got back from the PI, My future Filipino family was fantastic. My advice to people, make sure you understand your girls past, before comitting to the process. I hit the lotto with mine:)

    1. Brad_Lien


      congrats on ur noa2

  11. Headed to PI to see my honey... It's much easier than worrying about the wait

    1. Terry Diment

      Terry Diment

      They said it would be 5 to 10 days. But I will let you know when she has it in her hand. Don't forget she has to do the CFO as well.

  12. How long does it take to get a rejected k-1 for sending the wrong check.... It's been 3 weeks

  13. Just Mailed the K1 129k package. Let the wait begin

    1. Bri & Mar

      Bri & Mar

      Welcome the the "Hurry up and Wait" club!! This is the hard part now. We are almost 7 weeks into our wait now and being apart sucks. Good luck!!!!!!!

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