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Posts posted by EErika

  1. by way of update, we saw online that my husband's GC was approved March 31. We turned our RFE around quickly and included

    -tax transcripts and 2015 return

    -savings account statements since inception of account($ only goes in, not out)...voided checks from our personal accounts to prove the contributions were coming from both of us

    -a letter from me explaining why we haven't taken out major loans and why mortgage and all bills are still in my name

    -health insurance print outs from website showing coverage with 3 diff providers from around beginning of marriage to now

    -2 copies showing coverage on car insurance for my old car and new car ( he only had permit during these times)

    -copy of my license, his id card, then his license

    -affidavit from family friend

    The RFE was in their hands for about 4 days... received on March 28 approved March 31. We are obviously pleasantly surprised by the speed!

    Thank you for your help.

    As my last 2 cents on the topic I would say that I don't agree with the oftentimes flippant suggestions I see in response to other's RFE questions to "go online and fill out POA or a will." These are serious legal docs with serious implications regardless the outcome of the marriage. To suggest to people whose emotions are often running high and stressed looking for answers to "fill out a form" online is reckless and may, in a few cases where people are unaware and uninformed, do them a dire disservice. Of course it is their responsibility to be informed but I think the suggestion of the ease and availability and "no cost" of such docs can easily sway people who otherwise wouldn't consider such a serious document.

  2. Not sure where you are but the Chicago office requires an appointment unless you go in there and they're "not busy..." That's what the lady told me when I went to get mine. Luckily she "wasn't busy." :D

    Not sure where you are but the Chicago office requires an appointment unless you go in there and they're "not busy..." That's what the lady told me when I went to get mine. Luckily she "wasn't busy." :D

  3. Husband got an RFE because our tax returns, savings account, and health insurance weren't enough to prove commingling of assets. We have nothing else to send. So... now what? We sent pages upon pages of travel, pics, etc. Our finances are, with exceptions above, separate. Does that mean we're not a "real marriage" in eyes of government? Kind of troubling and scary. What are we supposed to do?!

  4. Thank you everyone. I had tried the 1/0 thing but when I hit 0 it kept hanging up on me. Tried a few times and got through. Thank you!!

    PS How long can it honestly take to log packet 3. YEESH!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Hello:

    I have seen posts on calling DOS and trying to get a REAL person but I must have outdated info. I get all the way to the end and there is no option to talk to a real person and 0 takes you back to the main menu. Does anyone have recent experience with this? I am trying to see if medical has been received and if there is an interview date. Thanks!

  6. I don't wanna come in here and boast but I just got the text, woke my fiance across the world to tell him, and all my friends and family here in Chicago are sleeping so I just want to shout it out here!! I have been seeing these posts for months and am finally glad to have one to call my own. This feels so great. Thank you to everyone on these boards for providing a community in what I have experienced to be a frustrating and isolating time. Best of luck to all of you in the process!!!

  7. I have tried to find a post on this already but I cannot.

    I am planning on leaving my job within a few weeks to possibly start 2 new part-time jobs. Do I really need a letter from my current or future employers? I have pay stubs, bank account statements, mortgage info/assets AND a co-sponsor.

    We are waiting on RFE so I'm afraid when we hear back I will be caught between jobs. Has anyone had issues with this?


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