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Posts posted by g4indigo

  1. Correct. I transfer my CDN AMEX card to US card and the history was carried forward.

    Many have stated that having a CDN American express card-----then when u move to the USA, have the CDN American express CC transferred to the USA side.

    If possible have the utilities in ur name--which can be difficult to do as some of them want a down deposit, since you have no Credit history!

    As well do a search on VJ---this is a very popular topic. Best of luck

  2. They will take your blood for syphilis test only.

    I am 30+, had chickenpox before, did not bring any vaccine record to the medical exam. I took 2 vaccine shots (MMR and ADACEL Tdap) and all the rest are all listed as not suitable for my age.

    Hello everyone. I was hoping some of you would have knowledge about my vaccine questions. I am trying to think ahead and prepare for the medical by getting my vaccinations in order right now. I have a few questions regarding this process.

    • I saw on the civil surgeon worksheet mention that a syphilis serologic test was required for people aged 15 and older. Is this a test that I need to or can get done ahead of time? Will the doctor send me for this test on my medical appointment?
    • Is the Meningococcal vaccination needed for someone aged 30+? Do I get an age exemption or should I get the vaccination? I'd prefer not to get it if possible.
    • I have never had the Hepatitis A vaccinations and they are two doses 6 months apart apparently. If I don't have the second dose by the time of my interview is that ok? I believe I read somewhere that so long as you have had the first dose you are okay until you file for AOS?
    • My last question is about TB. In the past (about 8 years ago) I had a negative TB test (I needed it at the time before starting a medication). Do I need to redo this test again? If so do you know if someone who is immuno-suppressed (I am on medication that does not allow me to get live vaccines) can get the skin test or do they need to get a chest X-ray instead?

    Thanks in advance for any help you can give :)

  3. Be prepared to stay in Montreal for a week.

    I do not have a medical interview scheduled yet, nor do I have an interview date in Montreal. But, I'm wondering if it is necessary for me to pick up my medical results in person or can these be forwarded to the consulate in Montreal? I live in Nova Scotia, so a quick trip to Montreal to pick something up is not an option. I'm hoping I can schedule the medical exam and interview within a few days of each other. Anyone have any experience with this?

  4. Thanks!

    I will use Metropolitan Parking on University Street. I can even see the entrance on google map street view.

    A quick google map of the Montreal consulate seems to say that the place on Union is pretty much as close as you can get. http://g.co/maps/fwxq3 Maybe St. Catherine and Bleury is closer.

    But STM will cost you less. :)

  5. Any suggestion on where to park on interview day?

    Drove by today and saw one parking lot 2 blocks away on Avenue Union ($18 max).

    Any other choice that is closer to the embassy?


  6. Try google "Canadian passport photo in YOUR CITY NAME"

    I did mine in NYC.

    Hello All,

    Well I am gearing up to get a new passport, to have all my travel documents in my married name (yes I know I could wait and leave it but I want to have everything aligned so there's no two ways about it).

    I am having trouble finding a place to get Canadian passport pics taken. I went to Walgreens but they didn't have a the stamp for the date and guarantor to sign, as per the Cdn passport pic instructions.

    Any ideas?


  7. good luck! There is nothing to worry about. I will be heading to Montreal this coming Sunday and interview on May 14th.

    I'm sure it's quite normal but I feel like I'm going through phases with my feelings for our interview next week. Yesterday I was just excited ready to get it over with. Today I am manically rechecking all of our documents and printing out flight and hotel information. I'm sure it will be fine, either way I'm looking forward to coming towards an end of this process. Anyone else got the pre-interview jitters??

  8. Good information.

    I will do mine in Montreal. Wondering about vaccinations. I do not have any record. Will that be a problem?

    Just wanted to post about my medical experience this morning. As I live in TO, I headed down to Dr. Seidans office and got there around 6:50 am. There was one guy outside waiting..chatted with him for a little bit and asked if he was a VJ'er. He said no so I told him to check out the site as it was very helpful and super informative. A girl came down to let us into the building at 7 am. We were the only 2 there. We were asked for our passports, appointment letters and a letter indicating our MTL case number (I used the letter from Packet 4 that has the case number on the back page) Make sure that you have this.

    I went and sat in the waiting room for about 10 minutes and then dealt with Erlene (she is the lady that books the appointments and calls you back if you leave a message). I gave her my passport, photos and immunization records. She had me sign some paperwork and attached my photos to this paperwork. I was given an envelope (do not open this envelope_ with paperwork in it that had to be taken to an xray clinic outside of the building and around the corner. I then paid my $300.00 cash.

    You then are escorted into an exam room and given a gown and asked to remove clothing but keep your bra on. (They do this to verify your gender...I asked the nurse and she said yes). The nurse then takes your weight, height and blood pressure and records it. You wait for the doctor to come in. The doctor comes in, ask about your medical history, if your on any meds, any pre-existing health issues and listens to your chest...just like going to the family doctor for a check-up or physical. The doctor was very nice. After he was finished (exam took all of 5 minutes) he told me that I would be doing blood test and was instructed to go back into the waiting are and wait to be called. He gives you some form to take the front when you are done your blood test You are instructed to then go back out into the waiting room. At this time it was about 7:40 and the waiting room was filling up. Got bloodwork done, gave my sheet back to the receptionist at the front, was told I could pick up my medical anytime after 12 on Friday.

    Went to the xray clinic, gave them my passport and envelope. Then was called to go and get the xray done. You put the gown on and the xray tech did his thing. That was it. Done.

    I did ask Erlene about getting extra copies of paperwork and she informed me that they only give you the paperwork you need for your interview and not to open the envelope that the medical comes in. The only extra copies of anything that you get is the immunization stuff. She also told me that I would probably have to have another medical done for the AOS which is weird because I thought that you could use your medical for your AOS if it was within the year that you had your medical. Hoping someone can clarify if this is true and what they will need in terms of this at the biometric appt. for AOS.

  9. That happened to us too. :) Actually, I sent in passport photos with P3 because I was told to, and was told to bring more photos to the interview. When I gave them the photos at the interview (I just tossed them on top of the stack that she had asked for) she handed them back to me and said they didn't need those. Saved us from having to make another trip for AOS, I suppose. :)

    God, I submitted crappy picture taken by iphone during email processing.

    Hope they will use pictures I will bring to the interview.

  10. It was picked up by Loomis/DHL the same day as the interview and shipped to Calgary overnight.

    Thank you for your information.

    I have just emailed MTL asking if I can pick it up myself the same or next day.

    I also asked if I can change my Loomis Services location during the interview.

    If the delivery takes a day or two, I will wait in Montreal. Otherwise, I will be heading to Toronto and hope to pick up my passport at Brampton.

  11. Ah, you're on a TN-1. That explains a few things. Couldn't you just Adjust Status from within the US, being married to a USC and all?

    And yeah, you'll be in Canada for a bit. I'd suggest choosing the Dorval DHL location (closest one to consulate). I choose this one and got my visa and passport within 3 days. If you have any friends in Montreal, I'd suggest asking if you can stay with them. Otherwise, find a cheap hotel...

    I might be able to get passport back sooner.


    end of 3rd page

    If you currently reside in the U.S, on a non-immigrant visa, you may be able to pick up your passport with visa and visa packet in the afternoon of the next business day after your interview.

  12. Ah, you're on a TN-1. That explains a few things. Couldn't you just Adjust Status from within the US, being married to a USC and all?

    And yeah, you'll be in Canada for a bit. I'd suggest choosing the Dorval DHL location (closest one to consulate). I choose this one and got my visa and passport within 3 days. If you have any friends in Montreal, I'd suggest asking if you can stay with them. Otherwise, find a cheap hotel...

    TN-1 + 485 is very dangerous. TN-1 cannot be extended after filing 485. Consular processing it safe.

  13. Ah, you're on a TN-1. That explains a few things. Couldn't you just Adjust Status from within the US, being married to a USC and all?

    And yeah, you'll be in Canada for a bit. I'd suggest choosing the Dorval DHL location (closest one to consulate). I choose this one and got my visa and passport within 3 days. If you have any friends in Montreal, I'd suggest asking if you can stay with them. Otherwise, find a cheap hotel...


    I have selected DHL Branch. On the website, it says:

    Applicant was successfully updated.

    Please note that you have not scheduled an appointment. The trip purpose you have selected is for information purposes only. In order to schedule an appointment you will need to select another trip purpose by clicking "Schedule Appointment" at the bottom of the page.

    NVC scheduled my interview already and I have the letter. I should ignore above, right?

  14. No, you don't get it returned the same day. You have to sign up for DHL/Loomis and then your visa gets sent to your DHL location of choice (within Canada). This can take between one day to more than 2 weeks, typically around a week though, depending on the DHL location and its distance from Montreal.

    I have to ask, what visa are you applying for if you're living in the US? timeline.gif

    That is bad news.

    I am currently on TN1 visa. My wife is US citizen.

    Sounds like I will stuck in Canada...

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