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Posts posted by TikiRum

  1. My Fiance in Romania has to leave temporarily to live with her mom in Italy.

    We still are maintaining a mailbox in Romania but we could be weeks away from receiving the NOA2 and she won't be there to get the mail.

    Does the info packet get sent to her in Romania or me in the US? Can that address be changed or forwarded to her in Italy?

    Do we even need that packet or can we get the info online and just call to schedule the interview?

    I am assuming the visa interview will still have to take place at the Embassy in Romania.

    I just don't want this info packet to get lost in the mail and have this temporary road block delay us any more.



    Well,the good news we received the NOA2 last Friday but the bad news is she cant check the mail for at least a month.

    Can she or I call to get this info send somewhere else? Do we need this info or can we download the forms and get the info by calling the embassy?

    Thank you,


  2. My Fiance in Romania has to leave temporarily to live with her mom in Italy.

    We still are maintaining a mailbox in Romania but we could be weeks away from receiving the NOA2 and she won't be there to get the mail.

    Does the info packet get sent to her in Romania or me in the US? Can that address be changed or forwarded to her in Italy?

    Do we even need that packet or can we get the info online and just call to schedule the interview?

    I am assuming the visa interview will still have to take place at the Embassy in Romania.

    I just don't want this info packet to get lost in the mail and have this temporary road block delay us any more.



  3. Hello everyone,

    We are about to start this exciting process and I was curious if anyone has used a PO Box or other mailbox service for their address?

    My Fiance from Romania doesn't really have a reliable address for mail, especially for this duration of time and I will be moving as well so I thought having a PO Box would be more reliable.

    Any thoughts?

    thank you

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