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Posts posted by GigglesAndDimples

  1. I'm really new at trying this but I found this:

    Waybill: 8902917096

    Departed Facility in CINCINNATI HUB - USA

    Thursday, January 10, 2013 at 06:12

    Origin Service Area: BOSTON, MA - PORTSMOUTH - USA

    Destination Service Area: BUCHAREST - BUCHAREST - ROMANIA

    Thursday, January 10, 2013 Location Time

    6 Departed Facility in CINCINNATI HUB - USA CINCINNATI HUB, OH - USA 06:12

    5 Processed at CINCINNATI HUB - USA CINCINNATI HUB, OH - USA 05:36

    4 Arrived at Sort Facility CINCINNATI HUB - USA CINCINNATI HUB, OH - USA 03:31

    Wednesday, January 09, 2013 Location Time

    3 Departed Facility in BOSTON - USA BOSTON, MA - USA 23:46

    2 Processed at BOSTON - USA BOSTON, MA - USA 23:44

    1 Shipment picked up BOSTON, MA - USA 14:14

    How did you get that info? Everything I put in gave me no results?

  2. I just tried to track our packet, but I'm not having any luck on the DHL search...

    According to NVC it left Jan 8, but I can't pull up anything sent to Romania from the 5th through the 9th...

    in fact as I try more I can't pull up anything... am I inputting this in the right format?

    EXP 08 JAN 2013A

    I also tried the 7th and without the 0 before the date...

    Any help would be appreciated.

  3. Ok, so now that I'm past the 5 months at VSC, I decided to call. Now I didn't expect much, but I figured this way when I call again in month, I can say that I've been trying and trying to find out what's up. Here's how it went for me:

    1st call: Got someone who was clearly new. (I used to do QA for customer service, so its easy to tell). She threw me the company line right now that I need to wait 70 more days (in addition to the 5 months already waited). The system won't allow her to do a service request until after the 70 days. She was slow and clueless (kept putting me on hold for every question) so I called back to get someone else.

    2nd call: Got another slow rep. Same info, and they transferred me to a "specialist". I decided not to let on what I know about their service, just to see how they run it.

    "Specialist": Not so special. They attempted to do a service request and it would not allow them. They adamantly insisted that they could tell me nothing more than the website shows about my case. They transferred me to a "supervisor".

    "Supervisor": A nice woman who called herself Officer Bilbo (apparently USCIS is attempting a cross promotion with "The Hobbit" in order to improve customer relations?). She also could not complete the service request, nor tell me any more info. She DID tell me to contact VSC directly in writing, and send a letter of request ATTN: District Director. Not sure what that will do, but I will send something, and also have my congressman send something.

    If anyone speaks with Officer Gandalf let me know...maybe a wizard can get something done?

  4. Good luck on your citizenship test.

    To answer a few of your questions:

    Yes, Romania does allow dual citizenship, so you will retain that.

    Once you have US citizenship, moving to another country is not a reason to lose it.

    The immigration to Romania is actually not an easy process, and you would need to establish residence first. More information here:


    Your husband needs a work permit in order to legally work here. The employer has to apply for the work permit, so you first need to find somebody willing to hire you and to jump through all the bureaucratic hoops to get you to Romania legally. More information here:


    Finding a job in Romania will be quite difficult for your husband if he doesn't speak the language fluently. Even if employees in multinational companies are required to know English, the working language is Romanian. His knowledge of English as a native language would only be useful if he wants to work as an English teacher. BUT, most schools require at least an EFL teaching certificate (like DELTA or CELTA, google them) and - here comes the problem - teachers are paid by the hour taught, and they are worked extremely hard for very little money.Is this a risk you are willing to take?

  5. Ok, so as I check Igor's list and watch my NOA1 date passing on CSC and meanwhile VSC is 3 months behind, I'm wondering how many people are in the same boat. Turns out, that there's a lot...like upwards of half a million applications for I-130 and I-129F...

    Anyway, I've decided to write a letter to my congressmen now, not just for my sake but on behalf of all those who are waiting and will be waiting in the future. I believe in being proactive and that the squeaky wheel gets the grease so here goes...

    I'd like to post my letter and get some feedback before I send it. Please read it down and tell me what you think. If your only response is to say "it won't do any good" please keep your comments to yourself. It can't hurt and even if it doesn't speed up my personal application, if it gets things moving for someone in the future then it will still have done something good.

    Ok, here's my first draft:

    Dear Senators/Representatives:

    Lately in the news there has been a lot of attention regarding illegal immigration but I am writing this letter on behalf of millions of American citizens who are trying to LEGALLY immigrate their spouses and families and are forced to wait and wait due to bureaucratic delays.

    With the assistance of publicly available records and nonpartisan web forums that provide user submitted statistics, it has become clear that there is a disparity in processing times for immigration applications.

    I-130 and I-129F applications account for well over HALF a MILLION immigrants who are spouses, children, siblings, and parents of US citizens. Currently there are two servicing centers, one in California (CSC) and one in Vermont (VSC). Based on available information, CSC is approving petitions that were submitted in June and July, a reasonable processing time frame. I, along with many others had our applications sent to VSC. Mine was received on June 28th, but based on projections, instead of being processed any day now, it is likely I will have to wait an additional 4-6 MONTHS before my application is even pulled off the shelf. The listed processing time on the USCIS website for these applications is 5 months. That is unfortunate, but many petitioners are waiting in excess of 7 months. We need to do something about this.

    We all understand the need for security, and for strict policy regarding illegal immigration. And none of us are opposed to being thorough in preventing individuals from scamming the system. But this burdensome waiting period is due simply to mismanagement.

    Please consider what it would be like to have a member of your immediate family - even your children or spouse - in a foreign country, unable to visit, while you wait for paperwork to be pulled from a shelf. In that 6-12 months you could be enjoying your life with your family there with you. We have all paid the fees and we would like to see our applications processed in a timely manner so we can be with our loved ones as soon as possible.

    I hope that you will take some time to have your offices bring attention to this matter with USCIS. I am currently circulating a petition, but consider that for every one of over half a million visa petitioners per year, there is at least one family member waiting to be reunited with them.

  6. We plan on doing the same "hounding" thing after the 5 months have passed, whether it works or not. At least it will make us feel that we're trying something and not passively wait for their action (although we are at their mercy). Plus, it will give us something to do as the wait is terrible.

    MaryNYC, so sorry to hear about your efforts not producing any results.

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