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Posts posted by chilegringa

  1. My husband had his interview in Santiago yesterday and was approved! The interview was quick and simple!

    At the end they gave us a piece of paper on how to coordinate with DHL to get the passport and packet back and it sends us the CSC Visa information site (not sure if this is for all visas in the world or just Chile) but we don't know how to use it!

    It is the same website we used for his tourist visa last year and it only has information about his tourist visa, so we don't know how to get his passport back... already sent an email to the embassy so hopefully we will get a quick response...

    Any one know anything about this website and how it works??

  2. Hi everyone,

    1-Please, if someone translated his/her chilean birth certificate.. I need a sample or how to translate this :


    2- I'm translating my Criminal Records certificate and I don't know how to translate this :



    Why are you translating them? If it is for NVC you don't actually need them translated.. it says you do not need to translate documents as long as they are in English or in the native language of the country you are applying for - which is Spanish which makes it okay..

    I guess some people do translate them just in case - I didn't and they accepted all my certificates in Spanish

  3. Hi everyone! I'm a US citizen and a legal resident of Chile. This is my temporary home with my Chilean fiance for minimum 2years, probably max 5 years.

    I'm not a permanent resident yet, but I'll be applying for that in August (same time as our trip, that'll be fun... but for a different forum...)

    Well, my parents invited us on a family vacation in Hawaii! Yay, fun! Not so fun is that we're now getting around to getting my fiance's visa since his work situation has been settled (was on a temp. contract, now a permanent employee, so better for getting the visa in my opinion.)

    Well, my parents and siblings have already bought their flights, and my parents have rented out the house. My parents will also be paying for half of our flights and most of our stay (very generous!!!).

    I bought a car and I rent an apartment here in Chile. Unfortunately, it's not possible to have anything like this in my fiance's name because he's defaulted on some debts.

    He works full time and studies. He'll be getting a letter from both his work and university saying that he has permission to take time off for this vacation. We'll also be sending in the flight information and rental house's agreement with the visa application.

    Would there be anything else useful when turning in the paperwork? Would my parents' bank statements help? Or mine?

    I feel pretty pessimistic about his chances since he got denied for a student visa to the US 2 years ago, but I'd never tell him that!!!

    But, the visa fee got knocked down to US$160, rather than the $500+ it was a couple of years ago, so I'm more than willing to take the chance.

    Plus, he hasn't met half of my family, so it'll be a good chance for him to meet my other sister and brother.

    Any help or insight would be appreciated!

    The most important things for him to bring are things that tie him the Chile and prove that he has reason to return - a letter from his job and university are good proof and also an apartment lease..

    My husband was rejected his tourist visa the first time he tried to get it - it could have been because it was summer in Chile and although he had a letter from the univeristy he could have techinally taken a year off and just stayed in the US - also being in a relationship with someone from the US made it difficult, especially since I was in the US at that time..

    It would be useful for him to bring a work contract of yours if you have one, or a copy of your temporary visa and he should be very honest that he is going to visit his fiances family and you guys both will be returning to Chile..

    Good luck.. the second time around my husband was approved for a 3 month tourist visa (a year later while we were still dating and I was living in the states still )- and the third time he was approved a 10 year tourist visa while we were married..

    Just make sure he is honest about everything and has lots of proof of returning to Chile.. you will only know if you try! Good luck!

  4. Hi everyone, just have a quick questions about my joint sponsor..

    I have had my mom fill out and send me her I-864 and taxes since she is my joint sponsor.. Having the papers in my hands I see that she filed her taxes jointly with my father..

    My mother did not add in my fathers income on the I-864 in total household income since she makes enough alone.. She only put in total income..

    My only concern is that on her tax return it shows the totals between the both of them.. is this okay? Should my father have filled out and I-864A??


  5. Hi everyone, I have just now found out that my joint sponsor for my I-864 package needs to prove US Citizenship.. I did not see this in any guide here on VJ (maybe it is there but I must have read over it multiple times) but is definitely on the NVC website..

    Anyways, my problem is that my father who is my joint sponsor does not have his birth certificate, well he can't find it at the moment and will have to order it and put us back a few more weeks (as they are already sending me all their stuff from the US to Chile) nor does he have a passport..

    Does anybody know any other way to prove US Citizenship or has turned in other proof that worked such as copy of social security card??

    Thanks! Just wanted to check in case there is a more simple way around this than ordering his birth certificate and putting us back a few weeks.. if not, I guess we will just have to wait a bit..

  6. Thanks for the input guys.

    Signed and sealed... hmm. I've talked to some folks here in Chile and they are telling me that the ones the Registro Civil gives you are the same.. just a plain printed paper with a digital stamp... Any Chile folks have input on this? I could ask for special ones of some sort but I'm not sure they're available.

    Yes, the ones they give even if you wait in line are just the same printed out versions with a digital stamp and signature, they look so unofficial even though they are the official one..

    I used my marriage certificate printed off like that in my I-130 petition so I am sure it is fine at the NVC stage.. but then again I don't really know for sure and it couldn't hurt to ask if they can give you a more official stamped certificate

  7. Update for those waiting for NOA2 who were transferred to MSC and living abroad-

    NOA1 : Oct 18th - email and hard copy recieved a few weeks later

    NOA2: Dec 19th - just checked on the site and it says our petition was approved - it will probably take a few weeks to get the hard copy, and weird they didn't send me an email.... BUT whatever, I am happy I can see it online and happy it only took 2 months!!

  8. remember that i-864a is for when you share a household....you live in chile more than us, right? i-864 for both of you then :)

    Yes I do, and my Chilean address it he one I used on my petition..

    So then I would fill out an I-864 and just claim one other person in my household - my husband... My mother would then fill out and claim my father, my brother, and my husband - BUT NOT me correct? Or does she have to claim us both? Then if she wanted to include my fathers income on the I-864 HE would fill out the I-864a.... is this correct?? She actually isn't going to use his income - hers is enough, so then we don't need to use the I-864a at all right?

    This is so confusing, and I just want to be prepared... As you can see I did not get expedited like I was hoping so bad to, but hopefully we will be getting a NOA2 sometime soon...

    I see that your interview is the 12th! Good luck!

    Thanks again Jessica, as always you are so helpful!

  9. Hi everyone, although I am not NVC process yet I am getting some paperwork ready with my sponsor ( my mom ) before I head back to Chile to be with my husband so we don't have to send as much stuff back and forth...

    I am a little confused with the I-864 - I know that I have to fill one out - do I put my Mom's income on there as a household member and then have her just fill out I-864a OR does she have to fill out the I-864 and the I-864a??

    Thank you!!

    Hi everyone, although I am not NVC process yet I am getting some paperwork ready with my sponsor ( my mom ) before I head back to Chile to be with my husband so we don't have to send as much stuff back and forth...

    I am a little confused with the I-864 - I know that I have to fill one out - do I put my Mom's income on there as a household member and then have her just fill out I-864a OR does she have to fill out the I-864 and the I-864a??

    Thank you!!

    my mom will be my joint* sponsor - I will correct myself before some else does

  10. The original receipt number you got from the first service center is the one you will use. After your case gets to the NBC they are transferring it to the local office in your area. I was told to use the 5 month processing timeframes the USCIS has on their Web site as a guideline. When I enter my receipt number I use the WAC prefix and it shows it to be in initial review.

    Hamigirl.. Why did you use the WAC prefix?? I have been trying with MSC and it didn't work.. I just tried with WAC since you said you did and it says initial review... it says they received it on October 18th, which is the same day I got my NOA1 by email - still haven't received the hard copy.. BUT it says "Your Current Case Status for Form I290B, NOTICE OF APPEAL TO THE COMMISSIONER " when I petitioned with an I-130"

    So my assumption is that I stumbled upon someone elses' case status that happens to be the same day as mine??

    Also, does anyone know if the other notices of actions will also be emailed to me? Such as it being transferred? My first one on Oct 18th said we were transferred to NBC and I haven't heard anything since then or received anything in the mail - I am a little worried its going to get lost in international mail..

  11. Yeah thats what Im curious about, too. Mine says "Your case has been accepted and routed to the USCIS National Benefits Center for processing." on the first letter I got. Wondering if it will transfer elsewhere or get processed there.

    Mine says this too - no information on it being transferred to another office but it is still early, I just got NOA1 about 12 days ago - no hard copy but they said 7-10 days and it should be arriving in Chile at my place in Chile so I expect that to take a few more days..

    Have you been able to check your status online? I can't, I know it says to wait for the hard copy, but I keep checking everyday regardless - is there a different number on the hard copy??

    My local office would also be Seattle for I based on that graph I am hoping it just stays at NBC..

  12. Hi chilegringa, I am thinking the same thing. Man, I wish I would have filed the petition 2 months earlier. We weren't married then, though, so I guess it wouldn't really have worked lol. Hopefully we can at least get NOA2 within the normal 5 month timeframe though. I can live with that but I'm really hoping it's not LONGER for some reason!! we have a big wedding "celebration" planned in the US for september 21, 2013, which I thought would be WELL within a feasible timeframe, but now who knows anymore!

    at least, life in chile is pretty good. :)

    Sucks huh?? I just keep thinking why didn't I do it earlier!! But then again, I couldn't either - we didn't want to petition it before we traveled to the US, just in case it looks suspicious or something, and then couldn't do it until my husband left the US - I will be back in Chile in a month, and while I was looking forward to being back in the US together after summer, at least I can easily be in Chile with my husband, so it's not THAT bad.. I just don't want to wait! I am just thankful that we can wait it out together at least :)

  13. Mine is also routed to the NBC, NOA1 date of 10-10-2012. Haven't received a NOA2 yet. Why do we have the NBC instead of the normal service centers, does anybody know that? Is there still hope that it will get expidited?

    It is explained here.. http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=c3c7ca7c5fed9310VgnVCM100000082ca60aRCRD&vgnextchannel=e7801c2c9be44210VgnVCM100000082ca60aRCRD

    Looking at other peoples timelines in my country it looks like almost everything who filed from abroad before Aug 15th WAS expedited and those after have still not received NOA2 - so I don't have much hope at this moment yet and have accepted the fact that we will probably NOT be expedited :(

  14. I think I received NOA1 today but I am a little confused by what it means / why I would be routed to the National Benefits Center? Here is the email I got today, we haven't actually received the hard copy yet...

    "Your case has been accepted and routed to the USCIS National Benefits Center for processing. Within 7-10 days by standard mail you will receive your official Receipt Notice (Form I-797) with your Receipt Number xxxxxxxx. With the official Receipt Notice (Form I-797) you may visit www.uscis.gov where you can check the status of your case using My Case Status. We suggest you wait until you have received your Form I-797 before checking My Case Status.

    This confirmation provides notification of the date USCIS received your case. This notice does NOT grant any immigration status or benefit. You MAY NOT present this notice as evidence that you have been granted any immigration status or benefit. Further, this notice does NOT constitute evidence that your case remains pending with USCIS. The current status of your case must be verified with USCIS.


    Is this a normal NOA1 email or do some cases not get routed to NBC? Why would something be routed to NBC??

  15. If you read from the USCIS you need one passport style photograph of each of you for the G-325a. They have to be 30 days or less old (to be safe, I'd use that 30 days to mean when they are received, not when they are sent.) .

    USCIS Link!!! Click to expand picture showing relevant part of the instructions: th_pics.jpg

    For the I-130 just write his name down. He won't have either of those other numbers yet.

    For the interview you need 2 (two) 2 inch x 2 inch (2 inches is about 50mm) passport style photos that are less than 6 months old.

    NVC Photo specifications

    Thanks NikiR !

    Do you think they need to be these "official" passport photos taken at a special place or could we take them at home (and make sure they follow the requirements) and then have them printed on photo paper??

    I have passport photos that were taken just yesterday, the problem is that my husband has one from about 3 months ago and I am currently on vacation in the US and want to send it now - and avoid him having to physically send me photos express if he could just take a few himself and I could print them out here...

    I haven't seen anywhere on the site saying you had to get them done by a "professional" and in fact in the guides it even looks like they know you might be doing them yourself..

  16. I sent 2 of myself and 2 of my wife with the I-130 packet, in a plastic bag, and we made sure to have 4 spares for when we get to the NVC and interview stages.

    Make sure you write your names on the back side of each of them with the appropriate SSN/AI number.

    Hope this helps and good luck!!

    Thanks! I am going to make some copies of them just in case now..

    Should I just put my husbands name on his then since he is Chilean and doesn't have a SSNor AI number or should I put some other number such as his Chilean ID number (which is also his passport number)??

  17. Wait so do you mean you would translate the stuff or you wouldn't? (A little confused based on wording lol)

    Good to know you and your chileno got through POE no problem!

    Why did not having the same last name make a difference? Lots of people don't change their last name. ie, everyone in Chile for example, haha!

    I wouldn't translate them... I don't know why the different last name thing matters - I think they were just saying we would get through immigration faster if we went though separately, since they wouldn't have to ask for documents or anything maybe?- and they didn't even end up asking my husband for anything even though they did ask about me... I actually think he would have gotten through quicker if we were together since the USC line was shorter the morning we arrived, but we just did what they told us to do..

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