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Posts posted by anthonywa

  1. Questions when filling the initial K1 package

    1) I am currently in Singapore now - I plan to send the package all signed and ready to my parents, have them write the check and send the packet USCIS – is that possible? I plan to head back to US in May – but want to start soon.

    2) for g325A:

    Applicants residence last 5 years portion:

    I have been in china for a while – for work (with registered residences) and for travel and misc (apartment – longterm 1.5 years unregistered and then girlfriends place for 6 months). Should I list all residences – registered and unregistered) or only my registered ones? The thing I fear about the registered only is that it will be inconsistent with my evidence (since it will only be registered address and then my US address)

    3) for g325A

    Applicants residence last 5 years portion

    My girlfriend also has the same issue for China. She worked in 2 separate projects for 1 years and the other one for 5 months. Does she need list the time she lived in China for these temporary but long-term projects? Or is her registered Singapore address ok?

  2. resurrected it will

    I have a similar situation with the poster

    overseas working for a couple years - meet my fiancee and now thinking about doing the k1

    same sitation - plenty of relationship proofs but

    i dont have a w2 form to show and tax information (i will file this year though - file a zero)

    My parents can cosponsor without issue, i have some money in the bank and my fiancee has a good amount of money as well - should be enough to convince that my fiancee won't come in as a liability.

    On a board members recommendation - i did call up the singaporean embassy to check if they accept cosponsorship under my siutation and they told me they don't accept. Do you think this is a cookie cutter response or there is hope?

  3. I have couple more questions I need help with

    1) beneficiary having tourist visa already - is it ok for her to travel to US after submitting 1-298

    2) Can we change the embassy location after submitting the form (benifactor might move to australia) - will this adversely affect the the process time

    3) Will Singapore Consolate accept affidavit support evidence for peititioner (me) due to his financial record from working

    overseas (those in singapore can help I guess)

    4) When do we send/show affidavit support information - in the interview process or will be requested on later packets

    5) when does the benefaciary head over to the singapore consulate for interview

    6) Can we retract the application in mid process if we decide to do IR1 later (might have the option to stay in singapore sometime next month (job opp) to avoid 8-11month separation)

    thanks for looking

    we just started looking into this about a week ago and a little antsy with the complexity and possible repercussion with the procedure

  4. glad to see a lively visa community here

    I have a question in regarding to financial support portion of the k1-

    My gf and I have been together for the past 2.5 years - overseas

    We recently decided to get married in the US in the next 6 months or so – plan to head back to the US and start our married life there.

    I am a US citizen , GF is an Indonesian citizen with PR statuses in Australia and Singapore

    We have plenty of relationship proofs and etc

    The only big question mark part is the finance portion

    I have been overseas for 4 years; 2 years with a MNC, 2 years co-investing with a biz but loss a large chunk of money. I didn’t report my tax (a big no no I know – will be appending this month but only on the initial 2 years where I have MNC acct proof) and current year which will be a fat zero :/.

    I don’t have any w2 or anything to show for currently which sucks as it is part of the financial request form

    on the positive note:

    I have about 10k in my US savings account

    My parents can cosponsor me for the affidavit support

    My gf have at least 50k savings in account on paper – can get more if needed

    again – plenty of pics, testimonial, ring, all the vacation air tickets etc on

    We want to do the K1 asap as we don’t want to be separated again by a body of water

    One of my buddies think it is fairly risky to start the k1 when I don’t have a w2 or tax form to show – thinks I better head back to the US work for a year and then start the process. My family thinks im gutless for not trying since they know a lot of people who were able to come in with just a random family cosponsor as collateral.

    Anyways – not sure what to do. I am currently preparing all the evidence as the evidence will be used soon or later. Just a perplexed with the financial portion

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