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Posts posted by Jeanne+Ryan

  1. It's no problem! Anytime....I've had a lot of help on here too, and things have been extremely frustrating, so I hear you!!

    My fiance lives in Paris, that helped a lot. Emailing the embassy was the only way to get in contact with them in my experience.

    You should be fine! Can you schedule an appointment with the doctor's secretary for right after your interview appointment? I would just call and get something on the books ASAP. Since the doctors are on vacation, they will probably book up fast right after they return. My fiance used Dr. Slattery.

    I'm sure the embassy would be aware that many doctors leave in August, it's the French way, right? ;)

    I had great news on Friday!! Doctor Jolly (who also is in vacation abroad) replied to the email I sent her! She agreed on meeting me on the 14th at 9am (my interview is on the 14th at 1pm)!! The only thing is the blood test results and the chest XRay... So I won't have the sealed envelop with me but she will send this envelop directly to them and she will send them an email to explain the situation. As you said, and that's unfortunate, France is acting dead in August! :P


    Congrat....:) so happy for y and sorry also for the rest. Iam sure everything will work fine....fingercross

    Thank you!!!

  2. Hi there,

    The same thing happened to me (well, the doctors were available, but we did not have time between the packet 4 and the interview....1 day!!)

    The embassy told me to come in anyway.

    Trust me, go to the appointment! The Paris embassy is really good, they will understand.

    My fiance went to his medical after and he just mailed in all the results and it worked out, they received it.

    Let me know if you have any other questions!

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!

    I am so frustrated right now.... When you think you are all done, you have something to mess you up a little more :bonk:

    I will go to the Embassy and try to get an appointment for the medical on the 16th or even on the 14th in the morning. The thing is I don't live in Paris so I would love to do everything in one. But well I guess I have to do it like that.

    I will probably bother you a little more :)

  3. Good evening,

    I received packet 4 today!! Well that's was wonderful news when I read I have my interview on the 14th of August until I tried to reach the doctors for the medical :wacko:

    In packet 4 they give you 3 names to call and I call all of them :

    - Doctor Slattery is away until the 14th. I left him a voicemail anyway

    - Doctor Leparc is away until the 27th. I talked to his secretary who was really nice and helpful. She told me to go to the interview anyway and I will have to send the medical when I have it.

    - Doctor Jolly is away until the 13th. I left her a voicemail on her cell phone and an email.

    Did somebody get the same scenario? you have your interview but no doctors available.... I don't know what to do. I will call the embassy tomorrow and hopefully they will give me some good news :yes:

    Thanks a lot for your replies!!


  4. Bonsoir tout le monde!!

    J'ai une petite question concernant la duree que prend actuellement le process entre Packet 3 et Visa interview a l'ambassade. On entend dire tellement de choses.... Et puis c'est surtout sur les recentes applications que ca m'interesserait :)

    On est en attente de NOA2 a VSC et on dirait qu'ils ne sont pas tellement presses en ce moment. On devrait le recevoir sous peu mais le suspens est intense! Je ne vous cache pas que je suis au bout!!!

    Merci a tous de votre aide!! :thumbs:


  5. I have the same scenario!!! My case can not be found and when we call they say it's still pending! I hate that!!! So we just have to wait and be patient.

    I check USCIS and it says cannot be found. I tried to sign up for email case status, cannot be found. When i call them, they can't find it either, so i automatically get transferred to tier II person, which is the only good thing. The tier II person says the computer system does not work, they can see my case, and i just have to wait.

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