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Posts posted by xavierwayne

  1. To answer Bob 4 Anna's question she is from Germany, so am I.

    It is just so sad that my friend went into this fully committed, meaning she gave up her life she had built(house,car,furniture...), as well as family and friends to be with him. Yes most of those are just possessions etc, she actually shipped a lot of stuff to America, what costs a fortune. At this point she is not even allowed into the house he is living at to retrieve her possessions and she doesn't know if and when she gets any of this back. His commitment or loss at this point are just a few expenses but he didn't loose his house or car or had to move across the globe. His regards for her are pretty much non-existent. If you supposedly love someone that much that you are willing to sponsor her etc and prove that you can support her but then decide to not marry (what he has the right to) but tell her to leave and never come back and not care for where she will go next and how she will get home? her home was suppose to be with him!

  2. Thank you everyone for your reply and concerns. I truly appreciate it and keep them coming.

    Like a previous poster has mentioned, she has a job lined up but has not started working yet because she does need that work permit. So she has not broken any laws.

    I am currently looking into the VAWA option that was mentioned as she did call the police that night as she felt threatened by him and they came and got her out of there. She is not sure though if a report was filed, I still need to follow up with that.

    She also called her Consulate and unfortunately they really couldn't help her further either as they never got married...

    Thank you everyone for your reply and concerns. I truly appreciate it and keep them coming. Any suggestions are welcome.

  3. A dear friend of mine got the K-1 visa approved and flew to the love of her life last month only to be kicked out by him last week and the wedding called off. She gave up everything she had in her country to be with him here in the US and has nothing to go back to. She already has a job here and has a place to live and is looking for a way now to either change her Visa status or apply for a new visa to remain here as her K-1 visa will eventually run out.

    Does anyone know where she can go from here? What are her options besides returning to her home country? Any advice is appreciated.

    Thank you,

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