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Wren and Fox

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Posts posted by Wren and Fox

  1. It's much cheaper and faster to divorce in the USA than it is in Canada. This does depend on state, but for instance when I have driven around Oklahoma city, I see signs everywhere for $250 divorces. That wouldn't even cover the cost of a signed piece of paper in Canada.

    But it's better for you to be safe than to be there, so go to Canada!

    I wouldn't be against divorcing here, but my state requires us to live separately for at least 30 days first, and that just isn't doable :(

  2. So I moved to the US in March on a K-1 visa and we got married a couple days later. I do have my green card now.

    He is an alcoholic and addicted to painkillers. My life is miserable. I have not 100% committed to leaving him, yet...

    But my question is, am I able to file for divorce from my home country? I would go back to Canada, and not stay here. I am wondering if it is possible to divorce from Canada, because I do not want to stay here if we split, and it would mean us having to live in separate residences in Arkansas for at least a month before I could file for divorce. I can't really afford to move out/live alone here, nor do I have a car, so I am currently walking to work and the only other place in walking distance is considered shady: lots of police, there's been rapes, drug deals, regular tire slashing, gas siphoning, etc, so I obviously do not want to live there for a month and then during divorce proceedings, especially since I have to walk while it is dark out.

    Thank you for your help.

  3. I am entering the US on March 4. We are getting married on the 9th (we chose the 9th because it's a special date for us).

    I will have only been in the US for 5 days at that point and I read it's recommended to wait 2 weeks before getting your SSN to make sure you're in the system. Is it okay for me to get get married before I get my SSN? I will also be changing my name when I marry, so I like the idea of just applying for the SSN once and not having to go back and change my name.

    Someone on Facebook said once I get married the K-1/I-94 is essentially "expired" as I am no longer a fiance, but now married, so they can refuse to give me the SSN until I have the EAD.

  4. I hope he didn't order the tax return from the IRS on the Form -4506. You only need the Form-4506T. The copy from the IRS is useless and most people send in a copy of their return they have with themselves or that their accountant gave them. If the outage is with the IRS, then it saved you $50. But when you get here and you guys AOS, make sure you have three years of tax return transcripts.

    He didn't fill out any form. He ordered a transcript over the phone. Are you calling the free transcript or $50 tax return copy useless?

  5. My interview is on February 3 at the consulate in Montreal, Canada. My fiance (American petitioner) got his 2014 tax transcript but not the 2014 tax return.... We cannot order the tax return now because there's an outage until January 11th. Plus it says it takes up to 75 days to process!

    What does this mean for me when I go for the interview? I also have his w-2, pay stubs and letter from his employer. I'm really stressed out over this.

  6. It took a year and two days for us to get our NOA-2! But we got it, yay!

    My most important question is related to our co-sponsor. We were going to use my American fiance's grandpa who was very wealthy (millionaire) and I had no concerns about using him. Unfortunately he died in August and his assets were split between his 2 children. I don't know exactly what they got or any of the details. My fiance now wants to use his mom as a co-sponsor. I am not sure if this will be as good as his grandpa. Without the inheritance her income is much lower than my fiance's and I doubt she looks impressive on paper. She's been unemployed for 3 years. So, how much would one have to have inherited to be able to co-sponsor whilst being unemployed?

    My fiance probably *just* meets the income requirements, and only by virtue of working over-time. He also doesn't have a bank account, and I personally feel a whole lot more comfortable having a co-sponsor as a safety net. We did not endure a year of waiting for a NOA-2 just to be denied at the interview!

    My second question is that I started a new job this past week so it isn't on the biographical page that we sent in with the petition. Do I update it and bring it with me to the interview? Is there something else I have to do concerning this before the interview?

    Thank you!

  7. We received our NOA-1 on October 30th. About 2 weeks ago we filled out the "outside normal processing times" form. Today we received an email saying that there is a delay in our processing time due to it being under extended review and that we essentially have nothing to do but wait.

    Does anyone have any more details about extended review? When I google, all the results I get are about extended review when people do AOS.

    I imagine it's related to my fiance's (petitioner) criminal record which is all older misdemeanors and doesn't have anything that seems to get an automatic denial like illegal drugs.

    There is a domestic violence charge whose backstory I am fully aware of (and wish my fiance would've fought it years ago because it would've been dropped), but my understanding is that in this situation they send the beneficiary a letter or something to let her/him know about the criminal record involving domestic violence. Would this end up sending a case to extended review?

    I am really sad.

  8. Good to know we are not alone. It's been a bit depressing watching the dates listed on this site move on without us and seeing that the recently approved on Igor's list seem to mostly be after October now.

    I told my fiance that people contact their senator but he doesn't want to do that since the senator is of the opposite political affiliation of him. He thinks the senator would either not want to help us or would have us denied :/

  9. Sorry if I was unclear. It IS a domestic violence charge (misdemeanor) that resulted in a $250 fine and 9 months probation. He just didn't remember what he was charged with until we got the papers yesterday. I was really hoping it wouldn't be for domestic violence :( I hope it works in our favour that his criminal record is sorta old at this point.

    Do we need to have "proof" that it was in self-defense if we check off 3c? I figure that it wouldn't hurt for him to write a letter explaining the incident at least?

  10. My fiance (American, I'm Canadian) has a domestic violence charge from 8 years ago in July 2006. It's a misdemeanor. Apparently, that alone would make us ineligible to petition? While I had read that somewhere, I am having a hard time finding it. My question is if we can check off 3c in the I-129F: "I committed, was arrested for, was convicted of, or plead guilty to a crime that did not result in serious bodily injury, and there was a connection between the crime committed and my having been battered or subjected to extreme cruelty." Do we have to prove that somehow? Can he write up what happened?

    The charge is related to this incident: His ex-wife pulled a knife on him. She stuffed something in her mouth.. Fiance thought it was drugs, and tried to get it out as he was concerned with her overdosing. It turned out to be a piece of paper with a man's number that she was trying to hide. He says he didn't really injure her as he was just trying to get the thing out of her mouth. He ended up being more injured than her, but it wasn't serious (just a bunch of scratches). She called the cops. He got a $250 fine and 9 months probation. He didn't fight it because he wanted it to go away and did not know he'd want to marry a Canadian one day. He seems to think that because he always passes background checks and is employed by Serco (contracted by the US gov't) to process insurance applications that having this charge can't be "that bad."

    We already have a document from the FBI that details all his charges, sentencing, etc, that we would include in the packet. We thought he might have a domestic violence charge, but weren't sure until we received his records in the mail. I'm really upset with what this will do to us. I'd appreciate any advice you all have. We cannot afford a lawyer. Thanks!

  11. Hi,

    My fiance needs to list all his offences in our petition because of multiple alcohol-related incidences in the past.

    However, he doesn't remember them all and some have been expunged. According to the instructions, even things that have been expunged need to be included.

    Where/how would we go about getting a record that lists EVERYTHING?

    Really lost.


  12. Several months ago my American fiance got a notice in the mail saying he owes the government something like $5,000 in back taxes. It came as a surprise and was dated (?) by several years and the company he worked for back then just doesn't exist any more. He doesn't know how to "fight" it or what have you (sorry, don't know much about this kind of thing.) He is currently unable to pay it off, so that isn't really an option.

    My question is, is what type of impact would this have on the K1 process? Specifically when I have to do the interview at the consulate and bring his financial information... We will be using a co-sponsor too, if that is relevant. I am really nervous about this, especially if it means we can't ever be together. Otherwise he has a new, pretty decent job with a company that has contracts with the government.


  13. Would anyone be willing to send the new version to me at (removed)? Whenever I try opening it I just get a series of odd characters and question marks. It's really frustrating! Thanks

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