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Posts posted by ellaparu

  1. Hello. Does it really look bad that the biopage is totally messed? I'm not sure but someone told me before to get it replaced because it has a single crease in it in the biopage. It scared the hell out of me because I didnt want to be deported back to the Philippines. Though I trusted my instincts and didnt replace it with a new one because its just a fold(a big one though). But everything turned out okay in the end and wasnt questioned at the airport or anything.Maybe you should post the picture of her passport so that everyone can see how bad it is.. sorry im a bit confused.

  2. They wont deny your visa because of large age gap. The CO might ask about it though. They'll be like, "You're okay with that?" But its not a problem. You just have to prove that you have genuine relationship and give them the required documents.

  3. Any idea on how much a despedida or farewell party will cost you all in all? We're planning to go swimming with some relatives and friends... Please share the food you cooked or what you did.. Thank you.

    Note: good for 30 persons. (I know this is alot but you know how Pinoys are---strong family ties.)

  4. 7:00 AM- Arrived at Manila USEM. There was a long line already. I found out that immigrant applicants or k1 applicants have a different line. They asked for my DS forms, appointment letter and then passport. The lady put a sticker(bar code) on the back of my passport.

    After that, I went inside for security check. Manong Guard asked me if I got electronics with me, I said, "No." and went inside.

    Next is the line for getting your queue number. My lucky number is.. Tan tananan tanan!! "6151." After that. I went to Window 39. I dropped my forms there.

    Ten minutes waiting. Window 40. The lady just asked for 2x2 pictures since the pics I submitted on St. Lukes are wrong, I was wearing necklace and didnt notice.

    More waiting. About half an hour more and it was time for finger scanning.

    I went back to my seat after that, and then guess again... I waited for my number to be called. One and a half more. Finally, my number was called. This time for the Filipino Screener. She was nice, I guess I got lucky since almost everyone who posted here on Vj said Filipino officers can be mean. She just asked more papers, like: BC, CENOMAR, NBI Clearance, 2011 ITR, W-2 2011, too. She then asked if she can see the photos of me and my fiance. And then, travel itineraries, and proofs of genuine relationship. She told me to show it to the CO if they ever ask for it.

    Back to my seat again. Almost 11 AM. My number is finally called. This was the fun part. The CO is a pretty lady with brown hair. A brunette I guess? hehe (Peace yo officer! Love ya!)

    So she was all smiling at me right from the moment I came, I told her "Good morninggggg!!" I realized I sound silly because I sound like singing. Haha. I was just happy and excited. She said "Good morning.", too. She asked me to raise my right hand, and swear to tell nothing but the truth. I said, "Yes, okay!"

    Then the questions began for about five minutes:

    CO: So. What do you love about your fiance?(LOL. I was a little shocked because I thought she is going to ask for my petitioner's name first, just like the pips here)

    Me: My fiance is a great dancer!(laughs. The CO started laughing too.)

    CO: Really? How did you know that he is such a great dancer??? (She was still smiling at me)

    Me: I caught him break dancing at four AM in the morning! :lol: Oh, and I love his sense of humor, too. :lol: (The CO's face was like this--> :no: and then.. :lol: )

    CO: Really? Wow... Cool... SO how did the you meet?

    Me: I met him online on cebuanas.com

    CO: OHHH, are you a Cebuana?

    Me: No, Ma'am, I am not.

    CO: How old is your fiance?

    Me: 35.

    CO: You're okay with that? (She asked me this in a very careful tone. I'm relieved)

    Me: OF COURSEEEE MA'AM mmmmmmm.. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!( I sounded like singing it was a very long tone)

    CO: How many times has he been here?

    Me: FOUR times.

    CO: Four? That's good.

    Me: Yes.

    CO: Can i see your pictures together?

    Me: Sure. (handed her my scrap book. she flipped through the pages. and asked more questions about the pics.)

    CO: So what does he do for a living?

    Me: He's an ophthalmic photographer. ( I was about to explain what my fiance's job is but she cut me out)

    CO: OHHH.. He's a photographer! That's why your pictures look good together!! :lol: (HAHA I laughed at this one since I thought it was a joke.)

    Me: Hehe :yes:

    CO: Okay.... So I guess I'm going to approve your visa since YOUR FIANCE CAN BREAK DANCE AT FOUR IN THE MORNING.

    Me: (clueless --> :blink::wow::o )

    CO: Okay. Congratulations! Your visa is approved!!! ( I dont know but she sounded like I won "champion" on a beauty pageant)

    Me: Really?????? Wow... THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!! :lol::D (Started walking on cloud nine after that)


    Okay guys. Thank you for reading! I hope I made you guys entertained. :lol:

    Oh, and for all those who are still waiting for their upcoming interview, just relax and be confident. Make sure you got complete papers too. Be POLITE AND ALWAYS SMILE LIKE THIS: :D and of course, PRAY!

    It helps!

    Have a good day!!!


    Night before the interview, I was feeling really nervous. I bought a stick of cigar and smoked outside Lotus Garden Hotel. After that, I went upstairs to go back to my room. (That time, I didn't have the key with me since my mom just told me to knock on the door cos she will open it for me.)

    I knocked on RM. 2209. It was too late when I realized that my room is 3309!!!! I was so shocked to see an American guy opening the door for me. My face was like... :o:help::(

    And he was like... :huh: I blurted out: "Soooorryyy!!!" and then ran away like an idiot! HAHAHA just sharing guys. Oh well, that's life. I hope he didn't think I am a prostitute or something. :(


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