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Posts posted by Josiek

  1. Hello fellow forumites. I just wanted to know if anybody from Spain can give me advice on the following:

    I have my date for the Interview with the embassy next month. In order to advance things I called Unidad Medica Angloamericana last week to schedule my medical exam for this coming Thursday. The lady on the phone switched on a voice message with all the requirements.

    Today, looking at a print out from the Unidad Medica's website I have realized a bullet that states that they require the letter from the consulate that displays their address and contact information. I have a print out with their address and the Centro de Radiologia contact info. IT was on a sheet with the title Instructions Regarding Medical Examination For Immigrant Visas.

    On the Us Embassy website they state the following: "Only contact the Medical Clinic if you have already received our letter with your appointment date; Otherwise, the Medical Clinic will not be able to help you."

    Is the printed copy of my case appointment for interview at the consulate enough to go to the medical besides the photography and vaccine requirements or do I need another letter I haven't received yet?

    Thank you all!

  2. Im afraid i cannot help, since i filed in the emabssy in london. however, why don't you just get as many documents prepared as possible. Fe de vida is for free.

    Also, if you are missing some documents, they will tell you the day of the interview, and then you only have to post them to them, dnt need to interview again...

    That is correct!

    I am waiting my interview date. Yesterday we just get an email from NVC telling us our case file is sending to Madrid. I hope we will have some news pretty soon.

    God Bless ya'll!

    Saludos from Mallorca

    Buenas, veo que ya tienes la respuesta, de todas formas te comento el checklist que tuve yo, para que vayas con cuidado.. Rechazaron mis antecedentes penales porque, según el listo que revisó mis documentos, no habian sido emitidos por el MINISTERIO DE JUSTICIA ya que no aparecía este nombre en la cabecera del documento. Me marearon todo lo que quisieron y más; tuve que escribir una carta (no podía ser por mail), explicando que el nombre de la cabecera es el departamento DENTRO del Ministerio que se encarga de realizar estos certificados; intenté que me hicieran otro certificado en el que pusiese Ministerio de Justicia en lugar del otro departamento pero se negaron. Total, que con la tontería estuvimos dando vueltas un mes, y al final se solucionó todo cuando la quinta persona del NVC con la que hablé tuvo el sentido común de decir.. "ah, ya entiendo, pues voy a poner una nota a mi supervisor para que lo revise.." y al día siguiente ya teníamos un CASE COMPLETE. Mi consejo, escribe una cover letter bien detallada explicandolo todo, no vayan a tener que pensar demasiado.. A parte de esto, todo lo demás bastante rápido. Ahora estamos eperando a que nos den cita para la entrevista, ¿alguien por aquí que ya tenga fecha sabe cuanto estan tardando y para cuando las estan dando? Mucha suerte!

    Muchas gracias a todos!

    Sí que he pensado hacer la cover letter muy detallada. Y en las traducciones incluso he explicado con detalle a qué corresponden los escudos de las cabeceras y los sellos de cada documento. Espero que con eso valga.


  3. ...como ha dicho Sant Feliu (i que tal la Costa Brava ara?).

    Jo, we certainly did not mail un certificado de fe de vida. Our packet looked like yours (and was created based on this wiki's instructions), except that we were married in Spain. You'll also want to write a cover letter listing everything you send in the packet. All in all, they didn't give us any problems with the DS-230.

    Great! I am ready to go then! So happy!

    Getting married in Spain means you are registered here already: according to the Civil Register officer I talked to it means your civil status as a Spaniard will automattically be changed in the register and shuld you ever need to get the certificate, that information would show from then on. On the ministerio de justicia website there is a long PDF from the official bulletin of state where this is contemplated.

    Reading your posts I am understanding that this is really just a diffeence of being married or not that doesn't or does require you to present such document. Now I understand that it doesn't matter where you get married. The marriage certificate rules out the Fe de Vida y Estado. You only need it if you want to bring over a fiancée, right? And it will only show that you are married if that marriage is legally registered in Spain. That is what I feared the most. Having to delay my process for months in expectation of the acknowledgement of the marriage over here to be able to get what I thought was a requirement. :bonk:

    Thanks a lot!!!!!!

    Por cierto, off topic total. St Feliu es por la zona o por el festival de harcore y metal? Un saludo paisanos. Thanks a lot!

  4. It's for persons who are not married, your marriage certificate is enough and the only document required by NVC to testify married status:

    "El certificado de fe de vida y estado es el documento que acredita que una persona está viva, así como su estado civil...estado de soltero, viudo o divorciado. (notice "casado" does not appear as an option).

    Para probar el vínculo matrimonial será suficiente el certificado de matrimonio por lo que no se expedirá la "Fe de casado"."



    If this is so I am more than relieved. I guess I have gotten to such a level of obsession where I would need an officer, judge or the like to tell it to my face in slow motion :rofl:

    Since this was listed in the requirements without specifying the case it applies to, I was convinced I needed it. I also called the civil registry today and the superior court and they said I wouldn't get it unless I registered my marriage in Spain first :(

    I was just taking the word on the civil registry that I had to declare my new marriage in order to get the certificate, which I was convinced that NVC wanted from me.

    Now I see that I got trapped in a limbo. Very confusing to figure out what applies and what not. Also because at first I thought that I needed to include the "certificado de empadronamiento" that we often present for legal matters and contracts in Spain. When i found out it was really the "Fe de Vida" what they ment I got really scared since my marriage is yet not registered in Spain.

    Taking a look at my list and considering I have a clean criminal record, no previous marriage or children and no military experience I think I am good to go, right?

    Thanks a ton! You made my day. I hope noone comes along to contradict your statement :no:

  5. By the way. Reading more about Visa laws I think this document may be more relevant for a Visa process where a couple is still unmarried, like a K1 for example. In that case before marriage the beneficiary would have to show proof of his civil status. I got married in Miami and passports were sufficient to arrange the wedding, which came totally unexpected. I don't see how being already married in the US this document makes any difference in my current situation towards obtaining residency.

    However, I see all the problems it would make to obtain it right now. Not having to present it would quiet frankly take a huge weight off my chest.

  6. Hello everybody. I have been reading the forum for a while. I need specific information regarding DS230 packages sent as a Spaniard Beneficiary. I read all the general requirements but found out that a Civil Status Document "certificado de fe de vida y estado" appears as a required document after the list of country reciprocity for Spain.

    I need to know if this is a document required from all spanish beneficiaries or just a document that is included when the marriage took place in Spain. We got married in the US a few months ago and, as of yet, I haven't inscribed our marriage in the civil register. To obtain this Fe de Vida y Estado certificate, according to the ministry hotline in Spain I would have to go through a process that could take months to first apply for an appointment and then register my marriage. This would delay my case indefenetely and I would not only be separated from my wife even longer, but also possibly lose a scholarship and school admission I have been working towards for the past two years.

    I am in desperate need to find somebody from Spain that can tell me what exactly they included in the DS230 package to make sure I don't screw up and delay this even more.

    The document I am talking about isn't listed in the main list of documents that must be presented

    The thing is that I am very meticulous and wanting to make sure I wasn't misunderstanding the Police Certificate requirements I decided to click on the reciprocity by country link.

    Under the list that link leads to is were this surprise was waiting for me on the state.gov website:

    Civil Status Certificates

    Available only to persons who are registered in a census (empadronamiento)." Certificado de Fe de Vida y Estado" is requested from the Registro Civil of the applicant's domicile.

    At first I thought this was the simple "certificado de empadronamiento" issued at your local district. Now it seems it's not.

    I also assume that if this was so important they would have pointed it out earlier in the instructions and not hide it behind a link originally related to Police Certificate issuance depending on country.

    So far my package, which is ready to be sent except for that curse of a document includes:

    • Bar coded cover letter

    • Two passport photographs of beneficiary (NVC Case Number, beneficiary’s full name and date of birth are written on back of both)

    • DS-230 Part I completed and signed by beneficiary

    • DS-230 Part II completed by beneficiary – unsigned per instructions

    • Copy of biographic data page(s) of beneficiary’s passport

    • Literal birth certificate “certificado de nacimiento” of beneficiary (with enclosed photocopy)

    • Original american marriage certificate (with enclosed photocopy)

    • Original police certificate “certificado de antecedentes penales” of beneficiary (with enclosed photocopy)

    Thanks you all kindly for your help in advance!

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