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Mick & Anne

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Status Replies posted by Mick & Anne

  1. It's our turn: Tomorrow night I'll be waiting impatiently at the airport for my hunny and our daughter to join me in the best hug of my life. Thank you everyone on VisaJourney for asking and answering questions. You helped us gain confidence and power along the way.

    1. Mick & Anne

      Mick & Anne

      shoot, i mean Thursday night, i told you i was impatient!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Medical on Friday at St. Lukes. Wishin' I could be there with you and Xylyn. Tell Xharl you need to rest early!

    1. Mick & Anne

      Mick & Anne

      Thank you! Anne sent me a text (hours ago!) saying that she arrived early and they have what appear to be good queue numbers.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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