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Posts posted by mrettercap

  1. Hey guys,

    Long time no see.

    I immigrated successfully into the US and got my green card, yay! I'm now working and happily settled here in Texas and life is good, except...

    When I immigrated, my wife didn't make enough to meet minimum income requirements, so we asked her father to help us out by co-sponsoring our petition during the immigration phase.

    Unfortunately, her father, who was once abusive and alcoholic, has relapsed into alcoholism and my wife has cut him out of her life.

    Yesterday in the early hours he called us screaming and threatening to withdraw his immigration support.

    Now, as far as I know, we have nothing to worry about -- our relationship is and always has been totally bona fide and we have proof (texts) of him threatening to get me deported because he's angry at my wife.

    Do we have anything to worry about?


  2. Actually, it is not uncommon to have cases in "Case not found" status online. No need to resend papers or anything. It just means that the NBC messed up putting your case into their online tracking system (happens quite often)... But that does not mean that it is not in THEIR system. As long as you have your NOA letter with your case number on it, you should be fine. Maybe call, talk to a Tier 2 and verify that they have your case in their system.

    My cases (all of them - AOS, AP, and EAD) were all in "Case not found" until the day they got approved.

    Edit: Wait - I just looked at your timeline. Have you had your Biometrics yet?

    Yep I've had biometrics.

    I called up about 3 months ago and the tier 2 guy said "just because it says 'cannot be found' doesn't mean it's not there. We have your case and it'll get done when it gets done"...but again, that was about 3 months ago.

  3. It's been 43 days since I filed and I still can't track my case either on the site or on the phone.

    I called an agent today but he helpfully informed me that he couldn't do anything until 45 days had passed and told me to call back in 3 days. :rolleyes:

    Had my biometrics appointment late June, but in terms of when I can expect EAD/AP or even the green card, who knows at this point.

    Anyone else at MSC unable to track their case status?

  4. Just click on the 'embassy reviews'. People fill 'em out once they've had the interview. Link is here.

    Here's my experience though:

    Arrived at Grosvenor Square about 7am, nothing was open, so grabbed a starbucks while I waited; when Gould's opened I dropped off my camera and phone (their bags are pretty big, so don't worry about bringing big stuff).

    Got in the queue at 7.20 just in time to see the armed guards wander in, then got called through. You have to wait outside the security hut and put your belt/watch in a bag before they let you in, then it all goes through a scanner like at the airport. After that, you leave the hut and follow the path round into the main embassy itself.

    When you enter, give your appointment letter to the lady and she'll put a sticker on there. Then you wiat....

    They started calling numbers at 8am, by 8.05 I-902 (me) was called. I went up to desk 14 and as soon as the guy serving me said 'hello,' I realized he was the spitting image of Lionel Ritchie(!). Sadly he was rather businesslike and humourless so he didn't do much to put me at ease. Once I was done, I headed back to the main area and sat down, but only had about 30 minutes until they called me back up to window 16.

    I had a lovely African American lady, all smiles and 'awws', really put me at ease. She seemed genuinely interested in our story and it was actually really fun talking to her. After a few questions which I rambled on at her about, she grinned and told me our visa was approved! :woo:

    I paid £20 for my courier and was out in just over an hour!!

  5. Hi folks,

    Received my MBE/Mysterious Brown Envelope yesterday.

    It's been stamped, initialed, and then had scotch tape applied over the top to reinforce the seal.

    Unfortunately the seal of the envelope itself looks like it's coming apart under the tape -- in fact it almost doesn't even look like it's sealed at all, not one of those self-adhesive envelopes -- and the tape appears to be The Worst Tape In The World and is coming away from the envelope itself in parts.

    I am trying to be really careful about handling it but I'm pretty worried it's going to pop open or the tape will unravel or something while I'm lugging it about the airport, since it's too big to fit in any of my carry-on bags.

    That, or they'll just assume I've tampered with it.

    Is this normal? Anyone else feel the same way about the bloody thing? I leave in 5 days (21st) and live 4 hours from London so sending it back to the embassy isn't an option. D'you reckon I'd be alright to put a bit of extra tape around it or best just leave well alone?

  6. big slowdown around the festive period I assume, any news??

    That seems to be the case! Finally got processed yesterday, just before the 6 week mark, so just waiting on an interview date now. Was told It could take up to 3 weeks to schedule an interview date(?!) surely it's just a case of clicking a button on the calendar when they've processed the paperwork? this has to be the least efficient system ever!

  7. I just called DOS to see if there was any movement in my case, at first the lady seemed nice as I gave her my details, she told me they hadnt yet set a date for the interview, so I asked her the date in which they received all the paper work so that i could hopefully estimate a date, she then repeated that they haven't booked a date in a sligtly aggressive tone, I explained that I understand that but would like to know what date they received the paperwork, she then let out a sigh and hung up on me.

    I would also like to add that I wasn't rude at any point and I was putting on my best phone voice haha

    I guess she was just having a bad day.

    We've had nothing but hassle calling the US govt. I've never experienced such rudeness from public servants.

    Finally processed our paperwork yesterday. Just waiting on an interview date now.

  8. Did you call the embassy "extortion" number or the Dept. of State number? The latter will be able to tell you if/when your DS forms and medical exam results have been logged and when you're eligible for an interview. Honestly, I wouldn't bother with the embassy number unless it's to pay the visa fee or to get the email code to contact the embassy directly.

    It was the extortion line; I kind of figured they were a bit useless, to be honest, though they've offered to give me an email code if I don't hear anything by next week.

    My fiancee called the DoS line and got through to an incredibly gruff guy who only told us "we're not requesting any more paperwork" and wouldn't tell us what that meant.

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