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Status Updates posted by Emina&Refik

  1. Vidim danas vam je interview; GOOOD LUCKK!! javite cim saznate sta je bio ! :D drzim vam figeeeeee :)

  2. APPPROVEDDDD !! OUR K-1 VISA HAS BEEN APPROVED AND MY BABY WILL BE HERE WITH ME MONDAY NIGHT AT 8:04 HIS FLIEGHT SHOULD GET IN! /emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />))))))

    1. KimberlyAhmed
    2. Emina&Refik


      well we sent it in sometime in august and got our NOA2 on feb 21st and then today they apporved it ! :) just make sure youre well prepared lots of pictures (we had a engagement party and his aunty made us a cake that said happy engagment) and we had pics like 40-50 pics lots of evidence and all your t's crossed and your i's dotted my hubby said interview took about 10 mins and that we were stressed for no reason it wassnt half as bad we were expecting! soooooo happpy right now...

    3. Emina&Refik


      well we sent it in sometime in august and got our NOA2 on feb 21st and then today they apporved it ! :) just make sure youre well prepared lots of pictures (we had a engagement party and his aunty made us a cake that said happy engagment) and we had pics like 40-50 pics lots of evidence and all your t's crossed and your i's dotted my hubby said interview took about 10 mins and that we were stressed for no reason it wassnt half as bad we were expecting! soooooo happpy right now...

  3. interview is on thursday, april 5th, in sarajevo :D wish us luck! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tru_loves_journey


      Wishing you the best of luck in your interview :)

    3. Emina&Refik


      thank you very much! :)) were more than excited a lot of mixed emotions just hoping for the best!!

    4. Emina&Refik


      thank you very much! :)) were more than excited a lot of mixed emotions just hoping for the best!!

  4. babee gets to call on monday to get his interview date! Weeeeeee :D getting sooooooo close

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Emina&Refik


      Evo bas sad mi je dragi javio i dobio je vizu :D rekao je da nisu bili puno pitanja i nije bilo tesko nezz tacno sve sto su ga pitali to cemi reci sve kasnije sutra mora po vizu u 2 popodne pa ce u ponedeljak ako bog da ovdje kod mene u 8 :D

    3. Emina&Refik


      Evo bas sad mi je dragi javio i dobio je vizu :D rekao je da nisu bili puno pitanja i nije bilo tesko nezz tacno sve sto su ga pitali to cemi reci sve kasnije sutra mora po vizu u 2 popodne pa ce u ponedeljak ako bog da ovdje kod mene u 8 :D

    4. AldinTima


      cestitam vam od srca nadam bas mi je drago to cuti hehhehe vjeruj znam sta znaci cekat ali ko ceka taj doceka hehe.... zamolio bih te samo da nam javis kada saznas sta su ga pitali od prilike... ja ocekujem poziv iz ambasade NVC je poslao papire 3 APR 2012 za ambasadu jucer sam ih bas zvao ali nisu jos nista dobili cak ni elektronski nadam se da cu i ja sto prije proci sce to

  5. how do you add a topic??

  6. HUbby has his physical with the doctor on monday , march 26th and then interview hopefully soon after that, cant wait to have him here next to me! just praying for approval!

    1. Teddy♥Pika


      Good luck!!! :) :) :)♥♥

    2. Emina&Refik
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