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S & F

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Status Updates posted by S & F

  1. :(:(:( K-1 petition denied, 11 month wait and then USCIS cruel decision for two loving hearts. what to do.... :(
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. S and S always

      S and S always

      Do not give up. Your only choice is to fight.

      Write an appeal or get an immigration attorney to help you fight for the K-1 visa.

    3. shinwary71
    4. S & F

      S & F

      Reason is that u didn't met ur fiancee, although i submitted affidavits from all family members that we belongs to a Pathan family and in our family customs, parents decide marriages by our consent and couple meeting is not allowed before marriage. All my family members attended my Engagement ceremony.but denied.

  2. :( :( :( K-1 petition denied, 11 month wait and then USCIS cruel decision for two loving hearts. what to do....:(
  3. add me on yahoo, so we can share info about our case,

  4. May Allah showers His countless Blessings and Mercies on U and Ur family. Happy Eid. sorry late!!

  5. May Allah showers His countless Blessings and Mercies on U and Ur family. Eid Mubarak. sorry late!!

  6. 9 Month passed waiting for NOA2!!!! what to do dears,

    1. shinwary71


      hope a good result for you insha'Allah

    2. shinwary71


      hope a good result for you insha'Allah

    3. S & F

      S & F

      May Allah accept our pray.

  7. S & F

    Congratss!!! U got NOA2, im waiting since Nov 2011,

  8. S & F

    Conrates Brother!!!!

  9. hi

    How r u,u ll hear good news in next week insha Allah.

  10. Any news...........

  11. Any news..........

  12. Hoping NVC ll soon give u good news.

  13. Congrats!!!!! what documents u submitted with ur petition.

  14. Replied RFE with evidences. Hoping ll be approved insha Allah.

    1. jake0926


      Hope you get approved soon!

    2. sparrowone


      i hope you get approved brother,

      i sent you an add req. on yahoo maybe we can talk there about our k1 visa case?

      allah pa aman!

  15. Congrats on 1st Step of Success and Happiness.

  16. i ve arranged Engagement by our parents, cermony was held in USA cos both of our parents live their. we r agreed to merry but did not met in person.

  17. Hi, Did u met ur fiance before petition.

  18. CONGRATS!!!!

  19. Hi how r u? Did u met ur fiance before petition.

  20. hi how r u?

    i wanna know, Did u met ur fiance before petition.

  21. hi, how r u?

  22. hi, how r u?

  23. Goted Affidavit from Tribal Leader about the restriction of meeting before wedding.

  24. Hi, How r u?

    Did u met ur fiancee before petition.

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