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Posts posted by Amadulove

  1. please pay close attention to the instructions that NVC sends...... I slacked a little I guess and now we are paying for it but God will move us through this. No matter how busy your life is stay on this case 100%!! Lets bring our love ones home!!! Im calling twice a week at this point and Im checking emails twice a day!!!! Im praying for no delays for none of us. Lets bring our family home where they belong!!

  2. Is this ds260 form something new? I never knew that I needed this form until I got an email from nVC last night!!! Im so ready for our case to be complete! I miss my husband so much! Can anybody give me some feed back as to why we have this online form now? Nvc waited two months to tell me that I needed it and it seems like its just like the Ds230!

  3. So what about when you submit the evidence in the end and they say "need more evidence"? Or when they are in a pissy mood when you bring loads of evidence to the embassy and because at that particular moment they dont feel like going through your stuff? I guess you cant win for losing....My husband and I frontloaded with our CR1 and we are not scammers. I did it because we do have three trips and three years worth of evidence to show them and I dont want to hear them say "we need more". Man is never satisfied, I wish they could set their issues outside issues aside when they come to work and do what they were hired to do. Like I always say Prayer and power...

  4. Hi Im the USC and Im praying that my husband gets an interview this year and I would like to attend. Im hearing all kinds of negative things about the wife attending the interview. I hear that they could interview us seperately and thts my main concern. Although we know and love each other very much, I hear that the Interviewer could ask twisted ir tricky questions to make it seem as though we dont know each other very well. I dont want to ruin my it for my husband and I. Im afraid that I will get nervous although im normally confident. Im so confused. I need and want to see my husband regardless this year because I miss him so much. Any opinions?

  5. Thanking and praising God for our NOA2!!! Ive cried and cried many nights and days just for this and tho is not over I trust that God will see us through the rest of whats to come. Im praying for a smooth sailing rest of the process and Im in constant prayer for the person that will interview my usband. Praying that they will have a good day whenever we go for our interview because we know that that are only human and their emotions can determined a yes, no or maybe. I pray that God clear the minds of all of the IO's and grant us the rights to be with our spouses so that we can continue our life journey as one. Be blessed and stay prayerful.

  6. Ok I have a question, Our i130 petition is approved and I did get a text message confirming, then minutes later it says that our file has been shipped to the Department of State. Is the Department of State the same as NVC or are they doing an over flow on the Visa processing too? can some one help? I didnt call them on today because it just hit my brain that it says Department of State and from what I googled they are located in washington i think

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