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Posts posted by NaudyDanny

  1. My wife got her IR-1/CR-1 interview for August 16th.... We are so glad to actually have a date to look forward to.. Even though we will be separated for our first anniversary, we know we'll be together soon.. Now to start planning for the interview! :-D

    its lame that you'll have to miss your first anniversary...but you cant beat having a firm date. Congrats Bro!

  2. So...im on cloud nine as they say. :dance: I came home from work like always set my stuff down and my Blackberry rang that I just received a message. Nothing new, but I always check righ away incase its something for work...AND LOW AND BEHOLD a message from the NVC! I was scared to read it cause it was too early since everything ive read and was told is that the NVC wont be scheduleing until the first two weeks of July and so I thought it was a ROE or something (not that I have anything to hide - just my mind going crazy). Anyway, I opened it up, downloaded the attachment...and BAM! it was my Wife's letter telling her about her appointment date and instructions!!!! I was freaking out...and sure enough my Wife called me within minutes of me receiving the email...exited about the email as well! and we did the happy dance over the phone! OH...sorry, we are scheduled for the 9th of August.

    Diana...could you confirm how many days the Visa will take to arrive? We are having it delivered in Bogota. Also, does Saturday count?...as the DHL office is open half days on Saturdays.

    Thanks Diana!

    - Danny and Naudy

  3. So...to confirm what was said earlier by Diana:

    I was told today that my appointment would be scheduled the second week in July and depending (I belive they use this as a "scape goat")on the sheduleing capacity that the NVC receives from the Embassy...I should be scheduled for an August appointment.

    Diana, do you know when abouts the NVC receives this "schdule" from the Embassy? Man, i think this is going to be some of the hardest weeks...so close yet not a thing you can do.... :wacko:

  4. ....Yes, another good point Diana.

    I wanted to post about a discrepancy between the US Department of State Consular Electronic Application Center

    (Where one pays there AOS and IV bill) and the E-mail I received from the NVC after they processed my AOS.

    From the reasearch i've done by ready offical sites, forums and calls I've made...I was aware that once the IV status changed from "in progress" to "PAID", i would be able to print out the cover sheet (a selectable button the the site) and mail in all the required documents in, which I did since i had everything ready. This bar coded cover sheet (which i didnt find out till later) has an adress with the attn as "ATTN: CMR". Also, this site only has a link to the NVC site on how to submit your package and all the pertinent info needed. It specifically does not state that you have to write your case number on every sheet in the upper right hand corner of every sheet. *which i knew to do from previous research.

    The E-mail i received from the NVC also had a cover sheet with the bar code, but its attn states "ATTN: DR". The email included instructions which state to please include the case number on the upper right hand corner of every page. It goes on to say to include a copy of the letter with your documents submitted...which i obviously did not do.

    After receiving this email...i of course freaked out knowing how meticulous and picky government agencys are. I immediatly picked up the phone and called the NVC and told them about the discrepancy and asked if the "ATTN:" discrepancy along with not including the letter would cause any delay on my package...which she assured me that it would not. Well, nothing against her but i called three other times and each told me the same thing...which i finally felt a bit better.

    Have you heard of this "discrepancy" from the NVC before? Just wanted to be sure any pertinent info is available to everyone for future applicants.


    -Naudy & Danny

  5. Hola,

    to quote the offical NVC web site at: http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/info/info_3744.html

    "Medical Examination

    My interview hasn't been scheduled yet, but I want to get started on my medical exam. Where should I go to get an exam?

    You will receive instructions concerning interview preparation in the appointment letter that you will receive from the NVC. You should not have your exam until your interview has been scheduled. For further information about how to arrange for your medical examination click Medical Examination. IMPORTANT NOTE: Medical examination results are valid for one year in normal circumstances. But if you have certain medical conditions your examination results could expire in as little as 3 months. In any case you should not have your medical examination until the NVC notifies you of your interview appointment date. You may be denied entry to the United States if your medical examination results expire before your arrival."

    The section "IMPORTANT NOTE: states that normally medical examinations are good for one year...but some can expire in as little as 3 months...depending on special circumstances.

    My wife and I are at the point where NVC is reviewing/finalizing our paperwork before contacting the US Embassy. Mi Wife has already gotten her exams completed and we have everything else ready as well.

    I guess we are super anxious to get everything done as quickly as possible so thruout the entire process we have had everything ready before hand to help eliminate any extra time on our part.

    -Naudy & Danny

  6. hehehe...

    im a numbers guy and detail oriented. Such as ensuring im ahead of the power curve when my time comes with the NVC. I actually enjoy it...i dont belive knowing is bad.

    ...and im sure you're right, after all is said and done i prob wont care. Although, id like to think that i can contribute to those behind me knowing what to expect.

  7. OK...

    so im obsesses with the numbers and from what I can tell...I dont see why the USCIS takes so long.

    Here are the numbers (raw data) from the site on I-130 Imm Rel:

    I-130 CSC Trend


    Dec-2011 16913 8797 52.01%

    Nov-2011 18350 10194 55.55%

    Oct-2011 18546 12025 64.84%

    Sep-2011 18006 14245 79.11%

    Aug-2011 19924 15879 79.70%

    I-130 National Trend


    Dec-2011 37059 28817 77.76%

    Nov-2011 39405 32757 83.13%

    Oct-2011 39030 33010 84.58%

    Sep-2011 38462 40400 105.04%

    Aug-2011 43533 44639 102.54%

    I'm not sure if the "completed" numbers include what they refer to as "Awaiting Customer Action". But none the less those would be "touched" which im sure we all would get exited if we knew our petition was at least touched.

    Anyway, If according to the numbers...lets say December>>>they are already 52% complete. So my question is, why then months to complete the remainding 50%.

    Does anyone have any insight or opinions or even some rebuttle as to why these are misleading. Or perhaps could someone explain my err in thought.


  8. im a bit perplexed as to how you came up with those dates. I tried to read thru the forums but i didnt seem to get it. Would you mind explaning how it may be done. Just like everyone else, good or bad, im so over anxcious that i can hardly bare it and any knowledge helps aleviate the torture of waiting.

    BTW my case is for a i-130 going via the CSC.


  9. Im going to go out on a limb here and i hope not to offend anyone...

    After reading up on several cases and reading up on USCIS, NVC, and Embassy procedures i tend to think that not only is "luck" an issue on processing times but so is the Petitioners and Beneficiaries background. It seems that there are a lot of cases where there are some "questionable" issues in association with the petitions. Also, depending on wheather or not the petitioner is a US citizen or a permanent resident doing the petition affects the time to process. Therefore, i belive that when the USCIS begings its background checks...anything that looks "unusual" will delay the process. Justifyably or not...especially if one tries to hide something. Of course i havent even mentioned the part where forms are not filled correctly, items not submitted properly...ect. which are under the control of the petitioner.

    Im open to positive and negative responses.

    Is there anyone out there who can add some truth to my thoughts or is this just illogical thinking?

  10. Id like to ask forsome honest opinions...

    during my previous divorce, my finances were pretty much damages...specifically my credit history. I am retired from the Air Force and am now working with a good company and have been for 8 months now. Im just concerned due to my current credit that it may somehow hinder or affect my I-130 application. Im not worried about having to prove my relationship or anything "shady" on my wifes part.

    So is this something to be really concerned about?


  11. Hello all...

    I was wondering; does anyone know what exactly happens at the USCIS process. I (for over examining/thinking) got my I-130 package returned to me for a simple correction. But I noticed two things. One - all the papers had a computerlike bar code on all the papers, right side vertically accross them. Two - a bright green sheet was submitted which stated to place on the resubmission to help ensure the paperwork was managed quicker (not really quicker, i beilive just that it had already been seen and not needed to start from the beginning). I had called and was confirmed that when looked over that what was identified were the only errors and that the whole package had been looked over.

    So, now back to my original quetion...what exactly happened to the I-130 to get the apprication approved?




    First off, get used to it because there really is no logic as to who gets approved before who. The folks who get their NOA2 in a few weeks are usually active military--which make all of us jealous but they really do deserve to be expedited. Just calm down and det ready for the long haul.

    Regarding not sending originals of your divorce decree, do not worry. I sent in a copy and I was approved. BUT you will need an original certified copy of your divorce decree for the interview.

    Good luck & GOD BLESS YOU BOTH!

    Thanks man...

    i needed the good words of encouragement. I know what you mean about the military. I actually met my wife while i was stationed at the Embassy...but i wasnt ready to marry her then...we had to make sure it was the real thing and thank God it was more than i could have hoped for. Now im out and of course have to do it the "regular" way. I appreciate the kind words and again thank you.


  13. Hello all...

    Id like to thank everyone for there input and all the great info ive gotten from their posts.

    I would like to know any knowledge on what ive been informed by the NVC when i called them. I was a bit confused when i read the "blurp" about how a K-3 visa would not needed and thus an i-129 would not be needed.

    Is this so? Im trying to ensure that i am doig everything correct and dont want to waste my time on a i-129 but at the same time not shoot myself in the foot because i didnt submit one.

    Please advise.

    On another note...and please excuse if this is not the correct place to posts; but id like to know if anyone has any opinions or facts on the 1 Jan Change on how i now summit my i-130 to the Phoenix location (which by the way im still confuzed on the acronyms on what the locations are...I.E Lockbox...)

    I apologize if i ran on... :help:

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