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Posts posted by Jacq_Jay

  1. Hello again VJer's!

    I do thank all for forum advice on my topics and other postings! I am question and I am trying to figure out the best way to handle it! For the past 6 months while waiting for the NOA2, my fiance's 2 kids came down with TB. They have been undergoing treatment with antibotics for 6 months. They recent had their x-ray and exam. One child's x ray was clear and just has to take antibotics and vitamins to the end of Feburary. The doctor said the other child needs meds for a 1-2 more months. Her doctor will give them their medical history of treating the boys for the medical at ST. Luke's. I don't want to send them medical exam if their is a strong possiblity of failing the TB test. USEM is very clear when it comes to TB and visas. What is the best advice because I don't want to send them to the medical exam if they could be denied clearance and cost more money? Also, is the vaccination included in the medical exam fee or is that extra?

    CFO seminar. Can the CFO seminar be done before visa interview or is it normal done afterwards?




    i done that CFO seminar after i got my visa from USEM

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