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Posts posted by SunDancer

  1. I am a new member but I am not exactly new to VisaJourney. I have relied on this website extensively during my immigration process but never registered..until now. I felt the need to register after reading sachinky's comments regarding SunDancer's situation. I could be wrong but I get the impression that sachinky has a bit of "I am better than others" attitude. Her thinly veiled judgmental comments about SunDancer's relationship and her statement about how the CO granted her a visa in less than three minutes are just two examples. When I applied for a visa several years ago it was granted very easily and quickly. I did have a strong case, but two others I knew were denied at the same consulate, despite the fact they also had strong evidence. The point is that it is not always possible to explain (much less explain away) the CO's decisions simplistically. Nor should one try to. Sundancer felt that justice was not served in her case, and she approached this site seeking suggestions. I have no idea whether justice was served or not. But the best I can do is to offer her helpful suggestions, if I have any. If there is nothing helpful to say, I should at least have the courtesy to stay quiet. This is not meant as an attack on sachink. Not at all. Perhaps she is too young and needs help in terms of social skills.

    Thank you!!! Very well said.

  2. Again, I just want to say that what I was upset and appalled at was the way my fiance' was treated. Yes I understand there is fraud out there and they only have a short amount of time to try to ascertain if the person they are interviewing is in fact trying to commit fraud. However there is still a proper and professional way to do that. I am not saying that they should have coddled him and acted like his best friend. But at the very least they should have treated him like a human being, but instead they screamed at him and interrogated him for over 2 hours. That is what I was originally stating when I posted this topic, not that I was surprised that they issued us a 221g, As I had stated before I knew this was going to be a journey. we had discussed this numerous times. I do not pretend to be an expert on India just because I was there for 2 weeks.There is much I do not know about India, every day when I talk to my fiance' I feel like I learn something new about India. My parents brought me up to not be judgmental,racist,sexist or anything. I was taught regardless of color,age,gender,religion,ethnicity or what ever that we are all human beings. No so long ago we had slavery, but now that has been abolished. Yes there is still racism but it gets better a little each day, yes there are different cultures all over the world. But my fiance' was told flat out,"You are Indian and she is a White American it is impossible for you two to have a valid relationship". If you want to get technical yes I am an American, however I am 3/4 French and 1/4 Native American Indian. Again why should it matter what nationality any of us are? Sorry I am just rambling off a bunch of nonsense but in my opinion age,race or if either of you have been married before or have kids should not be relevant in this process. I feel if there is fraud then it is fraud and should be dealt with accordingly with the law. Many of us do not choose who we fall in love with, yet it seems like we are being singled out and punished if any of us have any kind of difference such as in my case we are not both Indian so a valid relationship is not possible, who's right is it to say that we don't have a real valid relationship? Some of you on here or anyone in India just because you don't know anyone who has a similar relationship that my fiance' and I have. I am sorry but that is just ridiculous, again we are human beings so why can't we embrace other cultures? Just because it is not the "norm"? Makes no sense to me.

  3. NVC sent my package to the embassy in Mumbai between April 4 and 6; we are already on the 20th and I m yet to receive Package 3 from Mumbai. Want to know how does Mumbai Embassy fare compared with others in terms of processing?

    Any feedback will be more than welcome

    I will tell you that we never received our packet 3. We ended up having to download it online from the Consulate website for Mumbai.

  4. oh gosh i wonder how they will treat me and my husband. there is a age difference.but that doesnt bothered me. .

    to me age aint nothing but a number.

    I now agree with you that age is a number, but at the beginning I had issues with the age difference. To talk to and know Harsh you would not believe he is 24. He is very mature mentally for his age. It is amazing how people don't have any problems when it is the guy who is older, but if it's the woman look out, everyone seems to get in an uproar over it. Makes no logical sense.

  5. Sundancer take this heed and get over there ASAP before ur case gets set back to USCIS.

    And really take your emotions out and think like a CO and really examine your friends on Facebook your conversations. Hunni you would be surprised what folk say on Facebook (shock). I had a "friend" who was posting all on his wall I was his girl and giving me daily declarations. Look how you talk to men do you use words like I did "Babe. Hunni and sweetie" as terms of endearment.

    They saw something that makes them think you were married and the little time together will not work in high fraud countries.

    Yes gird yourself up and get what you need to do the battle and show the proof you need.

    I pray you have a good lawyer that knows how to handle your embassy. This is no time for a novice to cut their teeth.

    As far as my face book I don't talk to people on there other than my mom and my brother. The only thing I do is play games. Harsh and I do not even communicate via face book. And at one time there were two guys who did the whole I love you marry me thing one from Africa (Lagos) and the other from the same city as my fiancee', however I told them to leave me alone that I was not interested in them as I loved another. When continued to harass me I deleted them and blocked them.

  6. --Facebook meeting.

    --Spent merely 10 days in person.

    --Female petitioner is 38. With a child from a previous marriage.

    --Male beneficiary is 24 from India.

    Frankly, I am shocked that you are so shocked at this outcome.

    Wow, I just have to say you have got to be the most negative person I have seen in a long time. Every time you post it is to always say something negative, or to belittle everyone on this forum. You can say whatever you like or think, however your opinions or thoughts don't matter to me, at the end of the day Harsh and I know who we are and what our feelings are for each regardless of much time we have spent together in person. We have known each other for over 2 years. And what does it matter if I have a child from a previous relationship? You know it amazes me that people can be so narrow minded. Of course we knew it would be tough and the age difference would come into play here, what I am shock at is how they treated Harsh. My god people treat their dogs better then he was treated. Its people like you that have to run at the mouth all the time and always have to put in your two cents that makes others not want to post on forums. Maybe you should to not be a negative Nelly all the time and try to be supportive of others struggles. My mom always says if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all. Some good advice maybe you should try it!!

  7. Oh no how horrible for you both? How much of an age difference is there if you don;t mind my asking? And I don't understand the double standard. Why is it OK for a man to marry a woman many years her junior and not a woman? In this day and age in the US it's very acceptable for a woman to marry someone younger. My husband is younger than me, as well and hasn't has his interview yet. I pray for you and your fiance'. Stay strong, you will overcome this!!!

    I am 38 years old and Harsh is 24 Years old.

  8. Harsh had his interview in Mumbai and needless to say it did not go well at all, Harsh said there was 2 male officers one a US officer and also an Indian officer and they grilled him for several hours about the age difference and they kept asking him how much he paid me to file the K-1 Visa just so he can come to the US!!! Harsh said they even showed him my face book account and said see she has lots of male friends and she could be your mother!! He said they were both yelling at him one in English and the other in Gujarati and kept insisting that he paid me to file for a K-1 Visa. Oh and here is the kicker they told him I was married before.I have never been married and Harsh told them that but they said she has a daughter, Harsh said yes I know but she has never been married before. They then said she has a security number so we know everything about her and she was married before!!! I called our Immigration attorney and also I spoke with my Senator, my senator assigned me one of her immigration aides and I spoke with him today and he already emailed the consulate. Harsh is going to fax me copies of all the papers they gave him he said they gave him a 221g and told him someone would contact him, then they also told him that they know he paid me and he probably will be banned from the US. I know for a fact that Harsh has never given me any money I have covered the cost of the entire K-1 process including his medical fees.It has been a very emotional day for both of us with lots of crying, but now more than anything I am mad as hell that they treated Harsh like he was a criminal when we have done nothing wrong but love each other and only want to be together. I hope those 2 officers have their big boy panties on because they are in for a fight. We will not take this lying down.

  9. What is your age difference? We are interviewing in Delhi on May 1st and have a 19 year age difference with me (the female USC) being older. I completely understand how nervous you must be and know I will be as well when our time comes. Meditate, drink some calming tea, send energy? That's about all you can do right now. Best of luck!


    We have a 15.5 year age difference with me (the female USC) being older as well.

  10. OK I am such a nervous wreck, Harsh is on his way to Mumbai from Ahmedabad for his interview which is set for Thursday 7:30am. I don't think I am going to sleep til tomorrow night, until I hear from him. I am so worried that they will deny our visa due to the age difference. I have not told him how worried I am because I can't even imagine how worried and nervous he is and I don't want to make him more worried and nervous than he already is, which is alot!!Sorry I just had to vent as it is 2:30 am here and no one is awake I can call to vent to. LOL

  11. Ahmedabad has a passport seva kendra. Send your fiance the link I'd sent you earlier and ask him to register online and upload the application. I have a friend who got his PCC from Ahmedabad PSK, so I know for a fact it works without the interview letter, provided you approach the PSK.

    Divs, that is what he did do, and they still told him he had to have an appointment letter with a bar code on it. And now there are no available appointments til end of next week, I am having him go to the PSK on Monday and bring the original PSK Appointment letter he printed up online and if they still give him any problems, I told him to get an English speaking supervisor and to call me no matter what time it is for me and I will have a "chat" with the supervisor as it clearly states on the passportindia.gov.in website that the only items needed are the appointment letter and his passport, so they are in effect not doing their job properly and I will have no problem telling them so!! I hope it doesn't come to that but I will do whatever is necessary to make sure he has everything needed for his interview!!!

  12. Thanks everyone for your advice. My fiancee' lives in Ahmedabad. And he has the interview letter but the local passport office told him he has to have an interview letter that has a bar code on it in order for them to give him his PCC, we totally freaked out because he is leaving for Mumbai on Wednesday morning. So I am just at a loss as what to do, since I am so far away.

  13. Thanks everyone for you advice. My fiancee' lives in Ahmedabad. And he has the interview letter but the local passport office told him he has to have an interview letter that has a bar code on it in order for them to give him his PCC, we totally freaked out because he is leaving for Mumbai on Wednesday morning. So I am just at a loss as what to do, since I am so far away.

  14. OK, here is the low down, we got the Invitation letter from packet 4, My fiance' went to the local passport office to get his Police Clearance and was told they will not give it to him as he does not have the correct Interview letter with a bar code! Are they serious? Has anyone one else from India had this issue? His interview is on April 19th. He also went to the local VFS office and they told him oh that's OK you don't really need to submit the PCC now, when you go for your interview they will then give you a letter with a bar code to then go get your PCC and then you can send that with your passport to the consulate and then they will stamp your passport with your visa if you are approved, ok even I know that doesn't sound right. If I am correct what they are saying is he will get a 221g for lack of the PCC and then he sends that in with the 221g and if he is "lucky" then he might get his K-1 visa. Anyone have any insight on this? Or had this issue before?

  15. I hired L. Tod Schlosser, to help with out K-1 process in May 2011, however he has really done nothing and takes forever to answer me back, I recently found out that he was disbarred in Aug 2011, and he was suppose to inform all of his clients in writing of this fact. He never informed of this. And he only ever answer a few of our questions, I have done all the work in filling out all the forms and spending countless hour scouring the web for any and all information. What tipped me off that something was not right was the other day i emailed Tod and told him that we still had not received packet 4 even though my Fiance has his interview on April 19th 2012, What Tod told me was "Well you don't really need the interview letter as it's only purpose is to let the security guards at the Embassy know that you have business at the Embassy on that date and to let him in the Embassy". Ummmm are you serious?? I told him that is not true as my fiance was told that he could not get his PPC or set up an appointment for his medical exam unless he had a copy of the interview letter. So my suspicion were aroused. I went online ans started searching Tod's name and found all kinds of complaints and I found out he was disbarred by the EOIR and DHS.When I confronted him he said he did nothing wrong and he doesn't need the permission of Illinois to do what he does as he is completely qualified to do this. I asked for a refund as he has done no work and he never gets back to me, he refused saying without him we would not have an interview date.

    So my questions is has anyone else had any problems with L. Tod Schlosser? And does anyone have any advise as to what I can do to get my $2500.00 back?

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