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Posts posted by USAlien

  1. I am one of those born in the USA guys that had to petition for my wife and stepdaughter. Just reviewed the two forms I had to fill out, the I-130 to petition for them, two of those, one for each, and a G-325a for my biographical information. Not very long, me, education, where I worked and lived, and the name of my parents. But neither form asked me about my criminal history, nor did they ask me about the service I had to perform to protect other peoples freedom.

    Really not in a position to say I know for sure, but just do not see where they ask those kinds of questions, oh, also had to fill out an I-864 to prove I had the bucks to support my wife and stepdaughter. So your intended may not have a problem with this, the immigrant sure would.

    Also your daughter with a US citizen parent, is already a US citizen, but have to get the paper work to verify that. So that just leaves you.

    So basically, minus the prison... You were in the same situation, which is good to know.

    I have had a look at some forms, and I cannot see anything about criminal history either, so that is a plus I guess.

    He is not the father of my daughter (we broke up and I was an idiot). So I guess there's a lot more paperwork added on top of that now.

    Thank you so much, you have/are being a lot more helpful than you probably think you are. More so for my sanity :D It's good to know that it can be done.

  2. Know this post is going to be moved. Does make somewhat of a difference if your intended was born here or naturalized, depending on the offense, if naturalized, can be deported. But won't get much help unless the replier knows exactly the nature of that offense.

    On a personal note, with your history with this guy, are you sure you want to go through with this? Being a bit older and wiser, you can't change people, well, maybe one in a million, but the odds are greatly against you.

    First of all, thank you for replying :D

    Secondly. He was 17 when he went to prison. His sister got raped and murdered, so my intended (being young and angry) went to find the scumbag that did it and beat him with his own skateboard. Needless to say the offender was jailed for murder, but my intended also got 5 years for assault with a deadly weapon. He has now been on probation for almost 15 years (Resitution fees along with that) with no violations or further convictions. He has his own company with his brother and is completely stable.

    He was born in the US and still resides there.

    I hope that information helps.

    Thanks again.

  3. Hey Guys,

    First of all, a breif intoduction. I am Laura, I am 26 years old and have a beautiful daughter (14 months) I have been seeing, and engaged to a guy in America for a while now. Almost 3 years. We broke up for a period of time (hense the daughter) and got back together middle of last year. We met online.

    I am now, again, looking to move over there to be with him, with my daughter.

    Now, he has a criminal record. Not due to the fact that he is a thug lol. It's a long story, but let;s just say he was young and believed he was delivering justice. (He didn;t kill anyone!!!)


    I was wondering if his record with affect anything. I know the process of the petition needs him to be able to prove that he can support me in order for me to move over there, which he will be able to. But I just wondered if the record would make things more difficult?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

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