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Posts posted by PFCOMB

  1. Yes - she sent in the white booklet (both times..hehehe). That's what makes me think it was my U.S. divorce decree from Las Vegas that was the problem.

    Thank you all for your responses! I can't describe fully how much hope I receive just from knowing I'm not alone. A million xie xies to all of you!


  2. Hello,

    On the subject of RFEs and divorce decrees....

    We were issued an RFE regarding our divorce decrees. I am not positive whether it was mine or my fiance's or both, but I requested another copy that looked like the same thing I originally sent in. The only difference might have been a small rubber stamp at the bottom of the first page with a box checked. In her case (China), she gave what is always given. The civil administrators in China assured her that what she was given is what all couples are given and that they were well aware of what was required for a K-1 visa to the U.S. So, in the end, she turned in the same documents. And now we wait....

    I post this more as a cry into the void than anything else. I have tried my best to read up on all things related to K-1/K-3 visas, but it is still hard to sleep through the worry and waiting and uncertainty. We are using a lawyer and I hope that was a wise investment. I felt confident that using a lawyer would save us such things as the current RFE that we are awaiting second judgement on. Now I wonder...

    I just wanted to say this, purge it if you will, since this seems like one of the few places where I know I am among understanding folk. I am grateful for this website and the answers and encouragement it provides. Hopefully this will be the "minor bump in the road" our lawyer assured us it would be.

    Thanks for reading and thanks for being here for us. There are times when going through this process feels very lonely. Best to all of you.


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