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Posts posted by Askafael

  1. But the GOV site says this :If taking short trips (30 days or less) to Canada, Mexico, or the Caribbean Islands during the course of your visit to the U.S., hold onto your I-94 or I-94 (W); it should only be turned in when you leave the U.S. to return home.

  2. Hey guys, after spending some time with Keri in my new home, we need to go back in Canada to get the rest of my belongings. Is it possible for me to travel in Canada and get back into the US before getting married and while having my I-94?

  3. Hey guys, I have my interview on Thursday :) . I would like to have a general idea on how long it is to receive via DHL the passport/visa after approval. I live in Québec city. Is it a matter of couple of days or weeks?

    Thanks ;)

  4. I sent my DS-160 (online obviously) with my picture and all. Do I still need to send with my packet-3 the DS-230 since the are slightly different? Or just sending the DS-160 confirmation is alright?

    I also have a packet 3 checklist that ask for the darn Courier Service Reference ID number...

    Thank you for your help guys :)

  5. Hi everyone, back in February I tried to go visit Keri after I've quit my job to bring her my belongings since I would not need it (I was going to live at my mother's place while I wait for my visa). My father passed away several weeks before that happened and I came back to my home town to accompanied my mom. Bringing my stuff then would simplified things since I would be able to take the plane when everything is finish instead of doing the whole ride again. Let me add here that my stuff fits into a corolla without a trailer or anything. Back then, our petition was not yet filled. Once I arrived at the PoE the agent did not felt comfortable to let me pass as I had quite some stuff with me. I told them the story I just wrote here and they just let me go on my way back.

    Would this pose any problem on our petition at any point?

    Thanks guys :)

  6. There was a 10 days person on here, a 74 day person, another bunch of 60 dayers.

    Personally I think what happens is that a container needs to be filled withsay exactly 100 petitions. So say one box had 90 petitions from February and there's no more at the moment for February then they add 10 more from March to fill it up. So when the box gets procesed the Marchers get adjudicated with the February folks.

    Just a thought.

    The general concensus on here is that Lawyering up actually delays the process.

    No worries mate, congrats still, some folks are still waiting past 7 months.

    Good Lord!! Well I am thankful I am not one of those and for those who are still waiting, you have my thoughts.

  7. Many of us here have you beat and handsomely and without using Lawyers.

    I say this for future searches on Lawyers and I-129F application.


    Maybe I was not clear, I was indirectly asking if there was a link with the fact that we are going through a lawyer. I am merely sharing my surprise by the "speed" it was processed . :blush:

  8. Hi, my name is Patrick and am from Québec, Canada. Me and Keri met one another via internet in March 2010. Since then, our relationship bloomed into my most precious thing. Keri got divorced on January of this year, and today she is meeting with our immigration lawyer. I do hope all the questions and inquiries that I have will be answered today. Is the ex-husband be part of the interview (as in will there be questions about him)? When IS the interview? AM I gonna lose hair about that interview? :dance:

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