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Posts posted by one-heart

  1. Upon entering he was interviewed by a Moroccan man. He checked the files that he was suppose to bring. He asked was either you or your wife married before? Who is ______(my fathers name)?. Have you been outside Morocco?

    Then he waited for his second interview in a closed room with a nice Asian women. She asked

    1) How did you meet your wife? (followed by numerous interruptions of questions that were related to the main question however the interviewer would include wrong information in these questions and it was up to the beneficiary to correct this mistakes that she was including in the follow up questions).

    2)While looking at photo album, asking how many people attended the wedding ceremony.

    3)How many times did she visit you.

    4) What you are planning to do when you are in America.

    The interview lasted 20 minutes but he was in there for a total of 4 hours. He answered every question with a monologue answer and in addition to answering each question he provided even additional information that was not asked for. It is important not to just answer with a yes or a single sentence speak until they tell you another question. Remember they don’t want to give you a visa so it is your job to fight for it. The interviewer was summarizing information that he said but has giving wrong information, if this happens CORRECT HER IMMEDIATELY.

    Notes about the interview. One of the most influential factors that will help in the interview is practice before the interview. Mock interviews and studying the questions that have been previously posted on visa journey are a must for a successful interview. The inteviewee must appear confident and collected. In addition the beneficiary must bring a lot of evidence and put it in front of him /her in every interview ( in our case they only asked for a couple of photos) but just the allusion is impressive to the interviewers. The evidencescan be copies that they already have, or messages/call histories and even just random unrelated papers in a file. Also praying fjar and istikhara will only help and ask for your parents to pray for you.

    Facts about the case:

    The beneficiary was living outside Morocco for three years and met the Petitioner when she was living in Morocco.

  2. what ??????? its soooo bad what so she did :(

    i know there some bi...... that destroy the marriage name and i have my wife from the same place and the sam country and im moroccan too

    i dont believe what you said and im sure it happened :(

    may allah help you and give you patient , and for sure there is somthing you can do but its gonna be a long way that will need alot of patient

    i swear i ask allah to help you and make a big gate for you so you can seee your son

  3. Relax yr mind,if u get so apprehensive u may lose the visa.onCe they notice fear, which is normal in everyone in yr shoes,they may be a denial . I was denied my cos of fear and apprehension, is was so much that I couldn't talk much. My hands were shaking to sign in front of co. My relationship was genuine with evidence but denied. As much as possible try to be clam, look into their eyes. Be bold and confident ,God almighty will help u.

    im really confident brother and hamdollah everything is goood

    its just some questions to make me feel confident hamdollah , and your answers did already helped me soo much

    im just traying to get expirience from poeple who had interview befor

  4. ~Is your wife Muslim? If not, does your family approve? What about her family?

    ~Why not somebody from Morocco?

    These are 2 questions you might be asked so you should have an answer!

    You guys seem like you are on the right track and have everything they could ask for based on what I've read on the boards!

    As Gegel said, as long as you know you are telling the truth and you truly love her, everything should be fine so clear your mind and just relax. :)

    Good luck and may Allah bless you in your process and in this upcoming Ramadan as well!

    thank you soo much for the answer and yes she is muslim and actualy i found that she respect me and she is faithful and morocan or american dosnt matter

    i appreciat ur reply and i hope allah bless you and keep you save sisster

  5. im not worried brother im just wondred what can reduce stress

    hamdollah god and all my familly and her familly knows about our relation and true love

    and we already sent affidavit from her familly and my familly and frend too

    thank you soo much and i need just advices like you said brother and hamdollah i know everything about her and she knows everything about me

    thank you soo much for ur reply

  6. i need your advices brothers may allah help you too

    this is my case and my interview scheduled for next month and i want to tell you everything soo you tell me what is missing ..

    i swear by god i love my wife sooo much and she love me soo much too but the fraud cases in the past made everybody same and no trust from CO

    this is my case and please tell me how is my chances ???

    my wife she is 22 years and im 26 years and we knows each other 1 year 10 months , she visited me 4 times in morocco and one time in Dubai For our HoneyMoon

    which mean 5 times in total we met each other .

    we are together now since the 22 of may and we decided to stay till the process end so we can go together because we can't leave anymore siparite ...

    we visited deferent places in morocco since she visited me last time nd we have picturs too

    i speak english with her.....

    we have photos , phone calls , skype and also facebook msgs ..

    last think we had only a zakat cermony and we didnt have a bigg wediing party because her familly decided to have a mariage cermony there inchallah

    Please help me and tell me what i need else god he knows what is between us and how much we love each other

    but i wana know how to convince the CO From you expirience

    Thank Vj Brothers

  7. my interview scheduled for july and i and my wife we are sooo happy , she is staying with me in morocco since the 20 of may ... this the fourth time she visited me in morocco in 1 year and half of our relation and now we are planing to be together till the interview and the process ends and get the visa so we can go together inchallah

    i wondered if you can add anything can helps me to be relaxing in the interview , hamdollah i dont feel that i have

    any red flag on my case.. because

    we have all the preuvs that can shows our relation , we had our honeymoon in dubai and also last time we had small

    honeymoon in morocco..

    please help me with anything that can make avoid any disaster on that interview day

    thank you in advence

  8. i mean d i need to provide again the police certificates for the two countries i have been befor

    about my orygen country i dont have any probleme but the other countries it takes one month to get them and the last police certificates i got them when im outisde those

    countries which mean i can't make crime inside them ?? do the embassy will understand this or i should provide them then they will start interview with me ???

  9. i sent all the documents needed

    but as you know to schedule the interview it need time and i feel like my documents gonna get expired befor the interview date

    and what make it defficult i livid in two defernt countries in the past for more then six months and i think i will need the police certificate from those two countries

    and it takes more then two months to get them from outisde and now im in my original country which mean it will be hard to get them again

    the question is do i need those documents again if they got expired befor schedule the interview date and do i need valid one in the interviw day ????

    notice , i got the certificates when i was outside those two countries i livid in which mean no way to make a crime inside them ???

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