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awsome ali

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Posts posted by awsome ali

  1. well..

    congrats you guys going to become mom and dad..

    you really need to understand that dont mix your baby birth with moving to US

    the procese is estimated to be 5-6 months ,,every case is differnt Every case

    what you do is apply for it and get into the processes ,,,

    immigration things are tiersomes and frustrating,,, it might give both of you stress,,when she is in her late months,,,

    I suggest to get into the proceses but dont expect that you going to have your baby and everything will happen within the time frame,,,

    DSF can help in your plan,,,

    which you all the luck

  2. The US has these things call computers and databases. Hiding your previous application would be a BIG MISTAKE. You will be asked if you have applied for a visa in the past on the application, and you must answer truthfully. Your lie (even by omission) could get you a life time ban in the US.

    Given that you have already failed to get a fiancee visa, your chances of getting a visitor visa is ZERO. First, you have shown immigrant intent by your K-1 application. Second, you have already shown you have immigrant intent. A visitor visa applicant MUST show he/she does NOT have immigrant intent.

    Your visitor visa application will be denied as an attempt to use it illegally to go to the US to marry and stay there (i.e. illegally immigrate).

    Save your money and forget about the visitor visa. Have your fiancee visit you in Pakistan. Reapply for the K-1. Alternatively, she can marry you on her visit and apply for a spousal visa.

    thanks for your esteemed support

  3. Having met in person in the 2 years prior to filing is a requirement of the K-1 visa, so of course you were denied. The internet is not in person. Your odds of getting a visitor visa requires you prove you're going to go home after and doesn't have a reason to stay in the USA. Having a recent attempt to get a K-1 visa is going to say you have every intention of staying. What proof do you have to offer that you will return home after you enter the USA? The embassy's view is going to be you intend to stay in the USA, plus they already have hard evidence you intend to stay.

    what else shold i do , to proceed my case

  4. i have applied fiance visa finaly they said that you must have met personaly, as we met via internet.

    now i am planning to apply for a visitor visa , previously she applied from the US and now i want to apply from pakistan.I want you to please guide me whether i give the detail of previous I-129 application of go with fresh case and do not discss previously what happend at the texes

    thanks in advance

  5. So my husband arrived 5 days ago. I knew before he arrived that things would be complicated to a certain extent as he was hesitant to come in the first place and he had been "acting out" or "rebelling" gradually for the last 5 months prior to arrival.

    Now he's here and his actions are very immature. He is doing things that my own teens don't do. Mocking, giggling, obsessed with the internet and games, etc.... Things that make you feel somewhat embarrassed to have that person as your husband.

    He had one friend in the same city I live in, someone I didn't realize would become an issue, but already has. As soon as I'm home from work, he's out the door 30 minutes later, with his friend, doing who knows what. I don't have a way to contact him, other than to call his friends phone, and I honestly have no interest in chasing him around.

    On day 3, he became extremely angry because the father of my children called to speak to my daughter. This is a relationship that has been over and done with for over 10 years. My husband was very much aware of this, as they are from the same city in his home country, and they know each other. He was so furious, he told me he didn't want to be with my anymore and that he did not want to be here. He left for 6 hours with his friend, then returned to get his things. I told him to at least stay the night, then in the morning he could do as he pleased. I'm not going to force him to stay. I slept in my daughters room and let him have his space.

    He decided to stay but I'm not sure why. We haven't spoken much since that happened.

    When I returned yesterday from work, he was preparing some food and when I walked in the door he expected that I run into his embrace and forget everything that had happened the day before. Unfortunately for him, I don't function that way. Everyone is responsible for their actions and words. Brushing your wrongdoings off is not only immature but a coward move, not to mention unattractive. He left with his friend for about 45 minutes, then returned and asked if I minded if he stayed out longer. I told him he's free to do as he wishes. He opted to stay home and I went to sleep.

    I overheard a conversation between he and his cousin last evening about him needing a cell phone. I have a pre paid phone that is brand new that I was willing to connect for him. Since his actions are very unpredictable, I'm reluctant to add him to my phone contract. If he leaves I'm stuck paying an unused line for 2 years. Not going to happen. The phone has all the bells and whistles one would want ..... but he says no, he is having a family member send him money so he can get the newest Iphone. He says he doesn't want anything other than this. I cannot afford it, nor will I encourage this type of greedy lifestyle.

    I'm discouraged because I thought that he would be more appreciative, more understanding and more considerate. This is not the case. I hated to have to air out my dirty laundry but I need input from people who have gone through similar situations to give me advice. I cannot count on the "give it time, maybe he will change" thing......

    i have same kind of issues with my fiancee, i mean she is loving but some time she reacts unexpectdly, even you are a goodlooking couple if it is hapening so , really bad.

    how did u first realize that HE is the man for you

    Caz being a man i believe that the greatest quality of man is to support his family , give gifts to wife , not to expect, and go to work, insted the wife...

  6. One minute interview at the consule this morning and I feel so happy. :) she only ask me about the name of my fiancé, how old is he, and did he meet my parents. Then she look at the pictures then she said my visa is approved:) super Easy. Thank God he made things easy for me and for my fiancé and also Thanks to my vj family. Got lots of information in this site. Godbless to all :)

    congrats......how long it took from filing to interview date

  7. i was intrested to file a vistor aplication in pakistan but they have tonnes of question to know the intention, so that is why i took a time taking path so that it should be through a processes.

    if she is not intrested to come here then i have to go, if the only option is my flight then why i take risk of being a visotr, i thouht i would be more comfortable with proper stamp on the pasport that is K1 visitor , not the ordinary one

  8. This basically explains not living under same roof before marriage and hard for you to go to Pakistan. It doesn't explain why it is impossible to meet in person in the US. You have to over why you can not see each other in person, not just why you can't travel.

    I traveled to the US, my husband has never been to my country.

    Be careful using financial reasons for not meeting. You will be the sponsor later on.

    ever one of you, thanksssssssssssssssssss a lottttttttttttt

    evry one coment is against to what i did, but at least i am knowing , and to plan next step

    i was intrested to file a vistor aplication in pakistan but they have tonnes of question to know the intention, so that is why i took a time taking path so that it should be through a processes.

    if she is not intrested to come here then i have to go, if the only option is my flight then why i take risk of being a visotr, i thouht i would be more comfortable with proper stamp on the pasport that is K1 visitor , not the ordinary one

  9. Great ! Does your petitioner have an immigration attorney, and was the waiver sent with the Petition?

    Waivers are extremely difficult to get approved, but it is possible if you have theproper documentation. An attorney would be a good idea since this would be a difficult thing to attempt on your own.

    i dont have attorny i am doing everything by self, i do research to find things. here are some resones i have sent to immigration

    Subject: Explanation of reasons causing Extreme Hardships

    I, do hereby state that we met each other using an online matrimonial channel. It was good day of 15th June 2011. We started knowing each other for a good time and eventually I finally filed the petition. However, there were some critical reasons that would caused me hardships if I went to meet______ in Pakistan.

    1- I am a new revert and learning about Islam. As I have lived all my life in US I fear that I would be unable to cope with the culture and values of country entirely new for me. _____knows English but his mother specially, don’t so language also a barrier to get with the rest of family if in case I would have visited Pakistan.

    2- As explained by (the religious leader) that living together before marriage is not allowed, it is somehow restriction from the religion. As we have decided to celebrate our marriage here in US we will definitely, as soon as practicable, arrange the marriage on____ arrival. (Letter Attached)

    3- Another important factor as I have already mentioned in my application in supporting documents page title off course during our discussion I expressed my thoughts to Asim that “I am happy that you are willing to relocate leaving my family was a big issue for me”. I was talking about either a visit or a relocation. Because I have a two and half year old son out of a relationship before I revert. Leaving my son is like someone puling out my soul


    My mother does not want me to visit outside the US and as I love my mother too much I can not go against her will. (Reasons already explained in her letter)

    5- I am studying at _______College. By the time I filed the application, it was my term time, which would have caused disruption in my studies if I had left half way through. I am running through my classes and not intending any activity that prevent me to continue my studies smoothly.(Document Attached)

    Finally I cannot wait to give my would be a warm welcome, to meet once and forever. I would be grateful if you allow to proceed so that we can start and live our life together.

  10. Meeting in person is the major requirement to get approved at the USCIS level. Unless you have a convincing financial hardship or cultural reason prohibiting you to meet your finacee, it will be really impossible to get approved.

    Good luck

    finance was the most important reason but i didnt mentiond it , caz of the fear they might not disaprove it streightaway. any way she wrote some 5-6 convincing resons

  11. Assuming mom and dad live together and brother is either a minor or counted on their taxes- b) mom, dad, brother, and my fiance - 4.

    Technically the CO can accept 100% at interview but they ahev discretion and most want to see 125% because that is what will be needed for AOS in a few short months. Especially where a co-sponsor is involved, the CO usually want to see them comfortably over the poverty line.

    plz tel me how much in dollars for one person makes up the poverty level of 125%

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