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Status Updates posted by okcarl

  1. Thanks, Congrats on your 12/19 approval!

  2. Hello Mark, You are still waiting on the NOA 2? I am in Warsaw now getting my share of set backs but marching fwd, after a couple of misunderstandings finally got the interview set but now her daughters Visa has not came through as told. And there it is a Holiday Monday so if not I am out a few airline tickets and still waiting into next week. Catch me up on yours. Cheers from warsaw.

  3. okcarl

    Allright!! Congratulations!!!

  4. Hello Omar, Thank you! Pray you and Irina are very close behind! My NOA1 was Apr 10 so just 5 days shy of 6 months, as I have been looking seems many get approved 2 to 5 days before the 6 month point. What city is Irina from? Natasha is from Baranavichi.

  5. okcarl

    Hey Todd, Thank you so very much for your prayers and thank God for his answer. Got my NOA2 notice yesterday so prayerfully yours is coming very soon!

  6. Hope all is going well for you. What made you decide to do the K3 vs the K1?


  7. Guessing at the Timeline you have been rather busy, hope all is going well.

  8. okcarl

    Hello Todd, see we have very close NOA1 date's going to follow your timeline if you don't mind. Pray we are just around the corner!

  9. Hey Omar, I see you are close behind me. Have you been to visit Belarus yet?

  10. Dave, Hey Buddy how you been doing?

  11. Hey Congratulations Ron!!!! I did write a letter to the Embassy on the payment, so far all I got was the canned FAQ letter. Hope I get more. Please keep me updated on what you find out. Thx

  12. Not arguing if a good decision or not just know the work load has to go somewhere and don't feel they should put them in front legitimate citizens. Another http://immigration.about.com/b/2012/08/05/u-s-immigration-officials-release-details-of-obama-plan-for-undocumented-children.htm Hope I am wrong, got to b a huge workload.

  13. http://www.c-span.org/Events/USCIS-Director-Discusses-Plan-for-New-Deferred-Action-Program-Policies/10737432933-1/

    Check out this article, hard to know the details, but timeline kind of flows. Keep telling Nat we are just going to have to have some patience.

  14. Hey Ron,

    Bummer, sorry to hear such a long delay sure hope you hear something quick! Keep watching the timelines and they seem to just suddenly get longer and longer, makes you wonder if there is something to the Obama decision back in June and if it didn't require a little staffing from VSC. Hard to know the details, but the timeline fits.

  15. Hello Ron, my fiance is from Baranovichi and we have a Apr 10 NOA1 so real curious how your timeline is going. Wishing you the best, know you must be busy. Thx Carl

  16. Zarco, curious what you found out on the Visa payment so she could schedule her appointment?

  17. Congrats again on the interview date, wow must be very exciting at this point! Curious, are you the fiance in Belarus?

  18. Hello Zarco, Still waiting on your NOA2? Same stage myself, wish you the very best. Carl

  19. Hey L&L congrats on getting the NOA2!, waiting on mine so very interested in how your process goes. Was just over there a little over a month ago and really enjoyed the trip, loved it. Wish you the very best! Carl

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