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Posts posted by luukaas

  1. hellooo everyone !!

    So my fiance has been in admin processing for about 7 months at the London embassy, and finally we received an email from the embassy requesting for his passport..

    BUT in the email it also stated that " there might still be more admin processing needed and that your medical exam expires July 30th 2012 and that you MUST enter the US before that date, but please mail your passport" (which clearly doesn't make any scene with what there plans are)..

    My fiance sent his passport thru DX service on this past Friday..

    sooo my question for people who have been thru this process is, what dose it mean when the embassy requests for your passport?.... Has he been approved, or are they going to take MORE time to process??...

    And Also if you have been thru this process please inform me about how long did it take for them to approve your case and mail you your passport back??

    Thanks much

  2. hellooo...

    Please update with what happened with your case, because my fiancé's case is in London embassy aswell, and he's still going thru administrative processing, and about 2 weeks ago we received an email from the embassy requesting for his passport. But it has also stated that " there might still be more administrative processing needed, but please mail your passport" ( which clearly doesn't make any scene)..

    So my fiance sent his passport thru DX service on this past Friday..

    **** But please inform me, when u sent your passport how long did it take for them to approve your case and mail you your passport back??

    Thanks much

  3. hello everyone..

    my fiance's case is in AP, but recently we received and email from the embassy requesting for his passport :) things are going good so far..

    my question is, my fiance lives in England ( student visa) and he hasn't seen his family for about 5 years.. so my question is once the American embassy approves his K1 visa can he travel to Pakistan for 2 weeks and then come to America?.. or dose he have to come to America straight from England??[/size]

  4. Noo we haven't recived anything from them..

    He went for his intervie sept 9th 2011..and since then he's been in admin process... I even got a litter from the congressman about 3 weeks ago and tht was usless.. I call the DOS evey Monday and thurs and thy tell me the same thing...

    There's another # tht I called its the 1800 # its the one tht costs 16$ percall and I spoke to this one guy on Friday and he told me tht I should wait for about two more (complete waiting. For 22 weeks untel we r in admins process) and oonly after waiting for 22 weeks in admin process , if I email the embassy then thy will give us a deltail answer whts happening with our case....com

    This is sooo depressing...

    Btw, y was ur case in admin process, if I may ask.. cuz u had ur interview in feb 2012??? Rite???... my fiance had his sept 2011... so about 7 months ago thy needed upt to date police report, his birthcertificate and corresponding emails...

  5. Hey,

    I have a similar situation as you do... my fiancé went for a interview on Sept 2011, and he was placed in AP because they wanted some more (corresponding emails) between me and my fiancé and an update police report.. We sent all this info Nov 2011, and still when I call the DOS and they say that it’s still in AP!!!!!!

    I’ve been in contact with the embassy in London thru email almost ever month and also I’ve contacted our congress man...

    Before you send an email to the embassy in London you have to get a code from the Embassy call center, and when I email the embassy I just generally include:

    Applicants name.......

    My name...........

    Applicant’s passport #......

    Case #......

    To whom it may concern...

    **Then I type that when we had our interview and when we submitted our documents that the embassy required for this AP process, and then ask how much longer our case process will take... **

    I’ve emailed them embassy multi times and their reply is that they are not able to give us a time frame to when the AP will be over and that they will contact us when they need more information or when they are ready to issue us a visa...

    I’ve also contacted the congressman for the state of Maryland, I explained our case situation, and in 4 days I received a written letter from the congressmen stating that our case is in AP, and they are not able to give us a time frame...

    So pretty much this is a GAME that they are playing with our life... its annoying, cause me and my fiancé day by day are getting in little arguments and I’m just afraid that this AP process might break us apart cause its taking so long...!!

    But i pray that it hurry’s up quickly... Inshallah

  6. Hello every1

    I attended my interview in London back in November and I was placed into Administrative Processing until I could provide The Affidavit of Support, Form I-864 (even though the embassy website said this was not needed for a k-1 visa). This form along with my passport was sent to the embassy a week later.

    Since then I have remained in Administrative Processing and was just wondering how long other people have had to wait.

    btw for others in this situation once u have been in Administrative Processing for 90 days you get the same email response from the embassy telling you there is nothing you can do but wait till they are finished.

    can you update us on what ur admin process is.. have you heard anything from them yet?

  7. My fiance went for his interview on sept 9th 2011..and thy wanted some emailes between us, and an unpated police report...

    My fiance and I both r from pakistan, but I've been in america 19 years..and my fiance moved to england 5 years ago on student visa..and he's still in england...

    We've been in AP for almost 5 months now :(

    Hey Everyone,

    I am just wondering for those of you in London AP...how many of you are muslim or have lived in or are originally from one of the MENA countries? We have been in AP for 4.5 months so far...we had no requests for additional documents after the interview...they didn't doubt our relationship...everything in our case was fine...but we were put into AP to do background/name checks. My husband is a young muslim male...he is a UK citizen born in London and lives there now but he lived in Morocco for most of his life. Just curious if anyone here in London AP has a similar situation. Please share and keep us all updated on if you hear something...good luck to everyone! :)

    And, I did go to my congressman to tell them about the situation tht we r in, but thy said thy dnt think tht they can help much with it.. but thy r ganna try..so homfully ill keep u posted with wht there response was..

  8. AP-Administrative processing can be done at the FBI level where it is name and background checks or it can be

    Internal Processing done at the embassy level for background checks and document review or relationship review.

    I do not think people DO much of anything to get Washington Mandatory AP

    Well they wanted some emails between me and my fiancé, so I think that is (internal process)... but still just to get a kick out of it, i made and appt to see the congressman tomm :) ill keep u posted with what our out come was .. Wish me Luck

  9. Out of curiosity, what happened at the interview for you guys to be put into AP?

    Everything went fine, and they just wanted an updated police report and they wanted to see our emails, and my fiancé didn’t take any printouts... So they gave him a blue refusal form and said to send these things thru DX service with his passport, which we did in Nov 2011

  10. Everyone says that a congressman can do NOTHING when your case is in Mandatory AP. Because it has to go thru FBI checks

    But if your case is on internal AP your congressman can help

    I think it is good to have a congressmans name on your file just so everyone knows someone else is looking at into your progress.

    all of this is sooooo confusing man.. so now how do i know if its mandatory AP or Internal AP ?

  11. hello everyone :)

    my fiance had his interview for k1 visa on Sept 2011, and was placed in AP, they requested for an updated police report and his orignal birth certificate and some corresponding emailes between me and my fiance.. we sent all that info thru DX service with his passport in Nov 2011.. its been 4 months since we sent all that info and still we havent heard anything back from the embassy.. i call the Us embassy in wash DC and they tell me the same thing " your case is in AP, please call next week"..

    so i am planning to contact my congressman, but i wanted to info from you guys:

    1) when you contacted the congressman, did they really help you with your case??..

    thanks much :)

  12. We're going through the Manila embassy, but wanted to let you know, that my fiance also interviewed in September (14th). He said it all went well, but at the end they stated they just had to check one thing with his daughter's birth certificate (even though we weren't petitioning her at the time). Well, phone call after phone call, and e-mail after e-mail, I kept getting the same response "it's under Administrative Review". Seriously, it was the worst 4 1/2 months of my life. FINALLY, on the morning of January 31st, I received an e-mail that said he was approved! It makes me crazy that they took so long to "review" the case, but there is nothing you can do (except keep calling and e-mailing). No real advice, except to hang in there (and be pesky with them). Hope you get your approval soon. My Fiance will be here on Thursday. :)

    M trying to hang in there, its becomming so hard to b away from one another, its making us both so sad :( I hope we get an answer soon :)

    Congrats and good luck to u, I wish u many blessings :)

  13. My fiancé had his interview September 2011, the interview went fine, but at the end of the interview they gave his a blue form which stated that they wanted his updated police report, original birth certificate and more proof of our on going relation. We submitted all that information that they requested in November 2011 with his passport thru DX service… it’s been almost 4 months and we are still waiting for an answer from the embassy... I call the American embassy in Washington Dc every week and we keep getting the same response “pending administrative process”...

    I just wanted to know much longer is it going to take...

    Is there something else we can do to rush this process?

    please help Thanks :D

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