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Posts posted by giraffemd

  1. Is there any information here regarding moving back to Canada......I am can/us citizen and want to return to canada......I have lived here for ten years...it would be just me going......thanks for any insite or suggestions....

  2. :dance::dance::dance: Hello to All!

    I would to tell to everybody that I took the citizenship test yesterday @ Jacksonville, Fl and I passed(I answered 6 questions, I red a sentence and wrote it). It's easy just read the booklet and I'll wait for my oath ceremony w/in 90 days.

    By the way, Thank so much for all your help guys! This website is a blessing and God bless America! :star::star::star::star:

    Best of Regards! :rofl:

    Shely and Carmine

    congratulations...I'm about to start naturalization...what questions did they ask?

  3. So my passport was expiring in sept, so when I was in Canada, I got my pics, had my guarantor (Daughter-in-law) sign for me (I was changing to my married name, so could not file with the short form). I sent it in the form on June 24, and received my new passport today in the mail....hmmm....wish it was all that fast and simple.

    Now will start naturalization....wish me luck

  4. yayy.... that's what we want to do, except perhaps we should re-consider Minneapolis as our winter residence.....I've just had it with winter this year :angry: but thanks for that good news


    are you laughing at me down there in Orlando????? :whistle:

  5. Your husband can visit Canada for up to 6 months per year. So if he doesn't want to get immigrant status in Canada, he doesn't need to, if you plan on living the summer up there, and winter down here.

    yayy.... that's what we want to do, except perhaps we should re-consider Minneapolis as our winter residence.....I've just had it with winter this year :angry: but thanks for that good news

  6. yes it is all complicated......I have kept a bank account open in Canada and I continue to use a Canadian credit card and that bank account when I am up there visiting....I also have a pension and some RRSPs that I will not start collecting for 10 years or so, and even then I will just use those funds when we are up in Canada....I will just have that automatically deposited in my Canadian bank account. I will have dual citizenship and hubby and I will probably just spend 6 months or so at a time when living up there....unless we decide to relocate there permanently....who knows what we will decide by that time....I know I need to work 7 more years here before I can collect social security here....and that is about the time that we will think of retirement.....all complicated......We struggle with making a decision, so I guess we won't until we have to...depends on how long can hubby (USC) be in Canada at a time. Does anyone know? I like it here, but really miss Canada and family....I just don't know sometimes, and then there is the whole health care dilemma..what to do???? :blink: Does everyone struggle with such decisions?

  7. When (or if) we can ever retire we might like to move or at least spend part of the time living back in Canada. I plan to have US citizenship by that time (applying this year).....does anyone know how complicated this is?


  8. I had my passport renewed at the passport center in St. Catharines, ON and had it in my hand 10 days later... But when you're working with the government predicted processing times are no guarantee (don't we all know it!). What you can do, is request your old passport back when you send in your renewal forms. They just cut off the one corner of the passport to invalidate it, as you can't have two valid passports for the same country at one time. But I'm not to sure if that would be sufficient when crossing the boarder...

    It may be safer to just do it by mail when you return to the US, unless you're going to stay for a couple weeks like Ber+Ter said. Getting your passport photos done in Canada would probably be smart though, that way you won't have to worry about getting the right measurements and all that from an American photo place (I've heard of people having big problems with that)

    yes I think that I will do that...how long are the pics good for, and do you know if there is a limit on how long you can renew before your old passport expires?

  9. Going to Canada in June....yayy!! My passport expires in Oct, and so when I am there I would like to renew it. Can I do it when I am there and return to US without it as I will have to send it with the application, or do I need my Canadian passport to re-enter to the US, or is my greencard (10 yr) good enough? Also if I have my pic taken in Canada for my passport, how long is that picture good? And also how long before the passport expires can I apply for my new one.

    Thanks for your help.

    60+ sleeps before Timmies :thumbs:

  10. works in my favor actually, as I had some Canada debt when I moved here, and have been able to pay if off completely ($20K in 3 years). I am just leaving my RRSP's up in Canada. When we retire we will spend some time up there and have that money to live on while we are there...if there is any left, that is, after all this demise in the markets.

    You are my hero.. like for real!

    Basically we counted every penny, and I have not bought anything that I did not absolutely need since coming here....BUT it was so worth it and it is so good to have that debt gone.....now I have to start saving!!!!!!!

  11. works in my favor actually, as I had some Canada debt when I moved here, and have been able to pay if off completely ($20K in 3 years). I am just leaving my RRSP's up in Canada. When we retire we will spend some time up there and have that money to live on while we are there...if there is any left, that is, after all this demise in the markets.

  12. I am hoping to gain some weight (muscle) once I relocate to the US - (my fiance and I are both competitive athletes) the Canadian winters just rip the fat right off of me! I always have a hard time maintaining my weight through our frigid months. The climate in South Florida is much more suited to our training/lifestyle.

    For those interested in a cleanse I recommend a juicer, like the Jack LaLanne one. I have the Juicer Pro and it is awesome. Juice lots of fruits, especially citrus fruits. Yum. And if you have IBS I would seriously consider passing on Taco Bell. That is like throwing gasoline on the fire.


    I have learned this year, that I have to work out harder in the winter, because I stay pretty fit in the summer riding my horse...so I have really increased the weights and running on the treadmill (boring but effective) so I am feeling much better. I never weigh myself so have no clue about how much I have lost, but my clothes are fitting better...still need to keep focused. The hardest for me is eating less....but it is getting easier (well a little easier)..

  13. If Canadian geese can take down an airliner, should have no problem with a Russian bomber, don't knock the geese.

    Actually, a prop-driven aircraft like the Bear would chew through Canadian geese like a babooshka through borscht.

    There's a reason the American C-130 is flown into hurricanes and not something like an E-3 AWACS or an instrument-laden RC-135 - PROPS!

    The Russians have used the Bear for quite some time and part of the reason is because Canada (which is kind of on the way to bomb the USA when flying over the pole) has really cold air. Props can be heated rather easily and won't ice up like a jet engine could. The B-52 utilizes jet engines, but they have some pretty good de-icing equipment on them.

    Both Russia and the U.S. are going to use their long-range heavy bombers well past 2020 or even 2030. Keep in mind, they started in the late 50's! Quite simply, if it aint broke, don't fix it!

    As for Canada's involvement in the whole thing... don't worry Canada. Much like the U.S., Russia doesn't really care about you.

    I'm sorry that the US dosen't care about Canada....I'm sure all the families of the fallen soldiers that were helping you out in Afghanistan would be disappointed to hear that as well.


  14. If you're retaining water, DRINK MORE WATER! Beans won't help.

    lots and lots of water..(helps burn calories too, when you are running to the potty all night :lol: When you get stuck, it is also important to stay off salt and processed food......I have been doing a lot of reading, and the best and least complicated food plan I have found is Body for Life (Bill Phillips)......the fitness routine is really sensible too......I don't take the supplements, except I like the protein bars to take to work for lunch sometimes. I have been at this a week now and I really feel a difference already. I have to keep things simple (I'm old and forgetful :unsure: ) so basically the program is Go to the gym before work..run as fast as I can 30 min Mon, Wed, and Fri. Do weights Tues, Thurs, and Sat....Sunday day off. I eat some carbs, and protein every meal.....I was hungry at first, cause I had to cut down my portions to a smaller amount of food...( I used to eat a LOT)..At first I was really missing eating at night, but I just have a small snack.. a piece of fruit (bye bye salt and vinegar chips, my favorite munchie)

    Anyway this is working for me now.....and I just work on my motivation every day.....it is hard to be disciplined with food when you have never had to......but I am determined....and keeping a journal really helps me too.

    Good luck and keep going, plateaus don't last forever, and I think everyone who is ever trying to lose weight experiences them.

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