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Posts posted by 09sno

  1. Thanks for this detailed, meaningful report. Your result is happy and very fortunate, especially considering that this is the hellhole known as Lagos.

    You handled everything proactively and with aplomb, and you were blessed to have an activist Congressman. (Who, please?)

    In the depths of my own despair at the time, I spent a full day playing phone tag with the chief aide of Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, who is finally (and blessedly) a lame duck. When I finally reached the aide, she cut me off with a haughty "the Senator has far better things to do than to concern herself with one person's K-1 application." Those words will ring in my brain forever.

    I'm so sorry to hear that! But we received help from the offices of Congressman John Carney...he had a liason hired to do things like this. We never spoke or received emails from Carney.

    But we wish you the best of luck!

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