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Posts posted by steviedj

  1. I am a late August VSC filer and haven't heard anything. I feel that I may have more in common with the September filers since I have an Aug 28th NOA.

    Have any VSC September filers heard anything? Saw at least one approval on the timeline section...

    Hi BeetLover - I filed on Sept 3rd (NOA on Sept 10th) and haven't heard anything yet. It still says "Case Received" online when I check.

  2. Adding myself back into the VSC list as I think someone accidentally removed me from the list at some point. Still waiting here.

    California Service Center (32 applicants, 25
    approved - 78%)

    VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
    SM & EF...............09/01/15......09/03/15......10/02/15......--/--/-- (RFE:4/8) (REPLIED:05/03)


    RYSA..................09/02/15......09/15/15......10/07/15......05/09/16(RFE: 04/11)

    HOLLYGOLIGHTLY........09/03/15......09/08/15......10/06/15......04/19/16(Early bio: 09/28)

    RAVI922...............09/05/15......09/14/15......10/15/15......04/14/16(Divorce Waiver)
    BABYDUCK..............09/08/15......09/09/15......10/06/15......--/--/-- (RFE: 04/16)


    SHERRYANDYASHPAL.......??/??/??......09/09/15......10/05/2015......--/--/-- (RFE: 4/4 )(REPLIED:4/9)
    FULANIMARY............09/09/15......09/14/15......10/15/15......--/--/--(Divorce Waiver)(Early bio: 10/06)(RFE: 04/08)

    ABOODI................09/14/15......09/16/15......10/13/15......04/07/16(Early bio: 10/07)



    THE HIPPO BRIGADE.....09/21/15......09/25/15......10/21/15......04/05/16





    Vermont Service Center (12 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)

    VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
    HAGGARDA.VERSOZA......09/01/15......09/08/15......--/--/15......--/--/-- (Biometrics doesn't apply. Active Duty)
    ZSA ZSA SHING.........09/02/15......09/04/15......09/30/15......--/--/--

    MICK AND ANABEL.......09/26/15......09/29/15......--/--/15......--/--/--


    * Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
    * Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
    * Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
    * Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
    * Please check that you have not deleted anyone's NAME & DATA.

    Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application.
    NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter.
    Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment.
    Approved = The Date your case was approved.

    * Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
    * When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly.
    * If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.

  3. Added myself on to the Vermont list. I hope I formatted it correctly (sorry if not!). Good luck everyone :-)

    California Service Center (20 applicants, 2 approved - 10%)

    VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
    SM & EF...............09/01/15......09/03/15......10/02/15......--/--/--
    HOLLYGOLIGHTLY........09/03/15......09/08/15......10/06/15......--/--/--(Early bio: 09/28)
    FULANIMARY............09/09/15......09/14/15......10/15/15......--/--/--(Divorce Waiver)(Early bio: 10/06)
    ABOODI................09/14/15......09/16/15......10/13/15......--/--/--(Early bio: 10/07)

    Vermont Service Center (13 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)

    VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
    HAGGARDA.VERSOZA......09/01/15......09/08/15......--/--/15......--/--/-- (Biometrics doesn't apply. Active Duty)
    ZSA ZSA SHING.........09/02/15......09/04/15......09/30/15......--/--/--
    MICK AND ANABEL.......09/26/15......09/29/15......--/--/15......--/--/--


    * Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
    * Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
    * Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
    * Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
    * Please check that you have not deleted anyone's NAME & DATA.

    Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application.
    NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter.
    Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment.
    Approved = The Date your case was approved.

    * Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
    * When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly.
    * If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.

  4. Interesting because according to the link, and the online document checker, you shouldn't even need to wait for your EAD to be able to get your license...

    I have NJ Manufacturers Insurance and spoke to them last week and I know they won't insure him without his new license...and I don't want to lose them because they are a great company. He said it was fine for him to stay off for now since he has his own insurance back in the UK and didn't think it would be a problem getting a license once we have the EAD.

    I'm disappointed to read 3 DMV locations turned you down..if you use Boiler's link, and for non-citizens and go through the 6-point ID list, you technically shouldn't even need the EAD but certainly with it, you should be fine as long as you have the SS card. What is the reason you get turned away? Do you mind me asking what counties the DMVs you visited were in?

    Yes you still need the EAD as one of your IDs because the date on your I-94 in your passport could be expired when you actually get your EAD (if it takes 90 days to issue it). There aren't any documents on the Primary ID that you could supply other than a Residency/Green Card. Don't forget - even though you have an I-94 in your passport, it is only valid for the 90 days for you to get married in, and once that date has passed it has, effectively, expired and you are then on your AOS. Some people on Visa Journey have said that they have used their USCIS letters to show that they are authorised by the USCIS/DOHS to be here but, according to the points system/leaflet, that isn't one of their accepted forms.

    My wife's father has NJ Manufacturers and that is what her car was insured under, however when we got married it came up for renewal at the same time and obviously she couldn't continue on his policy any more. She shopped around and Geico and NJ Manufacturers were the only 2 companies that told her specifically that they would insure me as well using my UK Driver's Licence. She went with Geico because they were cheaper.

    I would check on what they told you about his insurance covering you, though, because I would expect that his insurance would only cover him if he was on holiday/vacation over here and not living as a resident. Of course, I could be wrong and his policy may say in it that it will cover him if he lives abroad because I know a couple of companies in the UK do offer that. In fact, I used to have such a policy because I worked for a cruise line and would stay with my wife and her family between contracts. But I would make sure you read the policy completely just to check.

    The DMVs that I went to were Wayne, Toms River, and....I can't actually remember the third as my wife drove me there and I'm still getting my New Jersey geography down. She is out at the moment so when she comes home I will ask her and let you know. The reason that they turned me away was that they told me that they couldn't use the EAD as Primary ID and that they would ONLY accept the Residency/Green Card. I even went back and showed them their points leaflet that I had printed out where it clearly states that they can, however they wouldn't accept it. They aren't the friendliest of people there either, no matter how polite or friendly you are to them. Of course they are wrong and they CAN accept the EAD. I'm going to try again next week so I will let you know.

    The above is just my personal experience and knowledge from the processes I've gone through so yours may be different. Different States have different rules and one persons experience in a DMV can vary from another's even in the same State. So, what I'm saying, is that I'm not giving advice but just relaying my personal experiences and what I have been told.

  5. I think you are probably fine too...this whole thing is a bit confusing though.

    We have similar questions - we're in NJ. We were married last month and have filed for AOS. He has an int'l driver's license. My insurance company told me while he was visiting that as long as he has his own insurance back home in the UK, it was okay if he was driving my car here and got in an accident - the car would be covered. Our plan was once we got the EAD, hopefully in January, we'd apply for the license then and have his car sold then and get rid of his insurance over there...I'm wondering if I should double check with the insurance company now that he's a resident if anything changes or just lie low...hmm.

    Hey, I'm from the UK, got married in NJ in May of this year and live here in NJ. My wife wanted to add me to her car insurance and, as it was up for renewal anyway, called around several insurance companies. There weren't many that said that they would insure me on my British Drivers Licence. In fact, Geico turned out to be the only one that said yes. They also told my wife that I have 1 year from date of entry to use my British Drivers Licence - after that I would need an NJ licence.

    I went to the DMV with my EAD to try and get an NJ Drivers Licence but was turned away because they told me that I needed to have my Green Card. Now, you should be able to get a Drivers Licence with the EAD, but I went to 3 DMV locations and was told the same thing by all of them. I will go back in a couple of weeks and keep trying.

  6. You know, if the Knightsbridge nurse would stop writing her comments and just list the dates and tick the boxes, it would be a lot better. It doesn't say to comment in the instructions they are given.


    The requirement says Tdap or Td. Those are adult versions of the ones above DTP, etc. Any of those is okay according to USCIS. See this post for a list copied out of their field manual. http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/421205-vaccinations-required-for-aos-from-uk-to-us/page__p__6077412#entry6077412

    To answer your question about results see this quote from Technical Instructions for Panel Physicians:

    Completing "Part 2. Results."

    After reviewing entries in "Part 1. Immunization Record" for all the vaccines, the appropriate box under "Part 2. Results" must be checked.

    • Vaccination history incomplete: Applicant may be eligible for blanket waiver(s).

      Completion of a vaccine series is not required to conclude the medical examination, because such a requirement would require multiple visits to a panel physician and could lead to unnecessary delay in the immigration process. If any of the boxes under the "Not Medically Appropriate" heading was checked, the "Applicant may be eligible for blanket waiver(s) because vaccination(s) not medically appropriate (as indicated above)" box must also be checked.

      This box will probably always be checked because some vaccines may not be age appropriate for the applicant

    My own personal opinion is skip the civil surgeon until somebody forces you to, because I think your form sounds complete. I hate spending money when it isn't necessary. You have the shots. It's not like you totally skipped out on any of them. No guarantees your adjudicator will have read every word of the Technical Instructions for overseas physicians (not his job) or his field manual. No guarantee they won't lose your medical and all this is a moot point. PM me so I know how it turns out

    Thanks Nich-Nick. I agree with you and will bypass the Civil Surgeon unless needed by RFE. Just to make my point further about how the doctor over here in the USA doesn't seem to know what they are doing - they called and left a message for me today that said that all I now need, apparently, is a Tetanus shot and blood work. They obviously either wan't to make me pay for extra, or really don't know what they are doing. So, I will just miss them out and go if required by RFE.

    Thank you once again for your advice, I really do appreciate it.

    Our wedding is May 17th and we will be sending off the AOS on May 18th so will PM you and let you know how it all goes.

  7. Marking what is required for AOS in red

    DT / DTP / DTaP = Not Age Appropriate is ticked

    Td / Tdap = Date received 08/25/2009 - Insufficient Time Interval is also ticked with "every 10 years" written next to it

    Polio-OPV / IPV - Ticked as Not Age Appropriate with "Pertussis not available" written next to it

    MMR - Vaccine Given by Panel Physician is marked and dated 01/25/2013 - Insufficient Time Interval is also ticked with "4 weeks" written next to it

    Rotavirus - Not Age Appropriate is ticked

    Hib - Not Age Appropriate is ticked

    Hepatitus A - Not Age Appropriate is ticked

    Hepatitis B - Not Age Appropriate is ticked

    Meningococcal - Not Age Appropriate is ticked

    Varicella - "VH" is written under Completed Series/Varicella History

    Pneumococcal - Not Age Appropriate is ticked

    Influenza - Vaccine Given by Panel Physician is marked and dated 01/25/2013 and Completed Series is also ticked

    Tdap you have marked. It was within the last 10 years. Pertussis is the "p" in that. Done

    MMR-up to date as of you medical exam. Too soon to get dose 2. Will get waiver for "insufficient time interval". Done

    Varicella - VH marked. Waiver for shot. Done

    Influenza - It was flu season so you got the shot. Done

    If the results section is marked "complete" and "may be eligible for blanket waiver" then your DS-3025 looks properly completed to me. Send a photocopy with your AOS and skip the civil surgeon and the I-693. The USCIS is supposed to go by the date of your medical exam If it was properly complete at that time. It was. It was medically inappropriate to get dose 2 of the MMR on that date. You should be given the blanket waiver and never have to get dose 2 of MMR for immigration purposes. I can't guarantee the person who picks up your file has studied their own manual, but I have and that's how it's supposed to be done.

    I would 100% skip the civil surgeon for now. (That one is adding charges by the way.) The USCIS sometimes loses your medical file turned in at POE. If that happens, then you will have to go do the whole exam over because ther is nothing to clear you medically. So skip the civil surgeon unless you get an RFE that your medical exam can't be found, or an interviewer doesn't understand you have had all the shots and should be given a waiver for the rest. Maybe this would help you explain it to him. Maybe you won't even have to interview.

    Edit: forgot to say that the comment about pertussis on the IPV line iwas inappropriate for the Knightsbridge nurse to write. That line the "P" Is for Polio. It's not on the adult list as a requirement.

    Thanks Nich-Nick - once again you are absolutely fantastic. I just looked again at my Vaccination Worksheet that the doctor in Knightsbridge gave to me. On the "Td" and "Tdap" line there was a choice of 2 boxes that they could tick. The nurse/doctor has ticked the "Td" one and NOT the "Tdap". Does this change anything? Also, it looks as though the "Pertussis not available" comment was written directly under the "Every 10 years" comment on the Td line.

    At the bottom, section 2 "Results" the following 2 boxes are ticked: "Vaccine History Incomplete" (which I believe is due to only receiving the first MMR, am I right?) and "Applicant may be eligible for blanket waiver because vaccination(s) not medically appropriate (as indicated above)"

    So, even with giving you the above additional info, you still think I should just forget the I-693 and go straight to AOS and then just get anything they ask for if I get an RFE? It seems to me that is the best option from hearing your advice.

    Thanks again, I really appreciate the help.

  8. Do you have a date marked by Tdap/ Td?

    Here is what I have on the vaccination form given to me by the doctor in London at my K1 Medical:

    DT / DTP / DTaP = Not Age Appropriate is ticked

    Td / Tdap = Date received 08/25/2009 - Insufficient Time Interval is also ticked with "every 10 years" written next to it

    Polio-OPV / IPV - Ticked as Not Age Appropriate with "Pertussis not available" written next to it

    MMR - Vaccine Given by Panel Physician is marked and dated 01/25/2013 - Insufficient Time Interval is also ticked with "4 weeks" written next to it

    Rotavirus - Not Age Appropriate is ticked

    Hib - Not Age Appropriate is ticked

    Hepatitus A - Not Age Appropriate is ticked

    Hepatitis B - Not Age Appropriate is ticked

    Meningococcal - Not Age Appropriate is ticked

    Varicella - "VH" is written under Completed Series/Varicella History

    Pneumococcal - Not Age Appropriate is ticked

    Influenza - Vaccine Given by Panel Physician is marked and dated 01/25/2013 and Completed Series is also ticked

    Thanks for al your help. I'm just very confused and think the doctor may be trying to bill me for far more than I actually need.

  9. Hi, I'm sure that this has been asked somewhere already but i can't find the answer....

    I entered the USA on a K1 Fiance Visa on 13th March. At my medical back in the UK I had the Flu shot as well as the first of the 2 MMR shots. I didn't have enough time to get the second MMR done in the UK so I visited the closest Civil Surgeon on the USCIS list today. I left copies of the form and the vaccination sheet that the doctor in the UK gave me and they said they would call me to book an appointment. They called me this afternoon and said that I would require the following:

    - The second MMR shot

    - A TST tuberculosis skin test

    - A Pertussis shot

    - A blood test

    Is the above correct? On my vaccination form given to me by the UK doctor in London, Pertussis is marked as "age not appropriate" and "pertussis not available" - so why do I require it now?

    Also, why would I need to have a blood test? I had all that to get the K1 visa in the first place so not sure why I need it...???

    Please can someone advise me because I feel like I'm being forced to have and buy things that I do not need. My understanding was that I just needed to get the MMR second shot and then get the Civil Surgeon to sign the I-693 form. I don't know why I need any of the rest...!!


  10. He doesn't have an exact date himself yet but it will be the beginning of March. As long as I can work my 4 weeks notice and get there then im happy :D

    We managed to skype last night for 3 hours!! Longest convo we've had since he deployed. I miss him so much but I'm just so happy I have an interview date!

    96 days between NOA1 and Interview...not bad :)

    So happy for you! Congratulations! Here's hoping the email I sent works just as well :-)

    Oh my goodness!!! With me saying that, I check my email to find that I have an email giving me an interview date of February 5th!!!! Woo hoo!!!!!

    Thank you for all your help throughout the whole process everyone - especially NichNick!

  11. THank you all. So just to clarify, it would be okay to put the DS-2001 in with packet 3, as long as you are actually ready? Or should they be mailed in separate packages?

    I sent my DS-2001 in with the forms we know as 'packet 3'. I have all required documentation/evidence they asked for along with proof of income/support by my Fiancee. Good luck with everything

  12. OMG OMG OMG!!!! I got an interview date!!!!

    As I just posted my post a minute ago I checked my email once more and I had this response from the Embassy to my email back to them this afternoon:

    "Thank you for your email. The required forms in your case were received and registered on December 20th 2012. An interview has been scheduled for you on 29th January at ####. Written notification of this date and time has been sent to you."

    So I guess the email option has worked for me so keep pestering them everyone.

    Congratulations! My medical is scheduled for Jan 25th. Fingers crossed for quick interview dates for all of us currently waiting. It will be worth all the stress at the end of the journey.

  13. Thanks Nick! Your advice on the forums/links was fantastic and really appreciated. Thank you for your advice and experiences on there to help the rest of us out. An thanks for taking the time to reply to my post. I thought that I had posted my thanks on here but obviously I got distracted by the manic chaos of the holidays, so apologies for my thanks being so delayed. Medical booked for 25th Jan, and Packet 3 sent back! So fingers crossed....

  14. Hey everyone! Firstly thank you. We have found this site so very, very useful in the whole process - most importantly for our families to get a greater understanding of the process which, at times, has been difficult to put into words and explain to people.

    Secondly, my questions. I have today (22nd December 2012) received my Packet 3 Letter from the US Embassy in London. I have all completed all the forms requested and will be sending them back once I have booked my medical appointment on Monday. My questions are:

    1). When would my medical appointment be? Am I looking at a matter of days from when I book it, or weeks? What is the average answer?

    2). When should I be expecting my interview date to be? Again, what is the average time from now?

    The reason for asking is that I am currently visiting my Fiancee in the US and intend to return for my medical as soon as I can get it booked, however I work for a Cruise Line and, on speaking to the USCIS, was advised that I wouldn't be able to work on a Cruise Ship with my C1/D crewman's visa once the K1 application had been approved and sent via the NVC to the US Embassy in London. SO basically, I cannot work right now so my funds are starting to run down.

    I have looked at the Immigration Timelines section, and the flowcharts, etc. and have tried to work it out but my head is just so confused now!

    All advice and help would be very much appreciated!!

    Many thanks,


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