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Posts posted by skippyjonjones

  1. Hi, I am finishing up my I 130 packet and getting ready to send it off, but i have some concerns.

    I am not sure about how much proof of relationship material i need to send. My wife and i met when I was stationed in germany. I got orders back to the states and had no time to marry her. A few months later she came to the states and we got married. She stayed for two weeks and went home. we talk every night for at least 2 hours on skype, and have multiple pictures together.

    i need to know how much "proof" i should send in since we have no bank account together. she is the benificiary to my military life insurance, and i have her enrolled as my spouse in the eyes of the military.

    I really cant stand being apart from her especially because i will deploy to afghanistan again next year. I want to do this right the first time.

    Thank you in advance!!

  2. Hi everyone i have a couple of questions:

    First my wife is a German citizen and we got married in the united states. our Apostilled marriage certificate hasnt came back from the state yet. so my question is what last name should we put on the I 130 should we put my last name, or her maiden name which is the name on her passport. the reason i ask is because she would like to take my name, but we want to start the immigration process as soon as possible.

    This process is extremely confusing and i have a million questions. I am in the military and it makes it hard to get time to see my wife, i need some clarification so that i can start living a happy life. any tips and remarks no matter how off the wall would be helpful. thank you in advance

  3. hi, I am active duty military, and i am putting a I130 packet together for my german wife. we got married in the states on a visitor visa and she went home 1 week after that breaking no laws. i have a few questions.

    1.)On my g325A it asks for, my address for the past five years. can i put my home or record, or should i try t find out every base i have been at in the last few years?

    2.) I was stationed in germany would i put that i lived, and worked in Germany for the year i was there. What about Afghanistan?

    3.)on the I130 would i leave the alien registration number block blank or write N/A or None?, same for the G325A.

    4.) in the block where it asks for my reason for filing what should I put?

    5.) Would it be ok to list my home of record as my address, since i move around quite a bit?

    Thank you in advance for helping me on this matter. I hope you all have a great day.

  4. 1, yes you can but USCIS mail does not get forwarded if you are forwarding your mail for pick ups.

    2. her last name is what she wants it to be she can choose to use her married name or not. The visa and green card will be in the name that is on her passport though.

    3, one of the most common mistakes - people don't read instructions or follow directions in the instructions or guides.

    Thank You very much, i know these questions seem trivial, but i want to make sure i do this right the first time.

  5. Hi,

    I am starting my paperwork to get my wife's CR1 visa. i have a couple of questions.

    1.) I am active duty military, can I list my address as my home of record even though i live on a base 5 hours from there? ( I move around so much it is hard to give a definite address of my home on base.)

    2.) My wife and i got married in Tennessee, does her last name change to mine? or is there a special thing we have to do to change it?

    3.) What are some common mistakes to watch out for while filing the petition?

    Any help on this matter would be much appreciated, Thank you in advance!

  6. 1, there is no fast in immigration it takes how long it takes.

    2, that depends if you can get leave and allowed to go there, stop 'hearing' things because she can visit you and you can visit her during the pending process.

    3, military can get expedite based on certain things such as active duty deployment to combat zone, sudden PCS, etc you can get help by calling a special military help line and there is a lot of info on the USCIS website for military and their family. http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.eb1d4c2a3e5b9ac89243c6a7543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=f1a03e4d77d73210VgnVCM100000082ca60aRCRD&vgnextchannel=f1a03e4d77d73210VgnVCM100000082ca60aRCRD

    4, the best for you to petition for is the CR-1.


    step by step guide.


    Thank you very much this was extremely helpful!!

  7. hello,

    I am an active duty soldier who was stationed in Germany for two years. During these two years I met the love of my life. We dated for a while and decided we wanted to get married. I received orders to the states so I had to leave. 3 months later my fiance came to visit me. we got married in Tennessee and had the time of our lives. She left soon after, as she works a full time job in Germany.(her stay was approximately 2 weeks.)

    I have heard how long the process takes for a CR1 visa to be approved. and have also heard that we could not see each other until it is approved. I love this woman with all of my heart and she feels the same way.. I CANT BE SEPARATED FROM HER LIKE WE HAVE BEEN, IT WILL KILL ME. any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.

    1.) I just want to know how it might be possible for us to be together sooner?

    2.) Will I be able to travel to see her while the case is pending?

    3.) Are there any special considerations for members of the military?

    4.) What is the best type of visa to apply for?

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