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Posts posted by Kent&Thuy

  1. Hello everyone,

    Thuy and I received a k1 approval on 10/11/12....

    It was a long and nerve wracking wait at the embassy...saw many pink slips given and many requests for additional information. Few rejections.

    I think it is most important that the petitioner show at the interview. I am certain that this carried a lot of weight.

    I had witnessed the consulate interviewer treat many hopefuls with a stern and slightly caustic demeanor...we very much hoped for another option when our number was called. Surprisingly for some reason he was most kind and patient with us. Thuy was quite nervous and her English, usually quite strong, had failed her a bit. I was quite surprised when our interviewer smiled and said that I could feel free to help answer as well. He wanted to now a bit about how we met, how we communicated, and of course the important dates of our relationship. I encouraged Thuy to do most of the answering but freely interjected when there was any confusion in language. There also is a translator so answers and questions can be given in Vietnamese. I was surprised that a couple questions about schooling were posed directly to my new stepson...Gon did not understand the English questions but after translation he answered in English and I think this was a great positive.

    One thing of note. When our file was opened I saw the pink slip already included. The interview, at least in our case, was simply a fail safe. I must concluded then that the decision is previously made. Hopefully that gives everyone some confidence going in.

    The only evidence they looked at was photos of the dam hoi. And that was a cursory viewing with one or two questions about attendees.

    I would nonetheless encourage everyone to have an ample supply of evidence...I feel that simply carrying a stack of materials to the window makes a good impression.

    Thanks to all for the information and support found here. If We can be of any assistance please feel free to ask anything.

    Lastly, on a humorous personal note. On a previous trip Thuy and I got matching tattoos on our right wrists...when approaching the counter at the Interview the first thing you are asked to is raise your right hand and swear to tell the truth. We raised our right hands and I saw the interviewer take visual note of the tattoos...I honestly believe we were fully approved at that very moment and the interviewer just needed to through the motions.

    Funny how the world provides..

  2. Hello Everyone,

    Thuy and I are excited to have our interview date on October 11th and found out late that she needs one additional piece of documentation.

    The police report caught us by surprise. She has ordered one already but we've been told it will take 20 days to receive.

    Does anyone know what could be expected if we attended the interview one document short? Our lawyers seems to think we could submit it after the interview with little complication.

    That just doesn't seem accurate to me...

    Any info would be greatly appreciated.

    We are of course going to do all we can to obtain that report earlier then the stated 20 days.

  3. Hello everyone!

    My fiancee and I do the vast majority of our interacting via apple's FaceTime chat capabilities. Additionally we text a great deal via the same.

    Unfortunately that leaves us with no hard copy of a phone bill to offer as proof of our daily interactions.

    I was wondering if anyone has found a good way to archive or document such modes of communication short of actually taking a picture of the screen.

    Any info would be helpful.


    Thuy & Kent

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