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Posts posted by steviem

  1. you still file your return; you will not pay any taxes of course. It is somewhat common for people who do not make enough to be taxed not to file; for residents is same, but you will need tax returns when you file for citizenship, so even if no taxes are due, you might want to file. Declare only what you've got, it does not matter whether you have a job or not. Also, note that we get taxed on worldwide income.

    Okiedoke. :)

    So if we file a joint tax return, we just add my details and obviously no income from myself?

  2. We had our interview in San Antonio this morning. We found that the document from Capital One detailing the joint ownership of our bank account was not sufficient and instead we would need bank statements.

    The official request actually asks for:

    Documentation showing joint ownership of property

    Documentation showing joint tenancy of a common residence

    Documentation showing commingling of resources

    Documentation showing I am the named beneficiary


    Additional documentation relevant

    Now, we've been married for less than a year. The car, phone bill, internet, gas, electric etc was already set up long before I was in the picture.

    Does anyone have any recommendations for what I can do to supply this evidence?

    Affidavits and tenancy we have kind of sorted.

    I'm on the car insurance and I'm an authorized user of the credit card accounts. We're sorting out the beneficiary part with Capital One.

    We can supply bank statements with both of our names listed on the account.

  3. Thank you. I've been reading up on so many different things over the last few months, it gets too much at times. The guide has cleared everything up though.

    I just have one more question. My VWP stay ends on the 31st of May. All of this needs to be filed before then for no problems to arrise, yes? So I'll have to have the medical examination before then?

  4. I was brought off to the side room while going through Passport Control because I had been truthful and said "I'm visiting my fiance."

    They questioned me as to what my intentions were and I said that I intend to visit, I WILL be returning at the end of my visa and I showed knowledge of the K-1 visa which at least showed that I had been researching the process and also showed that I knew about the 90 day limit of the VWP which the officer had forgotten about during his questioning (He commented, "That's good, that's good" when I mentioned it.)

    Thi in all honesty was never a planned thing, but right now, I don't know if I can handle leaving, but at the same time, the thought of it all going wrong is terrifying.

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