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Status Updates posted by Paula&Anthony

  1. Yaaay! Got my interview date!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. larala


      legal, vou falar com ele sobre isso entao. beijos, obrigada.

    3. larala


      tenho mais nao uso nao... me passa seu email?

    4. USA Olive

      USA Olive

      Congratulations! We hope to have our interview scheduled soon!

  2. 26 days since my NVC case number was issued. And 15 days since the Consulate received my paperwork and no interview date set up yet! I'm getting a little frustrated by now..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Supergirlfriend


      QUE ESTRANHO pq pro Brasil o tempo e de 5 meses pelo que andei vendo,

    3. Supergirlfriend


      QUE ESTRANHO pq pro Brasil o tempo e de 5 meses pelo que andei vendo,

    4. larala
  3. Leaving him at the airport is always sad O={ I miss him already!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Paula&Anthony


      Right? I'm so anxious and i can't stop looking at JFK's flight tracker. And just to think that it's gonna take a while to NOA2.. OMG..

    3. VisaJourney2011


      Yes yes.... i know this feeling.

      I hope you get NOA2 soon ! and don't have to wait like me :-(

      fortunately K1 seems to be processing faster than K3 or CR1 so best wishes to you guys :-)

    4. Paula&Anthony


      Thanks O=} Its been only 1 month since NOA1.. It feels like forever, though!

  4. We were approveeed!!! I`m sooo happy! Thank you every one! Thank you everyone at the consulate! Thank you thank youuu!

    1. Kaskada


      Congrats :) and Good Luck.

    2. Kaskada


      Congrats :) and Good Luck.

    3. winnie george

      winnie george


  5. Dear Mr. ajudicator of Vermont Service Center. Thank you very much for your approval. It means a lot to us. Thank you, thank you and thank you again!

  6. OMG... It's been almost 3 months since i came back from the US.. It feells like forever! I want my K1..

    1. AnandBrian


      Be patient...my k1 took 7 months...things are doing pretty faster now than 1 year ago...

    2. Paula&Anthony


      Thanks! I'm trying to be patient... but some days it's just harder. I dont know.

    3. AnandBrian


      Belive me...I know!!!!

  7. Waiting for my combo card.. I'm excited to finally be able to get my driver's license and find a job and get out of the house every once in a while..

    1. kittylondon


      me too! would love to get it in the next few weeks, i want my state ID! Louisiana won't let me get one without EAD.

    2. Paula&Anthony


      Yeah.. NJ won't let me get one either.. It just sucks. But at least we are here O=}

  8. I'm finally at home!! It's so good to be back! Thank you everyone for your support!

  9. We're almost there! Interview is in less than a week! Pray for us!

    1. Que Saudade

      Que Saudade

      Read our review of Rio consulate... Boa sort.!

    2. Paula&Anthony
  10. I'm a nerve wreck.. I'm just so tired of waiting and waiting. I just wanna be with my baby! After two and a half years of distance, this last couple of months are being really tough O=/

    1. Supergirlfriend


      oh my!! 2 and 1/2 years? that is way too much!

    2. Supergirlfriend


      oh my!! 2 and 1/2 years? that is way too much!

  11. NOA2!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! ITS HEREEE!!

    1. P+J


      Congrats Again!

    2. Paula&Anthony
  12. 103 dias de NOA1. Força na peruca!!!

    1. MSM


      Força hahahah Paula :) .. by the way é CSC ou VSC ??

    2. Paula&Anthony


      VSC! Aiai to aqui torcendo pra chegar logo!

  13. Is it very sad to hear that I'm wishing for a miracle? I mean I know that NOA2 will come eventually, but i can't wait to be with my fiancé again.. It's been 83 days since NOA1 and two more months just seem so long right now..

    1. Paula&Anthony


      Why is this wait so unbearable? Oh USCIS.. O={

    2. jociene


      PLEASE USCIS :( eu tenho 6 meses isso é loucura...

  14. OMG! They changed the estimate for my NOA2 to June! 1 more month? Very sad.. that's all i have to say.

    1. Teddy♥Pika


      Don't worry, the estimates dates change every month, I thought the same... don't worry your petition will be approved soon ;) Good luck!

    2. Paula&Anthony


      Thanks Teddy and Pika. O=} I hope so.. it feels like forever and just the idea of it taking even longer. Let's wait and see.

  15. Reading all these beautiful stories of so many couples like us, makes me feel so happy and even more anxious for the day we'll finally be married! He is going to visit me in a week and we'll spend Carnaval together! How wonderful is that? I'm so excited!

    1. Teddy♥Pika


      Awww so good you two well see each other very soon!!! :) Have fun!!

  16. 6 months... still waiting..

    1. mfranc68


      I know, it sucks. Be strong and patient. Your day will come.

  17. OMG.. Come oooooooonnn! Where is my NOA2 O={

    1. Drie35


      Ai menina!! Estou na agonia para entrevista (entrevista nr 2)...assim chegar noa2 tudo vai acontecer muiiito rapido! vc vai ver

  18. Waiting for my interview date! OMG Please let it be in the end of July! Keeping the faith!

    1. larala


      Oi Paula, poxa o meu visto foi enviado a vermont no dia 17 de janeiro tbm, e ainda nenhuma noticia.. meu deus, vou perder a cabeca!!! ja ta tud pronto pra vc ir pra entrevista? sera que eles dao a resposta no mesmo dia? valeuuu, good luck to youuu x

  19. Distance SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Lara, tu tens face?

  21. Update: After over 9 months, a 2nd tier officer told me today that my case was transferred to my local office this week. Considering that the average time to process it at the local office is 6 months, I am hopeless. BTW, my service request was never replied.

  22. Vermont tá um atraso só mesmo... O=/ Tá demorando mais e 6 meses. Por aqui tá tudo liiindo, super feliz! Só esperando o dia do casório! Já mandamos os convites, agora é só esperar o grande dia chegar!

  23. éééé O=} Vai ser só no cartório por enquanto pra poder enviar logo o AOS. Eu trouxe duas malas abarrotadas com tudo que coube.. ahhaha eu comprei aqueles sacos à vácuo pra poder colocar mais coisa dentro da mala. Ficou abarrotada e não chegou nos 32kg o=} yay.

  24. Oi tudo bom? Tu és de onde? Se tu tás esperando pelo NOA2? Essa é a pior parte.. O=/ Vai demorar mais ou menos 5 meses pra você receber a aprovação.

    Eu já estou esperando a entrevista. Vou fazer o exame médico em breve! Tô torcendo pra me darem uma data próxima!


  25. Lara, eu to confusa. Me explica direito o que tu já mandasse e recebesse pra eu poder te ajudar a ter uma previsão melhor do seu processo O=}

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