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Posts posted by anaalica

  1. We are doing an aos. I entered the country on a tourist visa with my little girl mid june, we came to visit my then bf now husband for a few weeks to see how they would interact and such. When it was getting time for us to leave my now husband asked me if we could stay a little longer becouse he felt that he had not goten to know my little girl well enough. Three weeks after this he asked me to marry him and we were married on august 19th. We filled all our paperwork (after many headaches and getting papers sent to me birth certificate etc) as I said before we sent all the cheques and i was just wondering what these other cheques for $420 would be for.

  2. Hi everyone:

    Before i begin i would like to thank you all for your information as this web has been extreamly useful and informative over the past few months.

    However there is one question that i can not seem to get answered by simply reading other peoples questions.

    My husband and I are almost at the end of our prosses and in fact have our interview at the end of febuary. However I seem to have just come across a question, We hiered a lawyer to do all the paperwork for us and appart from charging us $1200 for doing so she also told us that appart from the $1070 for aos and the $420 for I - 130 we would also be requiered to write another 2 cheques one for myself and one for my daughter for $420 each once we have been approved. Now i can not seem to find a reason for this anywhere or what this might be for. I would just like to add that my daughter is 2 years old. And i dont seem to be able to find her name on the paperwork immigration has sent me.

    I would much appriciate any help that you all may have.

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