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Posts posted by OrderofProtection

  1. There has got to be a reason he's doing this and moving closer to you...

    He might be trying to reel you into a situation in which he can accuse you of abusing him, thus making him able to file for ROC based on abuse/VAWA. If I were you, I'd definitely tell USCIS. Doesn't matter if they do anything or not, at least they'd have it on file to possibly take into consideration for his ROC (at least that's what I would hope). Then if I really felt threatened and saw him actually coming around to places where I'm at, I'd file for another order of protection.

    I really hope you're not responding to his attempts at contacting you. Seems like he's starting to get desperate due to his trouble coming up with enough evidence to ROC based on divorce.

    They've been divorced since 2014, he's filing for ROC, and he's already gotten an RFE for more evidence of commingled finances....take another read of her post.

    I did try and help him this past June by writing a basic affidavit for him stating date married, date divorced, date of OofP, and I got married in good faith, that's all I put in it (he treated me too poorly for me to put anything else that would help him). He got mad I wouldn't say "we" got married in good faith, but it's an affidavit, I can't speak for him. Other than sending him what little we had, that's all I could do. (I tried to get us a savings account together when we were married to help him, but he said "why would we do that?"

    Anyway, after the affidavit email exchange in June, I didn't respond any further emails and yes, they've been escalating. It's not a great deal, but 1 a month. I'm sure he is desperate to get enough evidence to stay, but that's not my problem anymore. I'm assuming the RFE is due around 90 days or so, so maybe he will back off when time runs out.

    I was considering writing a letter to the USCIS to be added to the file, just didn't know if it was worth a try or if anyone else had been on this side of it (abuse to petitioner).Thanks for your advice!

  2. As you can tell, things didn't go so well. We filed K-1, were married and divorced back in fall of 2014. During the last 6 months of the marriage I had to take out an OofP for my own safety. He left town after the divorce and was quiet for a long time (OofP in effect until June of this year). Once he needed to file ROC, he emerged from the woodwork. I'm not sure where he is in that process other than he said they needed more evidence (RFE), which doesn't surprise me as we had little co-mingled finances and of course, that's a red flag to them. We were married only from Feb '13 to Sept. '14, before I couldn't take another moment of the binge drinking and emotion and verbal abuse.

    In the last few months, he's been sending harassing emails, accusing me of lying, cheating, you name it. My friends and family think I should tell the USCIS about his behavior, but I'm not sure there is anything they can or will do about it.

    Is there any recourse for me, since ROC is technically not my filing, to let them know what is going on, or do I just have to hope he doesn't come after me and will one day leave me alone?

    I'm not trying to be evil here, but frankly, he's coming off as pretty crazy since he won't let it go two years later, and I absolutely will protect myself. He's moved around to 3 cities since he left NY (PHX, LA & Pittsburgh), so he's getting a little close for my taste.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Generally your senator or congressman/woman will have a contact form on their website especially for immigration issues. Just give them the basics: Timeline, status as you are aware of it, but keep personal numbers out of it. They generally will have someone call you for that information so it's safer not to provide that in a contact form. Good luck, try not to worry.

    This is what I just received after contacting my Senator here in NY:

    Dear Constituent,

    Thank you for contacting my office for assistance via my website. Your concerns are very important to me. However, in order for my staff to proceed in assisting you, we will need additional information.

    Please complete the Privacy Act release form that is provided in the following link: http://gillibrand.senate.gov/privacy/Privacy_Act_Release_Form.pdf. This form grants my office written permission to make the proper and necessary inquiries to the appropriate federal agency. The Privacy Act states that agencies may disclose information only after the individual concerned has provided written authorization. In addition, please enclose copies of any supporting documentation relevant to your situation with the federal agency.

    Your completed form and other materials should be faxed to my New York City office at 866-824-6340. If you are unable to fax, you may also mail to:

    Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand
    Attn: Constituent Services
    780 Third Avenue
    Suite 2601
    New York, NY 10017

    If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact my casework staff at 212-688-6262.


    Kirsten E. Gillibrand

  4. Just an update for you all...

    I filed for divorce... court date is Jan. 10. I still haven't received the GC, but as soon as the divorce is done, I'm going to make an infopass appointment and figure out how to return it. I'm kind of curious about how VAWA works, even though I don't want to stay in the US anymore. I just want it on record that he was abusive to me, so that he is never able to bring another woman into the country again. Anyone know anything about that?


    Good luck to you in the next phase of your life and I know that you will find someone who deserves your love and devotion. Keep posting and keep in touch with where life takes you next.


  5. Just curious, does anyone know if all the AOS apps go to a field office? We have a MSC number, which to this day is not in the USCIS system so I have no way of knowing the status unless I get Julian to call.

    I assume it's because ours hasn't been picked up yet (just collecting dust like the K-1), but the whole process is confusing to me. Is it just hit or miss who gets interviewed and who doesn't?

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