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Status Updates posted by Mike&Janssel

  1. The long wait will be over!!! Thank you God for the blessings....

  2. Hehe its not annoying to some people for sure because they wanted to help. And yeah correct its better to be clear on everything than to repeat all. Just take your time and save all you can save. Keep in touch!

  3. That's wiser move. Yes, you can ask people here and you know what to do. If you need help just ask me. You will be May filer then, goodluck with that. You can also see and check your position in all May filers here so that's a great they let us know what's going on or if you will be done soon. Might not be accurate but at least it help you pass the time of waiting.

  4. I can't wait for May to come!

  5. Hi again, yep very true. People here help me a lot too. It's better to start soon because you will wait for sure and while waiting you can gather some evidences. So goodluck in your petition :)

  6. Everything is fine for now NC&Leyte. I'm getting healthy (I think?) Thanks.

  7. Hi Luzt. Thanks for adding me. Hope you are doing fine. God bless

  8. Hi Glory (if that's your name) Thanks for adding me as your friend. Hope you are doing fine. Keep in touch.

  9. Hi guys! How are you?

  10. 3 months down, 3 more to go. I can do it!

    1. Jann & tom

      Jann & tom

      Malapit na sis soon ok n yan

    2. Jann & tom
    3. Mike&Janssel


      THANK YOU Sis. Just keep in touch. Yeah Soon! I can't wait... I added you na sis. I'll wait for your acceptance.

  11. That's good to hear, Sis. Oh really? Ok I'll add you na lang. PM kita ha?

  12. Sis, I'm doing good naman. My papers are all on hold. Thank you for checking on me. Keep in touch.

  13. Hi NC&Leyte. We are doing ok and still on treatment. How are you? Thanks.

  14. Interview is on hold. Two more months?!?! :'(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jann & tom

      Jann & tom

      How are you? Send me pm messge. Hope everything is well

    3. Jann & tom

      Jann & tom

      How are you? Send me pm messge. Hope everything is well

    4. Mike&Janssel


      Everything is ok for now. Ok I will.

  15. Wow NC&LEYTE that's great! Too bad there is no early date available other than November 14 so its good that I know someone who will have the same interview date. Well, I sent you PM. Thank you and good luck too.

  16. Hi MJIrene! How are you guys! Thank you.

  17. Nice talking to you, sis! Some other time ulit and thank you so much. Regards to your husband-to-be.

  18. The interview is next!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mike&Janssel


      Hi minou, we haven't paid the interview yet but this week for sure. How's your application?

    3. Minou18


      Mike & Janssel we are now waiting for NVC letter to have the MANILA case no..so that i can pay the visa fee and make appointment for medical and interview..hope everything goes well for us...goodluck!

    4. Mike&Janssel


      Hello again, oh everything will be quick now. So get yourself ready. Goodluck!

  19. We are still waiting for it. Argh. How about yours?

  20. Waiting for NOA2...

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