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Posts posted by soulcatcher

  1. Full time?

    Sorry for the late reply. Yes, I am full time. Thank you for the replies. :)

    If you work full time, 40 hours a week, at 52 weeks in a year then you make about $27k annually. Take how many hours you work a week and multiply that by $13. Take how much you make in a week and multiply that by 52. That is your current annual income. You do not need a co-sponsor if you work full time. You make enough even if you work only 28 hours a week. A household of 2 only needs $18,912. Provide your most recent tax transcript, letter from employer and most recent pay stub(s) along with your I-134.

    Thanks a lot. Appreciate it. :)

    • Are you a US citizen?
    • Have you never been convicted of a crime that would fall under the Adam Walsh Act? (Mostly sex crimes involving a minor.)
    • Have you never been convicted of a crime involving immigration law?
    • Have you not had an I-129F petition approved within the past two years, nor submitted two or more I-129F petitions anytime in the past? (Waiver required otherwise.)
    • Do you have a valid fiance/fiancee relationship with a foreigner of the opposite sex?
    • Have you personally met with your fiancee, face-to-face, at some point within the last two years, and can you provide evidence to prove this?
    • Are you committed to marrying your fiancee within 90 days of her arrival in the US?

    If you can answer "yes" to all of these questions then you should be able to to submit a petition and have it approved.

    • Do you have income of at least 125% of the poverty guidelines for your household size, including your fiancee?
    • Has your fiancee never been convicted of any serious crimes?
    • Does your fiancee not have any communicable diseases that would be a health threat to other people in the US?
    • Has your fiancee never been deported from the US?
    • Has your fiancee not overstayed their lawful status in the US for more than 180 days (within the last 3 years), or overstayed for more than one year (within the last 10 years)?
    • Can your fiancee provide sufficient evidence at an interview to convince a consular officer that your relationship is bona fide?
    • Is your fiancee committed to marrying you within 90 days of her arrival in the US?

    If you can answer "yes" to all of these questions then your fiancee has a good shot at getting a visa once your petition is approved.

    Ok uhm. I'm also new to poverty guidelines. So my situation is I'm living with my cousin's family, a total of 4. What should i consider? myself only or all of us?

  2. Hi, everyone. new guy here. So my concern on applying for a K-1 visa is how can I become eligilbe? I mean, the requirements are there, and I mostly got everything i need but how do they determine if I am eligible? Do they look at my income,credit history, background? If they do, how much should i earn to be eligible? anything else i should know or have to be eligible the first time i apply?

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