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Posts posted by Love&Love

  1. Listen, she has been here for over a year. Myself and my entire family have bent over backwards to help her. She thinks she knows everything. She does not listen when you tell her something for her own good. PERFECT EXAMPLE: She wanted to go to school, so i found an ESL class, but it was in a very bad area. I told her to wait inside the school and i would pick her up. i told her this many times, but she still wanders far away from where the school is. I told her many times about the danger, but she does not listen. That's not cultural adjusting honey, that's common sense no matter where you live. i would love for you to talk to her and you will see how much of a PITA she is. She is adjusted here, she is just a spoiled brat.

    I am not arrogant, i am honest. it may come across like i am, but i assure i am not. Our fights are over her not getting what she wants. We fought over when to get married. i wanted to have a wedding in a church, reception with my family, her family. she wanted to rush down to the court house. had to be fast. then the green card, every day having me call for status after being told by them it takes 4-6 weeks. My family is trying to protect me, they think she used me, but i always defend her. tell them she is not like that, but her actions speak louder than words. when she does not get what she wants (money usually) she gets very upset. I give her a quarter of my paycheck every week. i pay all the bills. if i can't give her money one week she says i owe her the money. The money is for her to buy her makeup and other ####### she does not necessarily need. I pay for everything. And when she does finally get a job, do you think she will help with the bills? I guarantee she won't. the money will be her's and she will STILL expect me to Pay her every week. This isn't a normal marriage.

    My friends are married to these Chinese women, so why shouldn't I?

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