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Posts posted by katheleen

  1. feliz cumpleanos

    or as my fathers 94yr old friend from old county says


    translation, as I understand the polish, to german to yiddish translation

    "may you live 99 years...or 99 more dependeing on source"



  2. I was scanning through this forum, having never posted here and saw the title. I steeled myself for a homophobic discourse, just to be honest, as I have found the recent anti immigrant discussions painful...for me, with all respect,there has been a lack of attention inthe discourse paid to issues of individuals who have been perse cuted, risked death and torture and due to our governments particular allegiances and recognitions have been denied aslum, refugee status, or immigration status of an kind. For myself, the protests take a broader focus... immigration reform is needed on all levels.

    Our immigration rules and policies are not family friendly and deserve reform. We are all experiencing the challenges of seperation. Similarly, our govenment is not without blame in policies that have contributed to the marginalization and exclusion of many" worthy immigrants"....let us not forget the millions who perished in the Holacaust waiting visas and from here onward,realisically legions... perhaps I am a bit sensitive to this for personal reasons. Similar situations continue to exist today...from sudanese refugees to homosexual aslum seekers. Immigation reform is needed on a large scale, our policies are antiquated and sometimes based on challenging politics

    to be gay in our country is to inhabit a true second class, devoid of the option of partner benefits,immigration options, and generally adoption( excepSF and some other areas)...I believe that we are born into our sexuality...How terrible to have no rights to bring our same sex partner o live wih us, simply because of bias. It is terrible to be in such a marginalized situation without the option of reuniting with a partner fron overseas. I am grateful to have been born into a situation of privildge, that of being heterosexual. We are engaed in a grave injusice

    sorry for the ramble, not as focused as the night goes on

    Please do not engage me in a diatribe, I respect all standpoints and am inviting no debate... just felt compelled to post not want to provoke, just to state

    peaceful night to all


  3. greetings,

    Although we are appling for a CR1-IR1 I believe the same informacion applies.... at least that was what I was told in consult with lawyer before we submitted our initial package. She explained to me that it is best to paint a simple evidenciary picture with the initial application as this is the basis for application and the first thing consulate sees. Makes sense to me. As such she advised to include in initial petition:

    boarding passes

    cop of passport pages with stamps of entry

    proof of phone conversation via bill- 1 or 2

    proof of trips within country with fiancee/spouse- hoel receips, bus ickes ec

    several proofs of correspondence cards with envelopes

    pictures together( several)- we submitted 2 pages of wedding photos

    wedding or engagement congratulations( several)

    testimonios from several people who know you as a couple and can attest to the validity of relationship

    then in the interview provide all possible-

    all boarding passes/ passport stamps

    e-mail chats/log


    phone records

    credit card statements - proof of spending abroad

    stamped correspondence- cards letters etc

    receipt from ring

    package receipts

    proof of trips/ hotels

    wedding or engagement announcement

    wedding or engagement invitations

    photos of two of you

    I personall dont think ou should provide a book in the initial petition but I did include what she suggested with a table of contents and cover page for each section...I am a grantwriter so it follows the lines of successful grant submission.....



  4. saludos,

    We are about to mail in the DS-230 and have some questions specific to the embajada en Lima.

    1. Can/should husband get the three certificates now as we are still 3 months or more from the interview....I am worried that it won't be current enough if interview is in Aug/September... better to wait a month?

    2. Do the certificates all have to be stamped and translated?

    3. How much time does it take to get certificates?



  5. Neurosis rears it's ugly head yet again!

    on question 20 ,they ask for all places lived from age 16....just town province and country are specified so I am assuming no precise addresses are necessary ...is this a correct assumption?

    Also in filling out stepsons(age 4) form, should we list his dad under #19 or 21a? I know it doesn't specify and I am way overthinking but if someone could humor my neurois it would be great- amazing what anxiety these forms create :help:



  6. greetings,

    I am so sorry for the problems you have been having- hopefully it is just another peruvian hoop- when I married there, I had never seen so many seals and stamped documents- quite officious as a friend would say- felt quite at one wih several governmental offices by the time we finally assembled our package for the municipalidad

    I am wondering if you could let me know what a certificate of migratory movements is and where one obtains it in Lima. We will be having our CR1-IR1 interview, with luck, in the next couple months and might as well be prepared!



  7. sorry, let me clarify

    we have applied for a IR1-CR1 so when he enters he will have a green card and in two years the conditions can be lifted...I am now assuming that he will be able to apply for citizenship 1 year after the conditions are lited as this will make 3 years as a permanent resident. I have been a bit confused as I had been told there was a five year requirement...

  8. Wow

    I am confused and perhaps I have not been reading the documents correctly

    I had been under the impression that my husband could apply for citizenship 3 years after the AOS, which would occur 2 years after entry.... recently I have read that he may be eligible for citizenship at 3 years after he enters the us with his CR-1( hopefully shortly ... dare to dream!!!!) which is correct... advice anyone?

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