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Posts posted by MichelleClark

  1. Hi!

    There are basically 2 options for your medical- there is a doctor in Capetown and one in Johannesburg. I went to the guy in Jozi a week before the interview. He asked lots of questions, asked for my vaccination history, then sent me for chest Xrays and for blood work. After that i went to another doctor in the same building and got the vaccinations i needed.I had the medical done on a thursday and i collected the results on tuesday and had my interview on the wednesday.

    I wouldnt get any vaccinations in advance as you dont know exactly what you will need and they will determine what you need at the visit. Provided you had all your childhood shots chances are you will maybe only need boosters for those- I had the MMR and the Tdap, Also note they want a 'current as possible' medical so try book it about a week to 10 days prior to your interview. Dont forget to take your photos with for the medical.

    Shout if you need to know anything extra.

  2. unfortunately, they do need the un-abridged version of birth certificate. I went to home affairs and was told could take up to 6 months to get, i ranted and raged but applied for it and paid the fee. I was very pleasantly surprised when i got a message saying it was ready for collection 1 week later. Get the long version certificate- it will take longer if you get a RFE for incorrect docs

  3. Hi

    Not sure this is the correct forum but I'm sure I'll be redirected if not.

    My question is this.. I am now married to a US Army soldier. The only reason I am in the US is for us to be together and he has now been told he will be deploying in April for at least 9 months. I obviously dont want to throw away any progress we have made in our journey to be together. I have got my Ead,AP and 2 year GC. If I decide I want to go back home for the time he is deployed or if I want to find work in another country where I have many friends and family will I be able to do this and what would I need to do to retain my 2yr GC and file for ROC when the time is right.

    Any advice would be hugely appreciated. I love my husband with my whole heart and support him in everything he does but I dont want to be here without him when I have support systems in other countries.

  4. Man alive< I can imagine what you are going through.

    I would want to do anything and everything to be there.

    However Jozi was really quick once we got our NOA2( although it was routed via an incorrect country) once they recieved everything, we got our packet 3 and submitted it and had our interview within a week. I had to wait for a few docs before i could submit our packet but it was really speedy. I suggest you have everything you need for packet 3 ready so you can submit asap and get your interview set up asap. The doctors app and medical was also set up in record speed.

    Good luck and just keep sending loving and healing thoughts to your man until then <3

  5. whatsapp has the option to email a chat history...it will mail back about 4 months worth of chats... it will come in note form,copy it and paste to a word doc where its easier to read and also to edit.

    We waited 5 months for the Noa2 and then it ws sent to the NVC where it was processed and sent out really quickly- but it was sent to Nairobi instead of Johannesburg- caused another 2 week delay to get it to Jhb. The guys at JHB office are really helpful if yu have any questions

  6. OK, so my fiance calls the NVC to check if they had recieved the docs from the USCIS.. they had and they had done what they needed to and they sent everything off (on 15 March) to Nairobi and we must wait to be contacted from this side... One problem... I am not in Nairobi, I have never been in Nairobi.

    I really don't know why this happened. I met my fiance in the Seychelles while he was deployed there and I was on a 18 month work contract and we originally filed for our K1 while I was still living in Seychelles. I have since come back to SA. In Jan we sent a registered mail letter to USCIS to notify them of my change of address and we called and were told it was sorted... All I can think is the address wasn't changed and they looked at the map of the world and thought Nairobi is close to Seychelles let's send it there... but when filling out the paper work for the K1 pettion we stated we would go through the process at the Johannesburg consulate....bleeurgh so much of frustrations

    So does anyone know what this will mean in terms of delays? or does anyone have any insight?


  7. Hi All

    I am getting so frustrated with all the waiting!! I know it will all be worthwhile in the end but at the moment it feels hopeless! We submitted our package and recieved our NOA1 on 12 Oct 2011. I have just checked and the last time the case was touched was 14 Oct 2011!!! According to all timelines etc we should be hearing about our case anytime soon but does the fact that it hasnt been touched since 10/14/2011 mean it will be delayed??? I am feeling so despondent at the moment and just want to be with my man ASAP!!!

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