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Posts posted by F.Momo

  1. hello everyone,

    me and my fiancée we are about to embark in the journey K1, and i would like to know

    a couple things.

    we have known each other for like 7 years , we started dating 3 years ago, we have

    met in persone and spent time together twice and took lots of pictures, we wish to

    be together for good, and i m wondering how am i going to send a 7 years worth of

    conversation, not to mention phone call records...etc

    do i really have to send everything i got? i mean that's really a lot ! or should I

    filter out our best conversations we had by years ?

    any suggestion on how to tackle this ?

    thanks in advance..

  2. Greetings everyone,

    Me and my fiancée who is living in the US are planning to start the K-1 procedures , however I have some questions about our situation that I hope there would be answers to them . Well to start with , we've known each other for like 5 years , our romantic experience only started this year. Me and my fiancée are both still studying , no employment , still living in our parent's house , and we really need each other as soon as possible . so my questions are the following :

    1- since my fiancée does not have an employment , can her mother file an affidavit of support on her behalf ??? our parents are willing to help us , but my fiancée's mother does not make a lot of money , however I may be able to provide enough money to show as proof of financial support .

    2-We have never met in person but we know each other really well and we've sent letters, I have our chat history, SMS's and phone calls . We have not met in person due to some conditions . I would like to know if even without photos or visits record , is there any hope that the CO would accept the following proves such as History chat , Phone calls ,SMS , Letters , Objects received from her ???

    I thank you, the reader for having the time to read my post , and I hope someone would help me by answering these inquiries and posting any helpful information about my case , I will really appreciate your help people .

    Bless you all and good luck ,

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