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Posts posted by Mrs5k

  1. Also when I was on the plane I talked to my boyfriend and told him everything and we had already made the decision that we were going to make a complaint so when he emailed me saying that he had been thinking about me I responded with thinking about what? so that I could have some actual evidence to back up the whole entire story of him saying inappropriate things. I figured that if it is there in writing that he was obviously attracted to me and wanting to stay in contact with me it at least showed the possibility that he was being inappropriate on the actual day that this happened and could act as proof to back up my story.

    If you're wanting to know what else was in the email that I wrote, the first response from me was me explaining me not being happy at all with the situation and he asked if he could call me.

  2. Hey guys!

    There were about 4 emails that he sent to me and maybe 2 that I sent to him. I didn't flip out and say how did you get my info because I had to write my information down several times whilst they were talking to me so it was pretty clear to me how he got it. The main thing that I said to him was that we shouldn't say in contact considering what happened to which he responded saying that I should rethink it. The day he replied to that email is the day I made a complaint so the emails stopped.

    I agree that they did focus on the wrong things but they didn't run the story by me before it went out so not much I could do at that point. I'm not sure what the second part is going to be but Dana should have some answers for me on Monday.

    I don't really understand why it is taking immigration this long to deal with this situation...I have his email address written by him in his handwriting on a scrap piece of paper right THERE is enough evidence to show that he was up to no good then the emails that he sent me is further evidence that he is not doing his job correctly.

    Thank you all for the support.

  3. Hi everyone!,

    If you have read my previous thread on this forum you will know that me and my boyfriend contacted the news in Atlanta regarding the inappropriate actions of the immigration officer that refused me entry into the US. Well the news has finally published the story! http://www.myfoxatlanta.com/dpp/news/local_news/I-Team-Customs-Agent-Abuse-of-Power-20120322-pm-pk

    That is the link to the website where you can view the story. I have been told that it is the first of a 2 part story, the second part will run next week and as of right now I have no idea what it is about but should know more Monday.

  4. Hi everyone,

    I just have a quick question that I'm a little confused about. My fiance worked for himself for about half of last year after he was made redundant, he now has another job and has been working there since January. My question is in regards to showing how much he makes....is it ok that his tax returns only show how much he made for half of the year? he wasn't making enough on his own to file taxes ( it was just a small eBay thing ) so he didn't file taxes when he wasn't employed. Should he send tax returns from more than just last year? should he send in pay stubs that show how much he makes now? I just want to make sure that it is ok that he didn't make enough last year for the visa limits but he now does.

    Thank you everyone.

  5. Thank you so much for your support, it's quite a difficult thing to stick with as the situation is difficult enough to deal with let alone having people blame you. I keep trying to reassure myself that even if any contact information is offered to him he shouldn't take it so surely there's only so much blame they can put on someone. It is a little worrying to think that he has access to mine and my boyfriends files though!.

  6. Hi everyone,

    I apologise for how long it has taken for me to respond here but everything has been quite slow moving. I have had my interview with the news and they are now arranging to interview my boyfriend. Another immigration officer has also been assigned to my case and has been emailing me but all of his questions are things such as "did you ask for his phone number?" "did you give him your information without him asking for it" and I feel very very angry because his emails basically imply that they are turning the blame on to me. There is a reason why most women don't come forward in situations like this because it always gets turned around on the woman. I don't think they understand that he is supposed to do his JOB not taking anyone's contact information even if it is offered to him, that makes him unable to be impartial and therefore unable to do his job correctly. *sigh*

  7. Just thought I would add my 2 cents. I was refused entry on the VWP, luckily the next flight was a few hours so I just sat in the immigration offices that they have in the airport. I will also say that I did not have to pay for a return ticket. I flew from the UK if this helps. If you want to read the whole story of my situation it's on the general immigration forum under "is this allowed".

  8. I definitely will!. I called the lady from the news today and she is extremely interested in what happened and I am doing a skype interview with her sometime next week, whether that will go on the news or not I'm not sure but it appears as though she not only wants to run the story but she also wants to help me in my situation.

  9. Hello everyone! Another update!.

    I submitted a statement about what happened to the immigration officer that deals with complaints and I also forwarded the emails, we will be calling him back in a week or so to find out what has happened. The local news station also called my boyfriend back and was very interested in the story so the woman who works at fox 5 news wants me to send her a story on exactly what happened and she also wants me to forward the emails to her.

  10. Thank you for your help. Yes I have been told that I can't use the VWP again which is fine I think I've finally dealt with that fact lol I was just wondering if a denial for a tourist visa effects the K-1. Best of luck to you too! :)

  11. He looks after his son but he is in school in a completely different part of the state which is why he stays with his mother and visits on weekends. The reason I was asking this is that he started a new job and I'm not sure exactly how much he will be making, within the next month or so he will be making enough for 3 people any way but I was just wondering if his son had to be counted on the affidavit of support for the K-1 petition.

  12. the 90 day limit,,,,,

    Hi I was wondering how often and how long you stayed for when you've been visiting the US and if you've flown into the same airports?

    I have been out for 2 weeks in May to visit friends, 3 weeks in Sept to visit my finace and 4 weeks over Christmas. I'm planning in going out for a month in April and taking my friends with me for a weeks road trip then on to visit my finace they are staying 2 weeks

    Hi Trish,

    I would generally go for around the 80 day mark and I would be out of the US for 3 months or so, so basically I was doing 3 months there 3 months here. My friend ran into some trouble after going for 2 week trips every few months but he wasn't refused entry. I have gone through Chicago, Atlanta, JFK, Detroit and Orlando. I would say that my best experience was at JFK, they barely even asked me any questions and said "as long as you're within the 90 day limit you're fine" The worst experiences I have had were at Atlanta and Chicago. I was refused at Atlanta and Chicago was extremely rude to me and threatened to not let me in ( this was when I wasn't even going to the states all that often). Considering that you're going with friends I think that will help, they tend to be more suspicious of single people and I think you have spent enough time in the UK to not cause too much suspicion. Now this might seem like a lot of effort to go through but I would suggest bringing any documents that show you have a life in the UK such as rental documents, pay stubs, letter of employment, letter from your University anything that can help show them that you're not there to stay forever.

    From what you have said though I think you will be fine.

  13. Thank you for your response everyone and I think it will be much better to take a vacation together outside of the US or have him come and visit me in England rather than going through the visitor visa process. I don't own a home but I do have a full time job and I am in full time university so I can show those two things, if that would be enough I have no idea so I don't know I would even want to risk being denied a visa. I will talk to my fiance about when he would be able to visit me here and go down that avenue whilst we work towards the k-1 :)

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