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Posts posted by faith001

  1. Hi, my husband recieved a yellow ticket saying our jointsponser didnt have enough to sponser.

    My brother(new cosponser) who has a wife and small son wants to cosponser him instead.

    he made 26,000 last year and filed for tax return as well. This year(2013) he was with the US armay made around 100,000. Ever since the withdraw from afghanistan he has been unemployed and just recently been getting unemployment benifits. He has applied for job and waiting to foe that.

    The question is that since he is unemployed and recieving money from gov will his applicarion get denied fot i864? What are the chances of him getting accepted as a joint sponser.? Should he go ahead and file or should we find a.new joint sponse?

  2. Hi!

    I got engaged over the summer with my distant cousin. He lives in Afghanistan. He proposed me and I agreed. But i havent met him in a long time. And I don't really have any prove of engagement. We have been chatting and speaking over the phone. I am planning on getting married over the summer. I want to start his process as soon as possible but I don't have any prove! what should I do????

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