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Status Updates posted by Elisinha

  1. GC approved!!!!

    1. olsan3



  2. Just passed my knowledge test today.. yay!!!! No more road tests :)

  3. Just passed my knowledge test today.. yay!!!! No more road tests :)

  4. EAD/AP card... YAY!!!!!!

  5. Biometrics is on the way.. yay!!!

  6. wow!!!Congrats!! Happy POE for you.!!

  7. How did your interview go?

    Hope all went great!

    Thanks for helping getting my interview day..I am in US and very happy. Best wishes!!

  8. Happy in the States, wedding in 2 weeks!!! :)

  9. Packing and packing!!! I am coming, Baby!

  10. ust picked-up my passport today :)... Be there soon, baby!!

  11. K1 APROVED!!!!!! yay!!!!! Thank to God thanks to everyone that helped me :)

  12. I've Got my Medical Results today... Hooray!!!!!

  13. I will see you there :) .. I have mine that same day... It will be easy to find me. I am black, straight hair on the front and curly on the back, very unique lol :)

  14. P4... yay!!!!! Chair and a cup of tea while looking for the interview availability :)

  15. Its coming soon! Thanks a lot!

  16. MTL... YAY!!!!

    1. CAdreamer


      Yay! Congratulations! Now onto the next step! :)

  17. NOA2!!!! Yeahhh!!!! Approved!!!!

  18. its coming soon!

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