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Posts posted by newt04

  1. The did not even want to see our wedding album or any pics at all. When we shows her the Bills she already fondeled with my Passport (I 94 removed, Visa cross out) and said "your not visiting no more", she did not seem very interested or maybe we were so believable. Maybe me beeing a tall white Guy from Germany convinced her more than the fiftysecond Asian/white couple etc. It seeme dlike it in the waiting room because we were the only white folks there.

    Am I reading this correctly, or is this guy making a BLATANT RACIST statement ????


    A racist from germany??? You are kidding me! ;)

    Come on there - by a comment like that you make yourself one as well ! ! ! BE FAIR !!!

  2. HI everyone,

    first of of all I have to say that NOT all Germans are as cocky as this one! I find it very offensive and cocky the way this dude writes and acts. He's still fresh out of Germany and totally WRONG with his comments!

    I'm totally shocked that people like that get accepted into the United States. If you think that white is a superior race then ... hmmmm sorry dude, you should have lived 65 years ago!

    You really offended me and my mife. People like you should really change their way of thinking.

    The quote from the black lady at immigrations ...tsssss was that really necessary? It doesn't matter if someone is black, white, or asian. If it still does matter to you then be political correct and keep things like that for yourself and think where you post your racial comments. This is a multi-cultural forum!

    Dein Posting ist eine absolute Frechheit, zumindest so wie du's geschrieben hast. Denk mal nach wenn du naechstes mal was postest. Erst denken, dann schreiben! Ich schaeme mich (als Deutscher) fuer dich und deinen post hier.

  3. Yes that's what I think it is, too!

    I know of a similar case where a Moroccan, did the same thing in Germany with a German woman. Once his "brothers" arrived in Germany that was the beginning of the end and from that point on she seen him less and less.

    I think that a lot of Americans develop an anti foreigner view BECAUSE of cases like this. Hey it's fine to get married to someone from a foreign country, BUT then you have those that want to bring their whole family-friends and countrymen over ... and that is not right!

    It's just my opinion. I don't want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but this is a forum and if people have a different point of view then they should be allowed to post it.

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