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  • Our Story
    Believe it or not, we met each other from chatting online. I never thought it could blossom into something so special that I am willing to travel to a place (all by myself) I have only wanted to go when my parents are going. In fact I was born there before I came to USA. Start talking since April 2009 and still going on strong today. We talk almost every day and night...I have lots of phone cards guys. I call him most of the time but he calls me when he doesn't get a call from me at the usual time or maybe he just misses me. We are not related although his mom and my mom has the same last name but recently just found out that his uncle's wife, her brother, was married to my grandma's younger sister in Lav52, one of their relative's daughter. The brother passed away a few years back. I was not a citizenship the first year we were together, but I applied and got it August 2010, got my passport in September then bought my ticket online (secretly not telling my family I am going to Laos, it was so scary because my parents thought I was joking...yeah my mom was pretty mad at me after she found out by my aunty and plus when I could not take some of her stuff with me to her brother in Lav52)...November 21, 2010 I set out on my journey to meet the love of my life in Vientiane, Laos.
    I was so happy on the way...especially when the plane landed in VTE. I was so nervous at the same time, I didn't know how I should feel like because it was going to be the real thing...no more msn live cam, skype, and on the phone..Finally after I got my bags checked, walked to the sliding doors, I saw my grandma's sister from Lav52 and an aunty from NongHai. There he was about a few people away from them, he had a plastic flower (hehehe it's okay) in his hand and waving at me...guess he saw me first. I went to him and next thing I knew he kissed me on my lips in front of all these Hmong people, I was like WOWWW! Hahaha. From that moment on we were inseparable until the day I had to come back home. It was sad and the trip back home feels like forever because I left my heart in Vietiane, Laos. I've meet all of his family members. They welcomed me like I was already apart of the family. We were engaged but not ready to do the paper work yet.
    I went back to visit him again on November 14, 2011. This time we decided to meet in Bangkok, Thailand because we want to visit ChiangMai, ChiangRai, cross over to Laos at ChiangKhong and HuayXai Boarder Crossing to LuangPraBang to Phonsavanh then back to Vientiane...so we did that. We had fun and got sick a little while in Thailand. While in Vientiane, we got our engagement papers done. I return home December 26...I missed him dearly and wish I could stay longer. Oh will I know it's only a matter of time we will be with eachother again. We hope to be together sometime between summer-winter this year. If not, my friends are planning a trip to Thailand in November, I'll go with them and fly him down to meet me there. That's our story.
    My message to all who are already successful in their journey to be together, I am happy for you guys and those who are still in the process, always wishing you guys good luck. Wish me good luck too okay.

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  1. Wow Paivaj I thought you were going for interview soon! Well if you need any help or have questions regarding the I-129f just let me know and I will help. Make sure you answer every question on that petition. I missed one question and I had tripled check the application several times. So far, it's costed me 1 1/2 months. I'm sure I will hear something from USCIS soon. Have a gr...

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