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Posts posted by che234

  1. Ask yourself this, would you have a problem if he decided to open his own account in addition to the joint account you two already share? Because frankly, this makes you sound like a gold-digger. And paying for personal dental bills and cable is NOTHING compared to everything else.

    I don;t have any problem if he will do that. He is the one who told me i will pay for my dental not me :) Thats the reason why i work hard because he keeps complaining all the time atleast i pay some of our bills. Is that like a gold digger where in fact i don't want to rely on HIM all the time? LOL make sense ;)

  2. Responses above.

    If your relationship doesn't make you happy, then leave. Don't make your decision because you want to keep your greencard or want a better chance of keeping it. That's fraud.

    if i just want a greencard then why would i file divorce then? I entered my marriage in good faith god knows about that. But when i get here it changed.

    He doesn't want me to go out even with ladies friends. Everytime we have a misunderstanding he always say " don't use that i'm the one who bought that. I used my money for that blah blah "

    Why would he say like that to me?? I am not physically hurt but emotionally. I tried to hold on but i just really can't take it anymore.

    He just want me to stay inside the house like him sit in living room watch black and white tv shows. Geez i want a life i don't want to be a figurin waiting for the day to be done.

    If I was a CO this would throw up a redflag, OP is hell bent on using him to as far as she can be sure to get a GC, :rolleyes: but already knows she will divorce. Was it real

    Read my post above besides you really don't know what im going through :)

    You do not want him in the new bank account that you want to open. Why should he keep you in the other joint account? You also say you are planning to file a divorce, so why are you worried about having a joint account with him? Divorced couples do not run around with joint accounts.

    What Gowon meant was, in simple terms, that what belongs to your husband belongs to both of you, but what belongs to you belongs to you alone.

    Regarding ROC, you will have to file on your own, without his support. You can file any time after the divorce is finalized, but before the expiry date on your GC. If the divorce happens before the 90 days preceding the expiry date of your current GC, you do not have to wait, you can file the ROC right away, I think.

    I don't see any problem about opening a new account besides i will still put $ to our joint account. The thing that i don't understand is that why he doesn't want me to do that. I am not worried about the joint i am pissed off because i am open for the bills yet he doesn't want me to open my own account in my name. Most of my friends have their joint account and their husband agreed on that. He wanted me to be broke so i will quit my job and just stay in the house whole day. Do you think if your in my situation you can live like that? I need to work and socialize have other environment , in short i want a life. I don't feel like having a feel now here because of the way he treats me. So i will take the risk because i am not happy anymore.

  3. Your timeline says that you are at the AOS stage and not removing conditions. Which is it?

    I am asking this because i will file a divorce soon i get all the info and docs about self filling of ROC.

    I just want to make sure i don't wanna messed up with my status while im going to file a divorce.

    You must file for ROC EITHER 90 days before the GC expires OR right after the divorce is finalized which ever occurrs FIRST. As long as you entered the marriage in good faith and can show and/or explain his behavior as to the resaon for you filing for divorce your ROC will be approved. He cannot remove you from the joint account without you being present. All he can do is reduce the account balance to zero, or the minimum. Both of my parents are on a checking account with me. I have to take in their death certificates to show why they cannot sign the account closing form. Banks have all kinds of rules and regulations regarding joint accounts. A joint account allows both to depsoit money and withdrawal money so in that sense it is an "OR" but both parties must agree when changes to the account are made that is the "AND" part. I would get copies of the joint bank account statements to show that you at least tried.

    Good luck,


    Dave thank you ii really appreciate your reply. He would get mad if i won't follow his order so i will just agree though i really don't want too. It's hard he's greedy his thinking that i will withdraw his money duuuh thats why he wanted me to remove from his account. I will tell the consul about his attitude and i will surely will. For now what i am doing is gather all the information. So it's fine if i will my ROC right after i get my divorce decree even it's not 90 days of my GC anniversary yet? What else do i need to gather in order to prove that i enter the marriage in good faith? Do i need my husband signature for this?

  4. First, he cannot stop you from opening your own bank account. Second, he also cannot stop you from taking all the money out of the joint bank account anbd third he cannot just close the account but he too can take all the money out.

    I don't know if the marriage is worth saving, but I would try to explain all this to him and see what his reaction is. You can file for ROC at the 90 days before your 2 year GC anniversary date or after the divorce is final--which ever comes first. All you have to do is prove that you entered the marriage in good faith, made an attempt, and had to get a divorce due to the way your husband is acting. Try to obtain as much documentation as you can like canceled checks for the bills you have paid, joint accounts, you as a beneficiary on his medical or employer benefits from marriage to the current date. It is doable and he cannot stop you and have you deported.

    I wish you well,


    Thats the thing that i don't really understand why it is necessary to remove me on his account. I never use my atm card since i got it :-/ coz i don't like spending his money.

    All i want is to open my own account so i can put some of my savings there aside to the money that i want to put in our joint account. About the insurance i don't have it too. We applied for it after we got married and until now we didn't received any notice from the insurance company so i am not the beneficiary yet :( He will remove me to his joint the time i will open my own account. What if i can't provide docs like joint account and insurance do you think it will result to denial of ROC? If once i get my divorce decree can i file the ROC even not 90 days of my GC anniversary or do i need to wait? I really can't take it anymore he's money is much more important than me. I just want him to know that i am not into his property or anything :-/

  5. I see, the old what is yours is ours but what is mine is mine. Poor Guy.

    Anyways, you can self ROC after divorce as long as you can prove that you entered the marriage in good faith, have proof of joint stuff, blah blah blah

    Yeah thats why i'm stress , he's very concern about what he owns and everything even it will ruin our rel too bad and i cant take it anymore.

    About joint he will remove me on his account that is my problem , do you think its a big deal if i file my ROC??

  6. Hello i want to ask about self filing of ROC. I'm still married with my husband but our marriage is not healthy anymore.

    I am always stress because he's very controlling and complaining. My question is if i file for divorce next year like 1 year and 3 months of marriage do you think i will get denied on my ROC if i file?

    We have a joint account but when i tried to open him that i wanted to have my own account too now that i got a job he wanted me to remove on his account. I explained why i wanted to my own account i want to get ready for my future but it doesn't mean i won't contribute to my bills. He bought me a car but then now that i got a job he told me i need to pay for it which is about $345/month.

    I really didn't expect it , he told me it's his gift for me but was wrong. I told him that if i just know that i will be the one who will pay for it then i'd rather buy a 2nd hand cheaper car than the car i have that way i won't pay that much. I am paying my dental bill , TV and Internet bill the rest his the one paying for it. In short we share house bill. I can't take it anymore , he doesn't want me to go out and make friends even to girls he wanted me to just focus on him which sucks. I am so stress thinking about this and i am getting information about self filing of ROC so if ever atleast i am ready for all the docs that i need.

    Is there any possibility that i will get denied?? And what should i do? Advice please..

  7. Most likely your GC will just show up in the mail. If they are suspicious about your marriage then they'll schedule an interview. Look for a GC in the mail and not an Interview notice

    Yeah i'm just wondering since it's almost 6 months now from the day i filed and still i didn't received an interview.

    My biometric was done last june and i got my EAD july..til now no updates yet.

    I may just need to wait and look for my green card on the mailbox.

    What do you think guys?

  8. I went to SSA this morning and still i dnt have SSN because they are waiting for the immigration. As per SSA is concern im ok with them but they cant issue a number to me because they need the full authorization from immigration. I dnt know why it takes long for the immigration. I gave all my documents...what do they need from me...**sigh**

    You applied to SSA before you got married or after you got married?

    I applied twice in SSA. First i waited for 7 weeks for verification then i received a letter from them telling they can't issue a card since my I-194 is about to expire.

    It's unfair because i applied 7 weeks ago then i got that letter. Have no choice but to wait again til i got married.

    I reapplied , SSA told me to wait for another 4 weeks for verification again and again haha! I was so pissed but less than 2 weeks i got my SSC finally :D

    1 month is fair enough to go through a verification , usually 4-8 weeks! Goodluck!

  9. I'm using smart for my roaming at first i thought that my simcard won't work LOL

    I tried to ask a friend of mine to call a csr from smart and ask why the heck my simcard won't work as a roaming.

    Then the csr told me i need to change my phone settings network manually in order to get a partner signal and thats it!

    I check my phone and configure all the settings luckily it worked! Now i can receive text from PH with no hustle :)

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