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Posts posted by FERLEM

  1. OMG!!! I'm sooo HAPPY ! My fiance just had his interview and after 3 hours of waiting..he finally got approved! We had a co-sponsor,but we didn't really need it. According to my boyfriend, the officer was nice -and jolie :bonk: -She asked a lot of questions,tho, all of them in English -she didn't speak French fluently-.

    1-"How did you meet your fiancee?while she was studying here in Paris.I met her in a party at La Cite Universitaire."

    2-"Have you met her parents?yes,only her mom because her dad passed away 2 years ago TODAY."

    3-"Has she ever been married? no."

    4-"Does she have any children?no."

    5-"Why haven't you seen each other this year?because we are just focusing in saving up our money;therefore,we are unable to afford it at this time."

    6-"So, how do you guys keep in touch? We Skype as much as possible and I call her cell phone at least twice a day."

    7-"Isn't that too expensive? no it's actually free." -He then showed her all of our cell phone bills ,but she said that all she needed to know was the name of the provider-.

    She then selected some of the pictures we sent and asked him to name the people in there and asked him what we were doing when the picture was taken.

    After that she read some of our emails and asked him "Who is memis?Oh that's her nickname since she was baby".

    She was typing as if there is no tomorrow and finally said " Please come back tomorrow with your medical results and if everything is okay you will be receiving your visa within 7 business days".

    She then hand him over all of our Skype/email conversations, some of the forms from the 1st package and some of the pictures we submitted.

    Hope this review will be helpful and for all of you that are still waiting..HANG IN THERE! I KNOW it's hard ,but it's worth the wait. I personally keep you in my prayers and for all of you that have been approved I wish you a LIFETIME full of happiness and endless memories (L) (L) (L) (L) (L)

    NOTE: Just a little FYI ..I submitted my petition on May 22nd 2012 and got approved today.. that wasn't even 5 months!I was expecting a 7-11 month wait...see!! it's not that bad :)

  2. I feel you... My interview is on friday and I'm so nervous right now that I can't even sleep and it's 12am here in the Philippines. Just think positive and everything will be alright. The minimum required earnings for the household of two is $ 18,912 so you have nothing to worry about. Good luck to us!

    YES!! GOOD LUCK TO US!please let me know if you get approved.I'll keep you guys in my prayers :-)

    Thank you so much for your support xxxx

  3. Hi all,

    My fiance has his interview tomorrow at 1pm and I'm just soooo scared/nervous.I'm trying to keep a positive attitude ,but I just keep asking myself"what if we get denied? what if I don't make enough money? I don't know..has anyone felt this way the day before their interview? PLEASE PRAY FOR US! I'm desperate :(

    NOTE:My year-do-date earnings is $23,000.00 ,but I got a co-sponsor who makes 60,000.00 a year(single person),but she misplaced her citizenship certificate,so I had to send a letter stating that and a copy of the letter she received when she made her oath.

  4. What originals did you sent over? The hardcopies of the NOA1 and NOA2, or something else?

    Also, I need to get a letter from my employer. Should I do that now, or wait a couple weeks until the date is more recent. I'm not sure how long it will take for the visa appointment, maybe 2-3 months, but I don't want to wait to the last minute to the employer letter, or have the date be too old.


    I sent all the ORIGINAL documents from packet 1(birth certificate, boarding passes,my French student ID,school certificate,pictures,etc) AND ORIGINALS from packet 3(3 year taxes -including co-sponsor's-,2 month bank statements, 2 months pay stubs,letter from my employer).You don't need to send hard copies of your NOAs.To be honest with you , I waited until we received the letter from the Embassy to ask my boss for the letter. It only took 5 minutes... literally!I just didn't want to have an old letter ;it might not be a big deal ,but I just wanted everything to be flawless. GOOD LUCK!

  5. HI ALL,








  6. If it is just a "normal" cover letter listing the things you are sending in your petition and you are really unable to re-print it, I'd go ahead and send it like that. As long as it isn't a form or anything required by USCIS, I think you should be fine. Of course it makes a better impression to have a clean cover letter, so I guess it all depends on how you feel about it.

    ok..thank u:-)

  7. Hi all,

    I had my package ready to go and I wanted to take a final look just to make sure everything was perfect ,buuuuuuuuuut I put some hand lotion 1st and I noticed that I left a stain on the paper(it's not a huge stain ,but visible)...what do you guys think I should do? should I reprint a new letter? I don't have a printer,so I would have to go to Kinkos and pay:-(

    or should I just send it as it is?

  8. I have a dumb question,but I don't really know the answer . I'm filling out my G-325 form (I'm the US citizen) ,but at the bottom right of the form says SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT..do I have to sign it OR does my fiance has to sign it?I mean he already filled out his form.I guess I'm confused because I don't know if MY FIANCE needs to sign both forms (mine and his) or we are supposed to sign EACH of our forms.THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!

  9. she is estimating that is what she makes per hour. Minimum wage plus tips. But unless she claims the amount she makes in tips when she does her tax returns there is no way to prove how much she gets.

    True! I actually pay taxes in my tips and I do report all of my tips,but some days are good and some days are bad. That's why I got a co-sponsor just to not give them any excuses to deny him the visa.

    The co-sponsor will need have enough income to meet the 125% poverty level requirement for their household size plus the beneficiary. You would each fill out your own separate I-134 forms, and provide a letter from employer, 2011 tax transcript, and a few months worth of their most recent pay stubs. The co-sponsor will also need to provide proof of being a USC or LPR with a copy of a birth certificate, certificate of naturalization, a copy of the bio page of U.S. passport, or front and back copy of green card.

    Have your employer state your salary, if it is $7.50 and hour plus tips, then it should state that. Estimate how much you will earn for the year by figuring your typical average pay per hour times how many hours you work a week, times 52 weeks to get an annual current income total. If you wish to explain yourself, then attach a statement about your 2011 taxes showing below the 125% level because you were living abroad and not working part of the year. Add that you are now working full time and earning enough so your future spouse will not become a public a charge once you are married and living together in the US.

    By the way, if you make $17 an hour, why do you need a co-sponsor? How large is your household size?

    Do you know if it is even possible to have 2 co-sponsors?
  10. The co-sponsor will need have enough income to meet the 125% poverty level requirement for their household size plus the beneficiary. You would each fill out your own separate I-134 forms, and provide a letter from employer, 2011 tax transcript, and a few months worth of their most recent pay stubs. The co-sponsor will also need to provide proof of being a USC or LPR with a copy of a birth certificate, certificate of naturalization, a copy of the bio page of U.S. passport, or front and back copy of green card.

    Have your employer state your salary, if it is $7.50 and hour plus tips, then it should state that. Estimate how much you will earn for the year by figuring your typical average pay per hour times how many hours you work a week, times 52 weeks to get an annual current income total. If you wish to explain yourself, then attach a statement about your 2011 taxes showing below the 125% level because you were living abroad and not working part of the year. Add that you are now working full time and earning enough so your future spouse will not become a public a charge once you are married and living together in the US.

    By the way, if you make $17 an hour, why do you need a co-sponsor? How large is your household size?

    Hi Jay-Kay ,

    My household is just my mother and I,but I need a co-sponsor because last year I only made $5,000 dollars and because my pay stubs show that I make $8.00 dollars and hour ,but if I add my tips I actually make around that ($17 an hour) ..u know what I mean? I wanted to send my 3 year tax-returns and attach a letter stating the reasons why I didn't make much AND have a co-sponsor just in case...what so you think I should do?THANK UUUUUU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP :-)I'M SOOOOO SCARED

  11. Hello everyone,

    I'm trying to get all my package together ,but I have a few questions regarding our co-sponsor situation. Is there a form she needs to fill out stating she will be our co-sponsor?I will also have my employer write a letter stating that I'm a full time employee,BUUUUUUT I'm not sure on how can we word the letter since I'm a server,in other words, I make minimum wage PLUS tips.So , I don't know what to say??Should I say something like ...I make an average of $17 dollars an hour??OMG guys I feel so stressed out and even though I try to stay positive sometimes I have my doubts and I feel like we r going to get denied because I didn't work much last year(I was living with my fiance over seas) and then my co-sponsor she barely met the poverty guidelines for last year....I'm sooooo sad..I don't know what else can I do in order to prove the immigration officer that we are not a couple of freeloaders :-(


  12. Hi all :-)

    I'm going to file for a K1.My question is regarding the tax information.I didn't work for almost 10 months during 2011 (because I was living with my fiancee overseas) and well... obviously my income didn't meet the poverty guidelines,BUT I did pretty good in 2009,2010.So, my question is: Do I still need a co-sponsor or is there a way I can write a letter explaining the reason why my income was so low last year ? thank you for your help.

  13. Correct. A joint sponsor must meet the income requirement for their household plus the intending immigrant. Also, when using the I-134 Affidavit of Support, the sponsor cannot combine incomes to meet the requirement.

    Thank you sooo much for your answer.I have one more question...does the co-sponsor has to live in America? Can we use someone that lives in Brazil ,but works for an international company.

  14. **** Moving from Moving here... to K1 visa forum as this is the visa the OP is going for ****

    Does your friend make over the poverty line for her household plus the immigrant now?

    oh-oh! I don't think so .I mean ,she makes like 30K a year ,but she has 2 kids.OMG! I'm gonna cry right now! So the person needs to make enough money for her household AND the immigrant ,right? even if we r applying for a K1?

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