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Posts posted by Sapphirewng

  1. I am in the same situation. I wasn't sure how to handle it either. My stepfather is co-sponsoring my fiance. When I filled out my I-134, I put "Temporarily laid off due to lack of work." I didn't know what else to put. I put this on the line where they ask for your employer. I sent my tax returns, the letter that shows how much I get from unemployment, and a letter fron the Social Security administration showing how much I receive monthly. (I recieve benefits for my 16 year old son from my previous husband's death.) I was unable to get a letter from my employer where I'm laid off. I tried, but they wouldn't give me one since I am on lay off status. :( My stepfather's income exceeds the poverty limits. I'm just praying that it will work. My fiance's interview is December 4th at the U.S. embassy in Bucharest, Romania. I'm praying he will be approved. I'll certainly let you know how it goes. I've done all I can do, and I'm just trying not to worry. If it is God's will, he'll be approved. Good luck to you! I hope it works out for you too! :)

  2. Just throwing this out there even though I'm pretty sure what the deal is... I was laid off work a couple of weeks ago and my NOA2 is happening any day...I already have a co-sponsor and I expect to be gainfully employed again within the next couple of months. How do I fill out my I-134? I have all the tax returns to prove my earning potential and my co-sponsor earns well above the poverty limit so does anyone have any advice for how to approach this? I will be collecting unemployment benefits but only for a short time.... Any advice is appreciated, thanks!

  3. My fiance just recieved his packet from the U.S. embassy in Bucharest, Romania. He has been telling me the things he needs me to mail to him. First of all, I have recently been laid off from my job due to lack of work. He says I have to mail a letter from my employer stating when I was hired and what my salary is. Will I still be able to get that letter even though I'm laid off now? My income will not be enough now, so I will have to get my stepfather to co-sponsor. My stepfather and my mother have a joint bank account. Will they both need to fill out the I-134, or just my stepfather? My mother does not work, only my stepfather. Also, I have applied for unemployment. Will I need a letter or something from them showing how much I will be getting from unemployment benefits? Also, I get a check from Social Security once a month for my 16 year old son. (His father passed away in 2009.) I assume I will need to get a letter from Social Security stating how much I recieve from them as well? I'm very nervous about all this. I'm so afraid he will be denied now because of my lay off. My fiance called the embassy today and spoke with a consulate. She told him it will be fine if he has a co-sponsor. But I'm still worried. In the packet he recieved, it said that it was optional for the co-sponsor to write a notarized statement declaring their willingness and ability to support my fiance, and also their motive for doing so. Does anyone feel that it would be a good idea for my stepfather to do that? I feel that it might be beneficial. Any advice on all this would be appreciated. Thank you!

  4. We recieved our NOA2 just yesterday. It took us 6 1/2 months! What a terrible feeling it is to have to sit and wait. My heart is with you! Idk why it takes VSC so long, but I definitely agree with the t-shirt idea! Lol!!Me and Mircea pass our time playing Facebook games. Ugh... I'm so sick of Facebook! I wish I had some better advice for you other than to just wait, but I don't. I guess that's all you can do. Try not to dwell too much on it. I guess that's my best advice. I know it's easier said than done though. It's all I can think about. And now we're waiting on the interview. It feels like a neverending wait, but I know this will be over in awhile. It's just very difficult. I feel your pain. Soon you'll have that approval though. :yes:

  5. I have my cr-1 petition at the Vermont Service Center since March 26th 2012. I was getting VERY frustrated since they said their processing time was 5 months. I got depressed after I saw a notice on the USCIS website stating they were overloaded with requests and were trying to redistribute the work along among the various centers.


    Now I have some hope.

    Congrats on your good new!!!!!!!

    Thank you! I'm sure it won't be long at all for you now! :)


    Thank you!!

  6. OMG!!!!! I saw last night that someone said they checked their case status on the USCIS website and they were approved even though they had not recieved an e-mail or text message. So I decided to check mine too, just in case. I've been checking my e-mail at least 4 or 5 times a day for the last few months and my fiance and I have really been getting depressed over the loooong wait. But GUESS WHAT!!! It was there!!! It said, "Post Decision Activity

    On October 4, 2012, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283." YIPPPPEEEEE!!!!! FINALLY!!! We received our NOA1 on March 22, from VSC, so all you March and April waiters, it won't be long!!! Hang in there!!! :) I'M SOOOO HAPPY!!!!

  7. OP, you need to Run your check list with the VJ checklist guide on what to send to your fiancee after the approval. this is a link to the guide


    You can also find more information in your regional forum of the portal page http://www.visajourney.com/consulates/index.php?ctry=Romania&cty=Bucharest

    Good luck and i hope you find the answers your looking for :thumbs:

    Thank you so much for your reply. :) I looked at the second link, but the first one didn't work.

  8. Hi! First of all, let me say Best wishes and the best of luck to everyone with your K1 visas! We're all in this together, and I really am thankful for this website for all the help and encouragement it gives. I can't tell you how much it helps me just reading other people's posts, and knowing that so many others feel the same way me and my fiancee do. We filed in March 2012, at VSC, and we are still waiting on our NOA2. I can honestly say that this is the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with. The waiting is beyond difficult. It's horrible. I miss him so much that I feel like screaming, but what good would it do? I want to do whatever I can to make the process go more quickly. I don't really know what he will need for his interview if they approve our I129 in Vermont. I want to make sure he is prepared for it. I'm really worried about whether or not I make enough money to sponser him. I plan on asking my mother and stepfather to cosponser, but I'm not sure what that entails. How many years worth of tax returns will they need, and do I need to get my stepfather to send that many too? And what about paystubs? How far back will they need to go? And will my stepfather need to send those too? Also, me and my fiancee have been together for over 2 years, but we have only been together in person for 2 weeks. I went to stay with him in Romania for 2 weeks last year. I sent all the e-mails, letters, voice calls, plane tickets, etc. when I mailed the I129. But I know he will need proof of an ongoing relationship when he goes to his interview. We talk hours and hours every day on Yahoo messenger with webcams and voice calls. But we don't have anything else. Since I mailed the I129, we haven't really sent any emails or letters or anything. We just talk on Yahoo through voice call and webcams. He can print the voice calls. Will that be enough? It only shows the amount of time we talked.

  9. First, God plays a huge role! Trusting in Him to lead this journey really helps! Secondly, don't stop living! Do the things you enjoy, hang out with friends, go out , or whatever it is that makes YOU happy. Make plans for the adjustment, places you wish to take him once he arrives, personally I love tackling a room at a time to get our house prepared for his arrival and also planning a traditional wedding which we missed out on. All because it makes me happy :). Try not to focus on the hours, days, months etc. As it will really drag you down when you do so. Live in the moments of love and life! On hold doesn't mean stopping, it's simply a delay, nothing more, nothing less. :)

    Wonderful comment!! :)

  10. Yes, in my situation I have one son, but 50% custody so I am the one who is often alone more than my fiance. My fiance lives with family and is contantly out and about doing things for the family business, etc. So, I had to make an effort (like your Mircea will) to get myself out of the house and do something. The waiting might be killing us inside, but the previous poster is correct, it's all worth it. I wouldnt trade any one of the days in the last 2 years without him for anything in the world, however, staying on the pc all day wishing things were different often made me more sad, and certainly didnt change anything. However, it's funny but as soon as I started to get out more and do things, the process went faster, waiting got a little easier and then when I wasnt expecting it one night I got the text for the NOA2. I hope your NOA2 comes fast, best wishes for you both as well :)

    Your reply made me feel much better. :) Thank you. It's so very hard. And all we can do is wait. But sitting here wishing to be together is very depressing for both of us. We definitely need to find things to do while we wait. Sometimes it feels like getting this visa approved and getting married is just a dream. We both keep holding on to hope. I try to keep the negative thoughts away. He's so helpful to me in remaining positive most of the time. :) Idk what I would do without him.

  11. Sometimes I get caught up with sitting at home and on my computer all day because I miss my fiance, but the truth is...it's so important to get out there and live life while you wait. It's important physically and mentally! You can take this time of waiting to get other things in order in your life or go out and do things so that you have more stories to tell him when you get back home! The same goes for him as well!

    Take care, and best wishes :)

    Thank you! I need to work on that. :) There's so much I need to be doing. I find that I'm neglecting things that I should be doing just because I don't want to be away from him. He tells me all the time that he doesn't want to keep me away from what I need to do. And I know he doesn't. It's just me. I miss him when I'm not talking to him and I know he misses me. It's just a very difficult way to live. We both know we aren't the only ones struggling with this problem, and it helps me so much to hear from others that are dealing with the same thing. I really appreciate all the comments. I pray that this "visa journey" will be over soon for all of us, and that we'll be with the one we love.

  12. waiting must be bad if youre really craving or excited for something but remember guys we are going to wait in order for us to be together happily and if we notice waiting is worth it :) We are maybe in the stage of waiting bvut we have to remmeber that after this with all God help,We will be in good hands and offcourse to our love of our life!!

    Yes! You're right! The wait will definitely be worth it! :)

  13. Wow, you sound like my clone. HAHAHA I am US, my fiance is Romania, and I havent seen him since March. I did get my NOA2 recently though, but I can tell you I know EXACTLY what you are going through. "Life in Limbo" is what I call it. It really sucks. Getting out and about and still living life is the best advice I can give you. I have gone through phases of sitting at home on the pc all day and then phases of us both getting out (but still talking twice daily). It is much more enjoyable to get out and live life and come home and be happy to see eachother instead of the hours of staring and wishing you could spend the day together. "Preoccupation" with other things is the best soul food for this situation I have found...and a little faith and hope mixed in as well of course. Hugs for you, I know it is hard, and noone but us on this site know what it's truly like. I know that for sure! (L):)

    Thank you so much for your comment! I know there are many more that are going through the same thing. You're right about noone knowing what it's like except those of us that are going through it. Maybe Mircea and I can come up with some ideas of things we can do to get our minds off of this for awhile. Congratulations on your NOA2! That's GREAT news! I wish you much happiness together! :)

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